142. Give me 10 Principles

When she was walking toward the door, the night was about to shift into morning and the sky was bright orange. And something was sweetly composed and orchestrated when that old man called by her name "Aruna" right before she touched the door handle, "Your first challenge, bring your Oma back here, in this room," Aruna, who didn't have any idea what had happened previously, just nodded to agree with, bent her head and left the door behind her. 

"Principles! Give me ten of your life principles. The ones you keep strongly until the last breath. That's the first requirement to get the chance," 

"Err..does it have to be ten, Opa?" 

"Out of ten, I will select into five, and then one major conclusion." 

As she went out of that main room, she could clearly recall every word she discussed with that scary old man, the old man who has been leading a very big company, the only family asset, for so many years with his big ambition.