Love in the Dark

Six months pass; Beatrice and Beerus have started dating, in secret to avoid the others' questions and interference. It's a late Friday night and Beerus is waiting for Beatrice, in an agreed location. After a short while, Beatrice arrives wearing a red dress with a crystal belt to match, leaving Beerus enamoured.

"You look... incredible, Beatrice." Beerus compliments

"Thank you, Beerus. You look spectacular yourself." Beatrice returns the compliment

Beerus then takes Beatrice's hand and puts his empty hand on her cheek. He then kisses Beatrice's lips as she eases into the kiss. The pair then separate as Beatrice hears footsteps.

"I think someone's coming." Beatrice informs

"Let's leave then, we'll teleport somewhere else. Hold on tight." Beerus responds

Beatrice holds on as Beerus transports himself and her to their private garden. Beatrice then starts giggling.

"That was fun, that rush." Beatrice says, giggling after

"I'm happy you liked it; I hate seeing you unhappy." Beerus responds

Beatrice then gets closer.

"I don't like seeing you unhappy either, Beerus."

"I love you, Beatrice."

"I love you too, Beerus."

Beatrice then kisses Beerus' lips, holding his hand simultaneously. Beerus then puts his fingers through Beatrice's hair, making her moan at the touch. Beatrice then strokes Beerus' back, earning the same response. The pair then separate as Beatrice is reminded of what happened six months prior. Beerus is quick to notice to sudden separation.

"Are you okay, Beatrice?"

"Just a mental reminder of six months ago. That's all, it's not you."

"Do you want me to talk to them?"

"No, I've already done that and they didn't take it well. I just don't want you getting hurt because of me."

Beerus quickly realises that Beatrice is slightly scared of sexual activity thanks to Vegeta and Bulma. Beerus then takes Beatrice into his arms, soothing her frayed nerves.

"Could I sleep with you tonight? I want you by my side."

"Sure, let's go to my bedroom."

Beatrice holds on as Beerus transports them to Beerus' bed. After a short while, they fall asleep in each other's arms. Late morning arrives and Beatrice awakens, noticing that Beerus isn't with her. Then, Beerus enters the room with breakfast on a tray and gives it to Beatrice.

"Good morning, babe. I've got you some breakfast." Beerus greets

"Good morning and thank you, bae." Beatrice responds

"Do you want me to leave?"

"You don't have to if you don't want to. You're welcome to stay, if desired."

Beerus then sits next to Beatrice, putting his arm around her.

"Who made the breakfast?"

"I asked Chi-Chi since she's the only one who remembers your dietary requirements."

"Could you tell Chi-Chi I said thanks?"

"Yes, I will."

Beatrice starts eating and finishes a short while later. Beatrice then puts her empty plates on the bedside table and turns to Beerus.

"Could you please kiss my neck?"

"Are you sure Beatrice?"

"Yes, I'm sure."

Beerus then strokes Beatrice's neck and kisses the stroked area, making her hot. Beatrice then pushes Beerus back gently then kisses his neck, earning the same response. Beatrice then goes on top of Beerus, making him moan in pleasure.

"What do you want now, baby?"

"You, I want you all to myself."

Beerus then kisses Beatrice, stroking her back and side. Then...

"I'm guessing that you want the same."

"Yes, Beerus, I want you to..."

Beatrice then goes to Beerus' ear.

"Fuck me, and fuck me hard." Beatrice whispers before kissing Beerus' neck, making him hard

"Your wish is my command."

Beerus then switches places, pinning Beatrice to the bed as her magic gets them both ready for action; he then kisses Beatrice's neck as he enters her kingdom. He starts slow and gets her more turned on. After a short while, Beerus goes faster and harder, kissing Beatrice as she moans out. Beatrice then moves Beerus' face to her neck, allowing her to breathe. Beerus then kisses and licks Beatrice's breast, making her moan louder and harder.

"Please, keep going... you're so good~"

"I'm not finished yet. Get your face down and ass up."

Beerus pulls out as Beatrice does as she's told. Beerus then uses his tongue, preparing Beatrice for anal sex. Beatrice quickly realises that one of her sexual fantasies is coming to life.

"Ready?" Beerus asks

"More than ready." Beatrice assures

Beerus goes inside, making Beatrice moan briefly. He then covers her mouth as he kisses her neck and goes faster, using the empty hand to squeeze her breast and stroke down to her... Beerus soon puts his fingers inside, for Beatrice to melt at the cold touch. Losing control, Beatrice leans back and moans again. Beerus then speeds his fingers up. He then uncovers Beatrice's mouth.

"Please, just make me come. This feels like a dream..." Beatrice instructs

Beerus then covers her mouth again and goes faster. After a few hours, both climax and slow down. They then stop and Beerus uncovers Beatrice's mouth.

"Baby, that was so good..."

'And so were you...'

The pair then share a tired kiss, slowly separating from their position. As they finish with their separation, Beatrice's magic redresses the pair and cleans them up. Beatrice then turns to Beerus and takes his hand. Beerus then puts his hand on her cheek and kisses her before...

"I think we should go downstairs; the others will wonder where we are." Beerus informs

"When are we going to tell them? We can't keep hiding it." Beatrice asks

"I think they'll work it out on their own. If they have a problem with it, that's their loss."

Beatrice breathes and joins Beerus in a different area of the room. As for Chi-Chi, she's downstairs waiting for Beerus and Beatrice to come down. Having worked the pair out, she goes up to Beerus' bedroom and knocks the door. As for Beerus and Beatrice, they hear the door knocking.

"Hello, is everything alright in there?" Chi-Chi asks

"Yes, everything's fine." Beatrice answers

"You can both talk to me; I won't breathe a word."

"Come on in, Chi-Chi." Beerus responds

Chi-Chi enters the room, noticing the pair together near the window. Beerus then turns to her.

"How do you know about us?'

"I was the one looking for you both last night and besides, I've already worked you both out."

"Are you actually going to keep this away from the others' ears?" Beatrice asks, in doubt

"I wouldn't say I'd keep it secret if I didn't mean it. Why don't you want to tell the others?"

"We've agreed to let them work it out on their own; if they have a problem, it's their loss."

Chi-Chi is quick to notice that Beatrice disagrees with this idea. Beerus also notices the same thing.

"I think this idea would cause more drama than intended. I can't shake how I'm feeling since it's the same thing that Vegeta and Bulma did before 'falling in love' with me."

"I'm agreeing with Beatrice, Beerus. Even dropping hints has the potential to cause unintended drama."

"So you're both saying that being upfront about this will be best?"

"Yes, we are." Beatrice and Chi-Chi say in unison

Beatrice then turns to Beerus, holding his face in her hands.

"I know you're scared, I am too. But I'm sure that this will be better than hiding it and make us closer."

Having more confidence in the situation, Beerus hugs Beatrice, kissing her. The pair then separate and go downstairs, hand in hand with Chi-Chi following behind them. The pair are soon noticed walking hand in hand by Goku and Goten, of whom points them out.

"Beerus has a girlfriend!" Goten shouts out

Everyone quickly turns to Beatrice and Beerus, causing them to blush. This irritates Vegeta and Bulma, causing them to silently devise a plan to break them up.

"Congratulations, Beatrice and Beerus." Someone says

Everyone turns to the door and notice two people coming inside.

"Hello, Krillin and 18. What're you doing here?" Chi-Chi greets, asking

"We heard about Beerus and Beatrice and thought we'd see what's going on." Krillin answers

"Who's Beatrice?" C-18 asks

"That's the woman standing next to Beerus; she's Beerus' new girlfriend." Goku answers

"Wait, isn't Beatrice the Spellcaster everyone's been talking about?"

"Yep, that's right."

"Umm... hi?" Beatrice greets, nervously

C-18 then approaches Beatrice.

"Hello, you must be Beatrice. I'm 18, Krillin's wife." C-18 greets

C-18 then puts her hand out as an introduction. Reluctantly, Beatrice shakes her hand.

"Hi, yep, I'm Beatrice."

The two women then stop shaking hands and C-18 steps back.

"It's lovely meeting you, Beatrice. Beerus, it's lovely seeing you again and congratulations on your search."

"Thank you, 18." Beerus responds

C-18 nods before turning and walking back to Krillin. Soon, Trunks runs in with a young girl chasing him and stops as he sees Beatrice, causing the young girl to bump into him.

"What did I miss?" Trunks asks, confused

"Hi, who's the woman next to Beerus?" The young girl asks

"That's Beatrice, she's great!"

"I want to meet her, you coming?"


Trunks and the young girl go to Beatrice and she kneels down to their level.

"Hey there, Trunks. Who's your friend?" Beatrice asks

"This is Marron, she wanted to meet you." Trunks asks

"Umm... hi?" Marron greets, nervously

"Hi there, Marron. I'm Beatrice. I won't hurt you, I'm nice."

Reluctantly, Marron puts her hand out for Beatrice to shake. Beatrice gently takes Marron's hand and shakes it as she looks into her eyes, reading her personality. Marron then hugs Beatrice and she returns it. The pair then separate as C-18 approaches them.

"You're great with children, Beatrice. I'm impressed." C-18 Compliments

"Thanks, 18. Is Marron your daughter? Beatrice responds, asking

"Yes, Marron's my daughter."

Unbeknownst to Beatrice and C-18, Beerus has noticed this and is enamoured by how Beatrice handled the situation.

'She would be a great mother.' Beerus thinks to himself

Vegeta notices this and starts talking to Bulma.

"We could use that against those two." Vegeta whispers to Bulma

Krillin hears this and starts watching them as they start giggling to themselves.

'They're gonna wreck this romance Beatrice has got.' Krillin thinks

Beatrice is quick to read Krillin's thought and races to him.

"Are you okay, Krillin?" Beatrice asks, concerned

"Vegeta and Bulma are bad news for your relationship with Beerus." Krillin responds, being sudden and abrupt

"Why, what did you hear?"

"I heard them saying about using something to break you two up."

"Thank you for telling me, I appreciate your concern. I'd recommend seeing what happens next because, I reckon that they're just jealous because I'm having sex with someone I love and not just for their personal gain."

"Wait, they've used you in that way?"

"Yep, but I've put that behind me and now have someone that'll treat me right."

"That's true, Beerus knows how to treat women."

Beatrice is quickly more enamoured by this.

"I think I'll let you get back with your boyfriend."

"Okay, I'll see you later then Krillin."

"See you later, Beatrice."

Beatrice then goes to Beerus.

"Hey, baby. How are you?" Beatrice greets, asking

Beatrice then kisses Beerus' cheek.

"I'm feeling great now that you're back." Beerus answers

Beerus then kisses Beatrice, stroking her back. The pair separate briefly.

"Baby, I was only with Krillin across the room."

"You're still hard to forget with that angelic personality of yours."

The pair then start kissing again, with Beatrice stroking the side closest to the wall, causing Beerus to lowly moan. Vegeta and Bulma notice this.

"They look really close. Are you sure this is gonna work?" Bulma points out, asking

"I'm sure of it, we've managed to get Beatrice into giving us what we want. All we need to do is break them up so we have her back." Vegeta responds

Beatrice is quick to realise what their plan entails and get angered by it as she looks at them. Beerus is quick to notice and become concerned.

"Are you okay, Bea?" Beerus asks

"Krillin's told me that Vegeta and Bulma are bad news for us and I've just realised what they're planning to do." Beatrice admits

"What's their plan?"

"They're planning to break us up. Now, I thought that they were just jealous of us earlier. Now, I'm not too sure about it."

"They want to start using you again. But I won't let that happen, their mind games won't work with me."

"Are you sure? They sound like they know what they're doing."

"They don't. They've tried this before and failed, getting caught in the act."

"You're confident that this will fail too?"

"Yes, I'm sure. Besides, they are jealous of us, they make it so obvious by how they hold themselves."

"Only 'cause I'm giving my sexual services to you."

Beerus then holds Beatrice's face as she starts crying.

"Baby, you're letting me have sex with you because you love me. I was able to tell that from the start. Besides, you're not giving me a 'service', you're giving me your love and passion. I wouldn't return it if I didn't feel the same."

Beerus then wipes Beatrice's tears away and kisses her, hugging Beatrice to calm her frayed nerves. This further irritates Vegeta and Bulma.

"Let's start this. But when?" Bulma asks

"Tonight. They're having a picnic together and would want some privacy." Vegeta answers

"I'm sure they wouldn't like having their privacy invaded."

Vegeta and Bulma then start giggling to themselves, causing Krillin to become more concerned and angered. Night falls and Beerus is in the private garden, waiting for Beatrice as he sets up the picnic for them both. Beatrice soon arrives, wearing a more casual get-up, causing Beerus to look up and become enamoured.

"Wow, Beatrice. You look... fantastic, beautiful in fact." Beerus compliments

Beerus then goes to Beatrice and she kisses him. They separate...

"Thank you, you look rather dashing yourself." Beatrice compliments

Beerus then growls flirtatiously and kisses Beatrice again. Then they separate again.

"Who's the picnic for? It looks delicious."

"It's for us, I thought we could have our dinner tonight and spend time together."

Beatrice then sits down on the blanket.

"Ooh, simple and minimalistic. I like it. How did you know?"

"I took some advice from Chi-Chi. Do you want to eat?"

"Oh yes please."

"Besides, tonight is all about us. No liars or people backstabbing."

"Just what I'd like to hear."

Beerus then sits next to Beatrice and puts his arm around her waist, taking hold of her hand with the empty one. Unbeknownst to the pair, Vegeta and Bulma are watching them from behind a bush. Beatrice then feels their presence, becoming uncomfortable. Beerus is quick to notice this.

"Are you okay?" Beerus asks, concerned

"I can feel someone's presence; it feels like two people are watching us." Beatrice answers

"I think I know who. Stay here."

Beerus then looks around and finds Vegeta and Bulma hiding in a bush.

"What are you two doing here?" Beerus asks, unimpressed

"Just enjoying the scenery, that's all." Bulma responds

"Stop it, I know about your little plan to try and break us up. You're wasting your time, because I won't let either of you use Beatrice again. Yes, I know about that too. Now, go home and leave us alone."

Without further discussion, Vegeta and Bulma go home as Beerus returns back to Beatrice. Beatrice is quick to notice Beerus' frustration.

"Baby, are you okay?" Beatrice asks, concerned

"Vegeta and Bulma were watching us from a bush; I've sent them home." Beerus answers

"Thank you, Beerus. Just please, don't let them get to you; tonight's about us after all."

"That's true, my diamond."

"Oh, well I'm not a diamond."

"You are to me, Beatrice. Your happiness is all that matters to me and I'll do anything to keep you that way."

Beerus then kisses Beatrice, stroking her side and putting his fingers through her hair, causing her to moan as she lays back and starts stroking Beerus' back, earning the same response. The pair then separate and start eating again, with Beatrice using a strawberry as a tool to aid her manoeuvre. She slowly bites into the strawberry, making Beerus'... go hard. After a few flirtatious bites, Beatrice finishes the strawberry and crawls to Beerus, of whom is hot and wanting action.

"Looks like someone wants some oral sex. His friend is up and ready."

"Oh, you wouldn't dare."

"Oh yes I would. I don't want you to come without me there.'

Beerus lays back as Beatrice's magic removes the bottom half of his get-up, letting his... spring free. Beatrice then starts licking and playing with Beerus' balls, making him moan.

"Start sucking my dick, please, I'm begging you. Oh..."

"Your wish is my command."

Beatrice starts sucking Beerus'... and strokes his thigh simultaneously. Soon, Beerus cups Beatrice's head in his hand, deep throating her and coming in her mouth shortly after. After swallowing the juice, she moves away and goes to Beerus' ear.

"You've turned me on, now it's your turn. Let me come in your mouth." Beatrice whispers

Beatrice then lays back, using her magic to remove the bottom half of her get-up. Beerus then starts licking and sucking, searching for Beatrice's sweet spot. Then...

"Oh my, yes... right there..."

Beerus keeps licking and caressing the same spot, for Beatrice to come in his mouth shortly after. Soon after, the pair separate and Beatrice's magic redresses them.

"I think we need to finish eating, before some ants take our food." Beerus informs

"Although it is tempting to continue, you're right. Let's finish our food."

After a few hours, they finally finish eating, clean up and go home. They soon arrive and bump into Chi-Chi en route.

"Hello, you two. How was the food?" Chi-Chi greets, asking

"The food was great, thanks Chi-Chi." Beatrice answers

"You both look tired. Did something else happen? Sex, maybe?"

"Yes, that's what else happened. Anyway, I think we should get some sleep now."

"Okay, I'll take the basket and you two get some rest."

"Thanks again, Chi-Chi and see you in the morning." Beerus responds

"See you in the morning, you two."

The pair then go upstairs to Beerus' room and lay on the bed, under the covers. Beerus then moves Beatrice's hair out of her face and kisses her.

"Goodnight, babe." Beerus says

"Goodnight, baby." Beatrice responds

Beerus and Beatrice then fall asleep, oblivious about the future.