
Trevor called me up to his office just as I was about to go out to do the laundry. I put down the laundry basket inside the door and hurried upstairs. Since it was inside the house I knew he wouldn't do anything to me right now, but I still worried about what he might be planning.

"Close the door", he said as soon as I entered. I did, then stood silently before him. I preferred to avoid speaking to him as much as I could, so that I wouldn't have to say his title.

"I will be receiving an important guest some time later today, a business associate. You will do everything you can to offer him companionship and to make him feel welcome, including in your bed. If you fail to fully satisfy all of his needs, you will get to experience hell for one full week. Understood?", he said sternly.

I tried to avoid showing any reaction. I didn't want him to know how what he did affected me, but I couldn't prevent my ears and tail from from twitching. Trevor caught the motion and his lips twisted into a wicked smile.

I thought being abused by Trevor was bad enough, but being shared by his friends would was more degrading than anything he put me through so far, and I couldn't refuse. I didn't have the strength to last even three days last time, so I didn't dare to defy him when the price was even worse pain for more than double the amount of time.

I nodded.

"Good. Dismissed", he said while making a shooing motion with his hand. He had barely glanced at me since I came into the room, instead focusing his attention on the papers on his desk.

I left and continued with my usual routine. Trevor didn't say that I needed to make any special preparations for the guest, and I wasn't inclined to do so out of my own initiative. Besides, if I did, I'd have to do it at the expense of today's laundry, which would leave me with an even greater workload tomorrow.

While I worked, I thought. Trevor kept inventing new way of hurting me, and now he was having me perform the duties of a pleasure-slave. He was never going to let me go, but if he did, it would be when he grew bored with me. Then, it was most likely that he would take me to the city to sell me off as a pleasure-slave to some random slave trader, then return home to deliver the news to my parents so that they could suffer from worrying about my fate for the rest of their lives.

Father would likely try to find me so that he could buy me back, but it was doubtful as to whether he would even be able to find me, and he might not be able to afford the price. Meanwhile I will spend decades serving one man after another until I forgot who I was, while being conditioned with rewards and punishments as if I really were just an animal.

My stomach twisted and turned as I imagined my future, yet I couldn't refuse to play my part. The thought of the pain I would suffer if I did terrified me.

I was in the middle of cleaning the upstairs floor when I heard footsteps outside. I put down the broom and went to open the door at the same time that the new arrival knocked loudly on it.

"Hey, Trevor, I'm here!", the man called out.

I opened the door and saw a handsome large man with a square jaw and sandy hair standing outside. Trevor didn't receive many guests anymore, so this must be the business associate he ordered me to welcome. Remembering the punishment Trevor promised in return for failure, I tried to smile at him.

"Welcome. Would you like to wait in the sitting room while I inform the master of your arrival?", I asked.

"Sure, lead the way", the man said and followed me in. I could feel his gaze on my hips and bottom, but didn't react. Although I was supposed to, I didn't want to encourage him, and although I didn't like it, I was too afraid to reject him.

He sat down on a couch and I went upstairs to inform Trevor.

"Give him some refreshments and tell him that I'll be down soon. Don't forget the orders I gave you", he said.

I took off the head covering and apron that I wore for cleaning, then went to the sitting room to deliver the news before fetching tea, cake, and cookies. I placed them on the small table in front of the couch, then sat next to him to personally serve them to him. I tried to appear nonchalant while pouring the tea, but my tail swayed nervously in the air behind me.

"Here you go", I said while handing him the cup.

"Thanks", he said. His hands enveloped mine while he took it. "Name's Marcus, by the way. What's yours?".

"Vivian", I replied. So far he at least seemed nice, but that somehow made me more nervous. I didn't want to end up liking what I was being made to do.

"Nice to meet you. Did Trevor buy you recently? I don't remember seeing you here last year", he said.

"I was a gift from his father", I said. Marcus raised his eyebrows in appreciation.

"An expensive gift, by the look of you", he said. I shrugged.

"I was born into the house, so it cost him nothing".

"A lucky man. Both of them, that is", Marcus said.

Trevor came down a few minutes later. I stayed by Marcus's side, pouring him drinks while the two men talked about things I was unfamiliar with, although it didn't sound like business. Like father, Trevor liked to confine business talk to his office.

Seeing Trevor in the company of another man, someone who wasn't involved in family affairs, who was unaware of Trevor's treatment of me, was surreal. Trevor seemed like a completely different man than usual, as if he were kind and friendly. It took me back to the old days, before he revealed his true nature.