
I woke up late, after dawn, but since there was nothing to do, I chose not to move until I heard Jacob unlock the door of the master bedroom. When I woke up the outside was much more quiet, but by the time Jacob woke up the noise had greatly intensified. It seemed the people of this city mostly slept in, whereas back home you'd have to rise at sunrise to be able to prepare breakfast on time, and to take care of all the animals who had to eat too.

I quickly put on my headscarf again and wrapped a scarf around my neck, before he could open my door and catch a glimpse of my ears or collar, then stood at attention like a slave. I didn't know what the local customs were with regards to slaves, and I didn't want to appear to be one, but it was a matter of habit. Besides, it was appropriate given that I was a trespasser and a prisoner.