Magic Teacher

After I learned how to make ice cream I would indulge in it occasionally, but when I was avoiding Jacob I would drown my sorrows in it and eat it every day. Once we resolved the issues between us, I no longer felt such a strong need to eat ice cream, and after eating so much the novelty of it also somewhat wore off. In addition, as the weather grew colder it felt less refreshing, and I found myself craving a hot cup of tea instead. That wasn't to say that I completely stopped eating it, but where before I might have eaten an entire batch in two or three days, I now rationed it so that it would last for a few weeks. As a result, my bloated waistline slowly shrank back to its usual dimensions, and I no longer felt like my body was trying to squeeze its way out of my clothes. However, I couldn't help but notice a little disappointment in Jacob's eyes, especially when they rested on my chest.