Suitable Apparel

When I went downstairs after breaking in our bed, I found the same receptionist sitting behind the marble counter. When he saw me, his expression subtly shifted, and I felt that he regarded me with a modicum of more respect, owing to my cleaner appearance and the nicer clothes that I had put on.

"How can I help you, sir?"

"I need proper clothes for myself and my companion. Is there any good tailor you can recommend?"

"Yes, sir. I can recommend Madam Emilia Baldwin. Her shop isn't too far from here, and she is known to produce clothes both for young gentlemen and their inhuman servants."

"That sounds perfect. Thank you."

I wrote down his directions, then returned upstairs to find Vivian waiting for me in her Prandian shift and undergarments. While I was gone she had cleaned and organized the room, fixing whatever little mess we had managed to make in the short time we were there. I shared the news with her.