
I sat on the chair facing the door and waited. It didn't take long for Dean Hathaway to arrive. She took the seat opposite me.

"Hello, I'm dean Hathaway. I'll be evaluating your current abilities to determine first of all whether you are even eligible to enroll in the academy, and secondly what your current level is. The better you perform in these tests, the higher the level at which you will be able to start each of your classes, thus sparing you time, effort, money, and boredom," She explained. "Well then, let's get started. Boil the water in that teacup as quickly as you can."

I stuck the finger of my right hand in the water of the right cup and focused, finding the mysterious source of magic inside me, drawing out as much of it as I could, channeling it to my finger, and converting it into heat. Within moments the water started to bubble and spill over. The dean wrote a note on a pad of paper.