

"Well, that was disgusting," I said as soon as we returned to the privacy of our room. I immediately took off my clothes and went to lie down in bed. Too bad there wasn't anything like television here.

"You mean what he was making poor Nila do when we entered?"

"Yeah, and that was definitely not by accident. He made us wait outside, then let us in when he was ready." Vivian sighed.

"I asked Nila about it. It's obviously not an easy topic, but she said he does it to show people of lower status just how much lower they are. Just like being seen in that situation by animals doesn't bother him, so too being seen like that by us doesn't bother him. It's something like a negotiation tactic to hurt your confidence and make you uncomfortable."

"Well, it made me uncomfortable, but I don't think it helped him push me around. I was more annoyed and disgusted than anything."

"So what do we do now?" Vivian asked.