Intermission - Alexis (2)

Once they were outside the city walls Alexis opened the curtains again and enjoyed the cool breeze whipping past her face. Sunrise was swiftly approaching and the landscape was suffused with a soft glow that kept getting brighter and brighter.

Eventually the open expanses turned into forest and the trees whipped by the carriage window at a breathtaking pace. It's been a long time since Alexis got to travel like this and she found it refreshing and exhilarating. Suddenly the carriage stopped, sending Alexis flying forward into Velma.

"Ambush!" The captain of the guard shouted.

Immediately there was the scraping of swords being pulled out of their scabbards, and the whistling and thumping of arrows. The carriage started turning, but then the driver sprouted an arrow in his chest and fell sideways onto the seat while his lungs filled with blood, choking him.