Intermission – Alexis (9)

The guards unshackled the two young ladies, then threw them into the cell and the slammed the door shut behind them. The room used to be a servant's quarters but was obviously remodeled by the rebels to serve as a prison cell. It sported a single bed, a single chamber pot, bars on the window, and a heavy wooden door with a little window with iron bars. There was nothing else there.

The young ladies pulled themselves up to the their feet, Vivian even more painfully than Diva, and then Diva grabbed Alexis and wrapped her in a tight hug. Despite her captivity, the slim girl still possessed strength. Alexis hugged her back. At least this time she had a real person, let alone a friend, with whom to share her burden. Perhaps this was the true reason she was here. Perhaps the gods had sent her to help Diva in her time of need.