Chapter 65

Hearing the knock on the door, Xiaoyu hurriedly gets up from Chen Mo's arms, arranges his beddress, snorts and runs back to the room with a red face.

Chen Mo shakes his head and smiles, and stands up from the sofa.

Just opened the door, I saw a middle-aged man in a suit standing at the door, smiling at him. The man's skin is swarthy, but his eyes are full of authority. His breath is very fierce, and he doesn't look like an ordinary person.

"Hello, Mr. Chen mo." The middle-aged man didn't wait for Chen Mo to ask. He quickly introduced himself: "my name is Li Chengzhi. I'm sorry to disturb you so late."

"What can I do for you?"

Chen Mo looks at him. He is sure that he hasn't met this man. He is also slightly wary. After all, it's an eventful time.

The other party knows his address and should have paid special attention to him.

"Can you talk inside?" Li Chengzhi said with a smile, "don't be nervous. I have no malice. I'm the only one who comes here to talk about business."

"Chen Mo, guest, don't you invite others in?" While they were looking at each other, Xiaoyu changed his clothes and came out of the room.

"Sorry, I don't want to talk about business now. If you can, you can go to our company tomorrow. "

When Chen Mo finished, he would close the door.

"Wait." Li Chengzhi stops Chen Mo's action, takes out a certificate from his pocket and puts it in front of Chen Mo: "in fact, I don't want to disturb you so late, but it's really special."


Chen Mo takes a look at the certificate and looks serious.

At home, it's not a small matter that involves the military. He didn't expect that someone would come to him. Needless to say, it must be for the technology of his intelligent assistant.

"May I go in and sit down?" Li Chengzhi said with a smile.

"Come in." Chen Mo thought and said.

"Have some water." As soon as Li Chengzhi sat down on the sofa, Xiaoyu brought a cup of boiled water.

"Xiaoyu, go to bed first. I'll talk to him about something."


Xiaoyu nodded, didn't ask much, and went back to the room. Chen Mo puts his eyes on Li Chengzhi again, and his face is still calm.

"Very nice girl, Mr. Chen Mo is very lucky." After Xiaoyu left, Li Chengzhi said: "this time, there are mainly two things. The first thing is to invite you to the Academy of engineering. "

"And the second?"

Chen Mo's face is expressionless. He hasn't really confirmed the identity of the other party, so he just listened. After all, forgery of documents has gone on a lot, and some bold people are not excluded from taking this risk.

"The second is to make a deal with you in exchange for your company's smart assistant technology. Fair trade, what conditions do you have, you can put forward. " Li Chengzhi's posture is very low, as he said, to talk about business.

Chen Mo is not surprised. From the beginning of the other party's identity, he guessed the other party's purpose.

Siri's source is the Calo program released by the advanced research planning agency of the U.S. Department of defense, a digital assistant with learning, organization, and cognitive abilities that makes the military simple and complex.

The civil software derived from this plan is Siri. In the end, Siri was purchased by apple for 200 million dollars, and now it is Siri, the mobile assistant of apple.

The domestic military will certainly have similar plans, but they have not announced them to the public.

Smart assistant is more advanced and powerful than Siri, and the technology in it is close to the needs of the military. If we can get the technology of intelligent assistant, the research progress in this area will be greatly accelerated, and the research of national artificial intelligence will also be accelerated.

Some time ago, the state has incorporated artificial intelligence into its national development strategy. The emergence of intelligent assistant will surely make the country pay attention to its existence.

"Fair trade, your conditions, within our ability, will try our best to meet. Of course, if the little brother is not willing to trade, we are not reluctant. "

Li Chengzhi looks at the contemplative Chen Mo and raises a heart. If Chen Mo refuses, the next thing will be a little difficult. After all, in their investigation, Chen Mo is a true genius with unlimited future.

"How can I confirm your identity?"

Chen Mo didn't have too much mood fluctuation. This matter is very important. His identity is uncertain and the consequences are very serious.

"Here's my identification." Li Chengzhi takes out the certificate from his pocket and hands it to Chen mo.

"I've just read it. I can't prove it."

Chen Mo had to be cautious about this. He admired the people's soldiers, but after all, he didn't contact senior military personnel. This is the first time.

For Chen Mo's question, Li Chengzhi did not get angry, but smiled. Look at Chen Mo's eyes, more appreciative.

"It's hard to prove. Let's say your conditions first. I'll go back and reflect. I'll come to you tomorrow. " Said Li Chengzhi.

"When you prove your identity, I'll make another condition. Go to my company to find me tomorrow." Chen Mo said."OK, see you next time." Li Chengzhi is not ambiguous either. He gets up and leaves.

After Li Chengzhi left, Chen Mo closed the door and entered the room.

Xiaoyu leans on the bed with headphones to play with his mobile phone. Seeing Chen Mo coming in, he puts down his mobile phone: "go to sleep."


Chen Mo climbed to the bed and hugged her from behind: "Xiaoyu, move there this weekend."

Today, Li Chengzhi came to him to find a problem. He is no longer an ordinary person. If his competitors want to trouble him, it is not very safe here.

In a high-end community, there are many rich people living there, so the security will be better.

"Well, listen to you." Xiaoyu nods in Chen's silence.

"You promised? Why not? " Chen Mo thought that Xiaoyu had let him stay here for a long time, but now he said that Xiaoyu agreed.

"What you promised me will not change easily. Since there must be a reason for the change, why do I ask so many questions? Moving is not a big deal. There's no need to object. I just think that the house is too big for me to be tired of cleaning later. If you had known that it was you who wanted to buy it, you would have chosen a smaller one. " Xiaoyu said.

"And me."


Their bedside whispers gradually calmed down, and they were silent all night.

The next day Chen Mo finished his breakfast and rushed to the company with Xiaoyu. As soon as I arrived at the company, I saw the employees around me smiling and talking with the people nearby.

This kind of situation, in this period of time, rarely occurs.

"Good chairman." When two employees saw Chen Mo and Xiaoyu, they hurried to say hello.

"What's the good news for the company today?"

"Chairman, don't you know? This morning, all the rumors on the Internet about defacing our company disappeared. It's said that the heads of the naval companies were arrested. It's said on the Internet that those who bought the scuffle company were arrested


Chen Mo is also surprised, as if everything came too suddenly.

"You go to work."


After saying goodbye to Xiaoyu, Chen Mo returns to his office area.

"Mo nu."

"Brother Mo, here comes Mo nu."

"You can check an officer's card for me. The number is..." Just after turning on the computer, Chen Mo said the serial number of Li Chengzhi's officer card recorded yesterday.

The comments on the Internet about the defamation of marching ants suddenly disappeared. His first thought was related to the visit of Li Chengzhi last night.

He had to identify himself like this. After all, he had to be careful about the military. If the identity of the other party is fake, he will be in trouble.

"Brother Mo, the information has been found."

As soon as Mo NV's immature voice fell, a file immediately appeared on the computer desktop.