Chapter 70

"Another island country?"

Chen Mo frowns. He remembers that during this period of time, the company has suffered a lot of network attacks, many from island IP.

"It's the last podono fan." Said Mo nu.

Chen Mo's face twitches. He is impressed by the hacker.

Last time, Mo Nu was asked to copy all the computer materials of the hackers. As a result, all the small films, posters and seeds of podono were copied back from the hackers' computers in this island country. From debut to the latest works, there is no omission.

"Why did he come again?" Chen Mo is a little confused. Isn't the last lesson enough?

"He stole the information last time and went back to crack it. After he solved it, the virus in the computer, the movies in the hard disk collection, posters and seeds were all gone." Said Mo nu.

Chen Mo is almost amused when she listens to Mo nu. This guy doesn't invade the company's servers for revenge, does he?

"Mo Nu, in the fake database, open a port for him to enter. Now that he has come, let him go empty handed and give him a present. "

Chen Mo thought about it and laughed. Now there's nothing else, just play with him.

"What gift?" Asked Mo nu.

"You make up a stealth virus program and let him take it. Put the potono movie in the binding, encrypt the file, and let them go back to crack it. "

Chen Mo would like to know how wonderful the hacker's face would be when he spent a lot of time, worked hard to crack and saw a small movie of Bordeaux on the computer screen.

"OK, brother mo." Said Mo nu.

In just one minute, Mo Nu successfully created the fake database. According to Chen Mo, Mo Nu opens a hidden port for the hacker to successfully invade.

In a dark room in a corner of Kyoto, the island country, there is a smell of putrefaction. The walls are covered with posters of female actors, all of which are the most popular female actors today.

In front of the computer, sat a man, fingers on the keyboard, eyebrows locked, face in the computer's fluorescent mapping, looks pale and gloomy.

On the next computer, there was a movie, and the room was filled with the sound of vasodilation.

All of a sudden, the man's brow stretched out, revealing his white teeth, which was very strange.

The invasion, which had no progress at all, suddenly found a back door of the other party, which made his invasion successful.

After copying all the data and erasing all the traces, the man came out triumphantly. Before leaving, he still put the virus into the database.

Last time, the virus in the computer and the hard-earned films were all destroyed. This time, he was revenged in addition to stealing information.

Looking at the encrypted data, the man didn't break it. Unplug the USB stick on the computer and can't wait to dial a number.

(Japanese) Mr. Nakamura, you have got what you want The man was very excited.

"Soga, I'll go to you now." At the other end of the cell phone, there's a duck like voice.

"What about the rest, Mr. Nakamura?" Asked the man.

"When I get the information, I'll transfer it to you."


The man ignores the information of the computer, puts his eyes on the computer nearby, and his face is excited. An hour later, there was a knock on the door, and the pale man quickly wiped his hands and hurried to open the door.

When I opened the door, I saw a middle-aged man in a suit, followed by two bodyguards.

"Mr. Nakamura, here you are. This is what you want. The data in it is encrypted. You need to crack it. I didn't read it. " Men usually take out the U disk when they donate treasure.


The middle-aged man took the U-disk and looked into the room with a look of disgust on his face.

"When will the money be transferred to me, Mr. Nakamura?" The man was a little impatient: "I want to use this money to find Miss Bordeaux to make a movie." With that, his eyes became hot.

"Take me in and I'll give you the money."

"Good, good..." The man hurried out of the way.

Just came in and saw what was going on in the room. The middle-aged man frowned and the disgust on his face increased: "I'll check the information."


The middle-aged man just wanted to sit on the chair and saw a pile of liquid on it. He quickly stood up and inserted the U disk into the computer.

After confirming that the data inside is encrypted, the middle-aged man pulls out the U disk.

"Are you sure? Mr. Nakamura, what about the rest of the money? I want to see Miss Bordeaux for a movie. "

"Well done. I'll burn it to you later."

The middle-aged man took out his sunglasses and left. The two bodyguards next to him agreed, grabbed the pale man, took out a piece of cloth and covered his nose.

After a while, the man did not move, no breath.

Remove all traces and put the man's body back on the seat before leaving the room.the second day.

At the headquarters of Lingjiao group, Mr. Nakamura stares at the computer operated by the technicians, watches the cracking process on the screen, with joy on his face.

"Mr. Nakamura, the password has been cracked." A computer technician wiped the sweat on his forehead.

"Youxi!" Nakamura, a man with a happy smile on his face, immediately dialed a number.

"President, you have got what you want..."

After putting down the mobile phone, a man in Nakamura put his eyes on the computer folder: "yours, open these materials and have a look."

In the conference room, yizhixiu, who had just put down his mobile phone, smiled: "everyone, the gentleman of Nakamura just called and got very precious technology. Next, what we want to develop is... "

"Well Yeah! Ah! Ah! Yajudie, Yiya, yiku... "

Yizhixiu's words were just said, and a video immediately appeared on the projection of the conference room. Miss Bordeaux, who was red with fruit, was gasping. The directors of the conference room fell into a dead silence. The whole conference room was only the picture and call of vasodilation.

"President of Iraq, what's next?"

"What's the matter? Not this... " Yi Zhixiu's face turned red. Looking at the computer, his face changed greatly. His computer is the same picture. It's all infected.

Not only the meeting room, but also the computers in the headquarters of Lingjiao group. The computer is out of control and can't be turned off if you want.

Along with the sound in the building, it's all a rhythm.

"Brother Mo, the invisible Trojan has been activated in the headquarters of Lingjiao group, the island country." Chen Mo sits in the office and looks at the book, interrupted by Mo Nu's voice.

"Bring the monitoring back."

Chen Mo put down his book and went back to his office chair.

Looking at the monitoring picture of Mo Nu from Lingjiao group headquarters, Chen Mo laughs.

He could see the wonderful expression on the faces of the directors of Lingjiao group, which was comparable to the face changing performance of the circus.

"Bring back some important information about their company's computers." Chen Mo said.


Now the headquarters of Lingjiao group is in chaos.

The whole company's computers are out of control, playing "wonderful" action movies.

Lingjiao group's computer was invaded by a virus. Now the company's computer has been occupied by a small movie. Even if they unplug the power and restart it, it's still this picture.

"Baga, Zhongcun, what's going on?"

Yizhixiu slaps a palm fan on the face of a man in Zhongcun. At the moment, his face is black to the bottom of the pot.

The whole company's computers are playing ugly pictures. As the president of the company, he doesn't know how to explain it to the board of directors.

Now there's something more serious. The information is still stored on his computer, and it hasn't been sent for storage. If the information is lost, his president won't have to do it.

"President, I don't know. When I opened the information I got from itoro, the computer of the whole company became like this. " Nakamura wants to cry without tears.

"Baga, fool. Don't viruses know? Where's ITO? " Yi Zhixiu's Qi was shaking and he slapped it again.

"He's dead." Said Nakamura.

"Then you said he stole the smart assistant of marching ant company. What about the information? Where is it? " Ezius took hold of his collar and wished to kill him.

"I don't know." Nakamura's face shook with fear.

"What did he say before he died?"

"Data encryption, he said, requires us to crack it ourselves."

"And what else?"

"He also said that he wanted the money and went to miss Bordeaux to make a movie." Nakamura stammered.

"Don't mention it to me." Hearing the word "Bordeaux", yizhixiu almost went away. Now the whole company, once the computer is turned on, is the picture of Bordeaux.

"Well Ah! One library, one library... "

"Ba GA Ya Lu."

Hearing this sound, yizhixiu completely stormed away, grabbed the ornaments at hand, and directly hit the computer playing the "battle" picture.

"Are you short of that? Why not give him the money and get the real information? Go to find it for me. ITO must have hidden the information. If you can't find it, you can make a movie. "

"Hey!" Nakamura, a man with a bitter face, almost didn't cry.

Chen Mo didn't know that his prank happened to be carried away by someone. At this time, Chen Mo is in the office, waiting for the information of Mo nu.

"Brother Mo, Mo NV has got some information in the computer of Lingjiao group."