Chapter 74

A female reporter asked the key question. If the March ant company dismounted the intelligent assistant, it means that the intelligent assistant only has butterfly eye. There is no doubt that this will take the place of the implementation of the military ant high-end mobile phone market.

Because it's all smart phones, just this one.

During this period, many people like the software of intelligent assistant. When you are bored, you can chat with Xiaodie and tell jokes. The content of the chat is not rigid, and sometimes a classic cold humor will pop out.

A monthly rent of 20 yuan is a cabbage price for this high-end technology. In addition to being discredited, the current market reputation of marching ant company is very good.

If the March ant company dismounts its intelligent assistant, I'm afraid it will attract a lot of attacks.

Now all reporters turn their eyes to Zhao min. Because Zhao Min's answer will determine the future decision-making direction of marching ant company.

"You have three questions. They are very sharp and very good." Zhao Min answers the female reporter's question: "first of all, there is the problem of intelligent assistant. We will not remove the intelligent assistant for the moment, but the new version will not be updated for the moment."

Originally, Zhao Min intended to be an intelligent assistant on the shelf, but when they released it, it would be off the shelf. However, the influence of intelligent assistant was too great. Suddenly, it would only blackmail the marching ant company.

Moreover, the intelligent assistant on the market can continuously collect data and information for them, continuously improve the voice interaction function of the intelligent assistant, and have a considerable income, which is also good in the market.

"We can also authorize battery technology issues. We are businessmen just for money. When butterfly eyes came out, I said, we are not afraid of competition. Only when there is competition can the market be dynamic. We want to be a first-class enterprise, and we want to be standard. "

As soon as Zhao Min's words fell, there was a commotion on the ground.

For now, March ant's biggest advantage is smart assistant and battery technology. As a result, Zhao Min has authorized one of his advantages. They have to be surprised.

"This is the mentality of the strong. This nest of marching ants is destined to rise."

"Strong, I'll take this wave."

"A conscientious enterprise, if it doesn't survive in the competition, will be destroyed in the competition. This is called active enterprise. It's 100 times stronger than those enterprises that come out to earn money by changing a mobile phone shell."


Zhao Min's words, let the people watching the live broadcast, as well as the people at the conference, fall into a frenzied discussion. People are discussing the influence of Zhao Min's words. Obviously, many people are conquered by Zhao Min's bold words. There has never been an enterprise that dares to license its core technology with such blatantness.

"Chen Mo, do you really want authorization?" Looking at Xiaoyu at the press conference and Chen Mo at his side. She is no longer worried about the problems in the press conference.

"Why not? The last smear incident is an example. We need connections and relationships. Otherwise, when we are in trouble, no one will help us talk. " Chen Mo said.

For a sole proprietorship like him, this kind of relationship is more important.

Joint stock companies, they naturally have strong contacts and resources, do not have to worry about being blocked by others.

They are wholly-owned enterprises. They must accumulate these resources, form a coexisting partnership, and tie them together so that no one can easily move them.

"That's what I asked her to say. This market can't eat alone, and we can't eat it. Now we can only produce one million batteries a month, enough for our own use.

We charge 15% to 20% of the cost of technology patents. We don't need to do anything, and we don't need to spend materials. We also earn more money than we do. "

Xiaoyu nods and stares at Chen mo.

"This is just the beginning, there will be more cooperation in the future. This is a win-win era. The power of a family is limited, and these technologies are not so important. " Chen Mo said. Now these technologies, for him, are not so important, so there is no need to cover people to hate.

Half an hour later, Zhao Min finished answering all kinds of questions from the reporters, and the press conference ended. The Internet is booming.

The last announcement about the discovery of carbon crystal materials by marching ant company was dug out.

Until now, they found that the carbon crystal technology of marching ant company had been applied for a long time. Only last time, in order to cover up the news, the marching ant company played down.

A new material, from discovery to application, took such a short time, many material experts have begun to be interested in carbon crystal.

Even though its function is single, it is cheap and fast in application, which can replace other existing battery materials in a short time.

In addition to the carbon crystal battery, the news of butterfly eye mobile phone has also become the subject of discussion. On the official microblog of marching ants, a group of plaintive spooks gathered again.

"Shocked, my wife is flirting with me again..."

"Shocked, my wife said that the son in the belly should play butterfly eyes to be born out of cocoon..."

"Shocked, my daughter found a rich boyfriend!""History is always strikingly similar! Hahahaha... "

All kinds of joking in the official microblog, but this time there is not much stigmatization on the Internet. With more appreciation, because of the open attitude of marching ants.

The official pre-sale page has been opened in the official website and black cat mall at the same time. In just three hours, the pre-sale volume has exceeded 300000.

This number has shocked many media. Many people have said that marching ant will replace apple as the most popular mobile phone.

In terms of performance and appearance, the butterfly eye of marching ants inherits the unique characteristics of the apple jobs era.

Not only the domestic and foreign mainstream media have also reported the butterfly eye, but the content is not friendly.

A mobile phone from the future? "-- the next Chinese apple? "-- San Francisco daily

terrible Chinese mountain stronghold marching ant -- BBC

marching ant should develop intelligent source code. "——CNN


After intelligent assistant, the marching ant company is once again in the world's sight. Because butterfly eye is so beautiful, it's more like a mobile phone from the future.

The video of butterfly eye conference was soon sent to famous foreign social networking sites. In just one hour, it attracted hundreds of thousands of clicks, and the comments were filled with envy and jealousy.

"I can't believe it. It's a product of Chinese people, a cottage technology?"

"When it comes to the market, I'm going to travel to China and buy this mobile phone, God's masterpiece."

"This kind of goods looks beautiful. It's useless. Aren't you afraid to break it in a day? Chinese quality, dare not use. "

"Ignorant Westerners, although I am also a westerner, at least I am not poisoned by those capital media. China is better than you think."


Because the appearance of marching ants is so perfect that people pay attention to them, many people are finally conquered by the powerful performance in the introduction. The price is similar to Apple's, but the performance is far behind apple.

It's very busy outside. The marching ant company is also very busy.

Zhao Min said that battery technology can be licensed. The next day, many battery manufacturers have come to the company to obtain the technical license for battery production. They have to hurry up, and in case the marching ants regret it, they are out of business.

Manufacturing mobile phones, licensing technology, March ant company, once again into the busy. But there is joy in every face of the company.

The company's good business means that their year-end bonus will be more. The chairman is never stingy about giving them bonuses, as long as he works hard to do his job well, just like the last two times.

The company is busy, and Chen Mo is not idle.

In this period of time, the laser sensor has already been made, and the accuracy and performance have been tested, which is fully in line with the introduction. Next, the sensor goes out of the laboratory for practical application.

Just as Chen Mo was thinking about how to use the laser sensor, Xiaoyu went into his office area to find him.

"Chen Mo, the person in charge of the four major mobile phone companies, will come tomorrow. Mr. Zhao asks you if you want to meet them together."

"Yes." Chen Mo thought and said.