Chapter 79

"What technology do you use this time?"

In the huge space of science and Technology Library, Shu Lao stands in front of Chen mo. Now we have seen that "the cooperation with us is what the media said, and he didn't say what to do in Binhai city.". The outside world said that he came to our company, and we are sure that they want to cooperate.

But if he doesn't step into the door of our company, he won't be regarded as visiting our company. If we hurry to see them, the articles in this book will be big. Maybe we are finished. " Chen Mo said.

If they go to see cook, the meaning becomes different. They know that Apple invited them to go, but outsiders and the media didn't know.

At that time, the media said that they actively asked for apple cooperation. What's more, they knelt and licked the apple. Without a bit of integrity, the word-of-mouth accumulated by the March ants was all over, and there was no argument.

Once this happens, in the eyes of the people who don't know it, it's not cook talking with them about cooperation, but the marching ant company sees cook coming and posts it on its own initiative.

Internet rumors of violence, March ant company tried more than once.

He didn't know what cook thought, but he had to be careful. Shopping malls are like battlefields. A small mistake in decision-making can never be undone.

"In fact, there may be another reason. There are too many journalists. When he came here, he didn't want the media to know, so he came here quietly. It's just unfortunate that the news has been leaked. " Chen Mo said with a smile.

"The CEO of a company with the largest market value in the world comes to see us personally. It's not possible at all. Maybe because our butterfly eye is listed, and intelligent assistant doesn't support IOS end, Apple's share price falls again and again, forcing him to rush. That's why he came here with a lower price. You need to know who he saw when he came to China several times ago. "

Cook went in and out of the country several times. He saw the Vice Premier or minister of industry and information technology, and the chairman of mobile. Now as long as he doesn't meet Chen Mo, the two sides are not in touch.

If cook did get into the marching ant company under the media camera, he would undoubtedly reduce his price. So I will ask Chen Mo to talk with him and take the initiative in my own hands.

In case of unsuccessful cooperation between the two sides, he will visit other cities or mobile phone stores. The name is "market inspection".

Once that happens, apple takes the initiative. If they fail to cooperate with marching ant company, they become marching ant company to ask for cooperation, which is rejected by apple.

When the internet violence comes, the trouble is that whether they cooperate or not, Apple will be able to leave.

"It seems that my worry is superfluous." Zhao Min said.

In principle, she would not approve of Chen Mo's meeting with cook. From chenmo's point of view, cook didn't announce the purpose of coming to Binhai. She already knew chenmo understood the advantages and disadvantages.

"It doesn't matter whether they refuse their invitation or visit us. We haven't had a phone call yet, so we have to go over and talk with them about cooperation. "

Chen Mo doesn't like apple. After all, products are better than others.

But he didn't like Apple's founder, Steve jobs.

This man was deified in China, but many people didn't know that jobs didn't step into China in his whole life, and he was extremely arrogant and prejudiced against China.

He didn't even bother to cover up his dislike of this Oriental power in public. When Apple Mobile first appeared, he said he would not enter the Chinese market for the time being. Later, in order to make money, he had to come.

Maybe it's because this kind of arrogance and Prejudice affects apple, which makes Apple have different attitudes towards consumers in China and other consumers.

In the past, the warranty problems exposed used double standards. Later, in response to the reward problem, there was an apple tax event with a 30% handling fee, squeezing domestic consumers again and again. Part of Apple's sales plan is Apple's death.

As the successor of jobs, cook may seem close to China on the surface, but Chen Mo does not believe that there is no arrogance in his bones. The apple tax incident is an example. In his absence, jobs had to come to China many times to maintain Apple's performance.

After learning Chen Mo's idea, Zhao Min leaves Chen Mo's office area. As soon as she left, Chen Mo called out Mo Nu and asked Mo Nu to help sort out the materials and design drawings needed by the robot. As for apple, let it be, he will not take the initiative in the past, which is his principle.