Chapter 89

"Mr. Chen, I'm sorry about last night. We have investigated it. The two thieves broke in from the wall last night. We have sent people to upgrade the security system of the community. "

Liu Changshan was worried. He didn't expect that Chen Mo, the chairman of marching ant company, was the one who had an accident last night. Zhao Min helped buy the villa.

Now marching ant company is the most potential star enterprise in China, with unlimited future. If Chen Mo is not happy, he will have a lot of trouble.

"I don't want this to happen again." Chen Mo said.

He said this just to reassure Xiaoyu.

Two foreigners, after camouflage, easily sneak into the community, without any awareness of the security system. Ordinary thieves can't have such a great ability.

Xiaoyu is just an ordinary girl. Chen Mo doesn't want to affect her because of this.

"Yes, Mr. Chen, thank you for your understanding. We have reported the case, and the relevant surveillance video has been handed over to the police, so don't bother you. I'll let you know as soon as I catch someone. " Liu Changshan was relieved to hear that Chen Mo did not investigate.

"Well." Chen Mo nodded and turned to look at Xiaoyu: "go to work."


Xiaoyu smiled, didn't say much, followed Chen Mo into the car.

"Chairman, what happened last night?" Wang Hai asked.

"There were two people running in. Fortunately, an early warning system was installed in the villa. There was no loss. Those two people ran away." Chen Mo said.

In his impression, this is the first time Wang Hai has asked him questions.

Along the way, Chen Mo was thinking about the identity of two foreigners last night. It must not be that simple. He wants to see who is behind the scenes.

Just as Chen Mo was thinking about things, a sound of an emergency brake sounded. Chen Mo and Xiaoyu suddenly leaned forward and hit the car seat.

Everything comes in a hurry. Chen has just returned to his senses. Xiaoyu is unconscious.

"What's the matter?"

Chen Mo bumps his dizzy head and confirms that Xiaoyu is just passing out. Chen Mo is relieved.

"I'm afraid that the other party is in trouble because he intentionally stops suddenly." Wang Hai's face was a little bad. He held the gun to his two men and they were tense.

After seeing two foreigners, Chen Mo's face was not very good either. It's another foreigner. I guess it was the two last night.

"They came for me." Chen Mo said.

"Get out of the car." Jack went to the window and said with a cold face.

"Get out first."

Chen Mo calms down, opens the door and walks slowly. The other side has a gun, obviously well prepared. His car is not specially made and can't block bullets at all. Wang Hai nodded slightly, took off his seat belt, opened the door slowly, and just walked out, Jack held his head with a gun.

"Jack, do I think my method works? This is the boy! Take him first, anything you want. " Bor holds the picture, showing his white teeth and staring at Chen mo.

"It's useful, but then we will have..."


Before Jack finished speaking, Wang Hai suddenly started to shoot the gun Jack had put on his head and kicked Jack in the crotch.

When Jack's face changed, he bent his knees to block Wang Hai's kick. Just in the way, Wang Hai swept his legs and the gun in Jack's hand. Wang Hai takes the initiative without any hesitation. He bows and rushes to Jack's nose. This is a deadly move. Obviously, it's not an ordinary person. Jack is in a bad situation. He quickly takes a few steps back and opens the distance.

"Damn it."

Everything is between the lightning and flint. They didn't expect that Wang Hai would suddenly start. Bor sees Jack's gun swept away. He raises his gun and points it at Wang Hai.


He just moved, only felt a pain in his wrist, and the gun in his hand came out of his hand. Before the gun fell to the ground, bor felt a huge force coming from his abdomen. The sharp pain swept his whole body and made him fly backwards.

"Chairman." Wang Hai turns to look at Chen Mo with surprise in his eyes.

"I'll take care of this, and you'll take care of that." Chen Mo bent over with a black face, picked up the gun on the ground and aimed it at BOL.

"Hell, it's more painful than being raped." Bol wiped some blood on his mouth and stood up. At the height of nearly two, he looked down coldly at Chen Mo: "boy, you must have never used a gun, and the insurance hasn't been opened."

Not waiting for Chen Mo's reaction, a fist greeted Chen Mo's face.

Chen Mo tried to pull the trigger without success, and hurriedly avoided bor's fist. After bending his elbow, bor hit his abdomen.

These are all fighting skills for the development of human potential. After the development of human potential, he didn't really move his hand, but now it seems that he can't help it. If we didn't have the ability to protect ourselves, no amount of wealth would be useful.

"Damn it."

Bor didn't expect Chen Mo to react so quickly. Although it's a little strange, it's definitely a master of combat.On the other side, Jack's face was as gloomy as water. Wang Hai's attack was too intimidating and met many opponents, but he had never seen such a fierce attack.

All moves are the most lethal part of human body. The eyes, the head, the neck, the heart, the waist and the crotch, each attack, make Jack scared. As long as you are beaten, you will not die or be seriously injured.

He didn't expect Chen Mo's driver to be so horrible. Is it true that everyone in China knows Kung Fu?

Jack felt bitter when he saw Chen Mo fighting with bor.

Realizing that he was distracted, Jack's face changed, and his stomach hurt so much that he flew out uncontrollably, smashed into the ground, spat out a mouthful of blood, covered his stomach and looked at Wang Hai.

Wang Hai slowly walked past, looking at Jack expressionless, raised his feet and kicked him in the head.

To solve jack, Wang Hai turned to look at Chen Mo and bor with cold face, walked slowly over and picked up the gun on the ground.

"What a hell of a country."

Bor and Chen Mo are now in a bad mood. As time went on, he found that Chen Mo's movements were becoming more and more skillful, and his strength was a little terrifying.

He couldn't imagine that this seemingly ordinary young man had such a terrible power.

Suddenly, seeing Xiaoyu in a coma in the car, bor made a fierce look and rushed to the door!

As soon as Chen Mo's face changed, he hurried after him.


Before BOL could get close to the door, the sharp pain in his calf made him stumble to the ground. Chen Mo also seized the opportunity to sweep his legs and head at BOL.

At the next moment, bor was paralyzed and unconscious. Wang Hai took the gun, dragged Jack's feet, threw them together and tied them up with a belt.

"Thank you." Chen Mo looks at BOL's bloody gunshot wound on his calf.

"It's my duty." Wang Hai said.

"I'll go back and see Xiaoyu. You look at them."

Looking at the special police car coming, Chen Mo breathed a sigh of relief. It's five minutes from the beginning of their fight to the end. It's just five minutes, but it's like a long time.

"Don't move. Drop your weapon."

As soon as the police car stopped, they took out their guns and aimed them at Wang Hai. Wang Hai throws his gun away and raises his hands.

Seeing the special police around, Wang Haicai said, "these two are mercenaries. It's better to see if there is any hidden poison in his mouth."

"Look." The leader of the team took a deep look at Wang Hai.

"I didn't find it." After a while, two special police officers stood up and said.

"Take people back and block the scene."