Chapter 93

The next morning, Chen Mo and Xiaoyu just walked out of the villa door, and a car stopped at the door. Wang Hai came down from inside and opened the door for the two.

After seeing Wang Hai, Chen Mo smiled: "I'm back."

During this period, Chen Mo always asked Zhao Min to follow up with Wang Hai. Because of the shooting at that time, Wang Hai will be investigated anyway.

"They didn't reply. They were released on bail." Wang Hai nodded.

"You're not embarrassed, are you?" Asked Chen mo.

"No." Wang Hai said.

"Get in the car." Chen said to Xiaoyu beside him.

Xiaoyu is here. He and Wang Hai are not suitable to talk too much. Some things, the less Xiaoyu knows, the better. These things are enough for him to undertake.

"Wang Hai, when passing the square, stop and get off. I'll buy something." Chen Mo said.

"Good." Wang Hai nodded and looked in the rearview mirror from time to time.

Before long, the car stopped outside the business square. Chen Mo told Xiaoyu to wait in the car and run into the square. Ten minutes later, I ran out with a bag.

"Clothes?" Xiaoyu looks at Chen Mo's bag with tears and smiles: "Why are you going to buy clothes at this time?"

"Useful." Chen Mo said mysteriously, "Wang Hai, let's go."

No words all the way.

When he arrived outside his experimental area, Chen found that several employees, with two treadmills, had already been waiting outside his experimental area.

"Move the treadmill to the door of the lab." Chen said to several workers.

Now his lab can't let people in at will, especially after a series of things happened. And robots, these studies, can not be known by ordinary employees, so he did not directly let them move into the laboratory.

"Yes, chairman." Several employees put their treadmills at the door of the laboratory and left.

Make sure that the treadmill is OK, then call Zhao min.

"Chairman, what's up?"

"Lend it to your assistant." Chen Mo said with a smile.

"She's your person, and needs to borrow from me?" Zhao Min was amused by Chen Mo's words.

"In the company, she's your assistant. If I call her over, what about her work? I've commandeered her these two days. " Chen Mo said.

"It seems that you have a clear distinction between public and private affairs. Let me tell her to go up." Zhao Min said, "by the way, let her bring you two months' financial statements."

"OK." Chen Mo said.

Shortly after hanging up, Xiaoyu walked into Chen Mo's experimental area with a folder.

"Here are the company's two-month financial statements."

"Have you seen it?"

Chen Mo takes Xiaoyu to his laboratory and puts the financial statements aside on the experimental table.

"Yes, it seems to be OK."

"No problem, I don't need to read it. In the future, you can help me read the company's financial statements."

Chen Mo is not afraid of being tampered with the company's accounts, because in the process of monitoring by Mo Nu, he will be very clear about anyone's tampering.

"How can I do that?"

"Why not? Now do me a favor. "

Chen Mo pushes Xiaoyu to the front of the experimental platform and opens the gauze on the experimental platform. The robot that just assembled successfully appeared in front of Xiaoyu yesterday.

Seeing the robot in front of him, Xiaoyu's mouth opened wide and gaped.

She knows that Chen Mo is studying robots, but when she came here, she was just a skeleton. Now, she has assembled it.

This robot, like the robot in the movie, just doesn't have the cool painting in the movie.

"This is the robot you finished?" Xiaoyu reaches out and touches the robot's body.

"Semi finished products, there are many places to debug, so let you help me."

Chen Mo opens the robot's start button on his own, and the sensors in his eyes and chest immediately emit red light.

"What can I do for you?"

Xiaoyu keeps her eyes fixed on the robot, which makes her full of curiosity.

"It can't walk yet. I need the data of a person's movement, so let you help me. I'm going to collect your exercise data and put it in it so that it can move freely. "

"All right." Thinking about it, Xiaoyu nodded: "how to try?"

"Put on the sports vest first."

Chen Mo hands Xiaoyu the clothes he bought this morning.

"It turns out that this morning you bought this."

Xiaoyu takes Chen Mo's bag and looks at him strangely. After changing his vest, he comes to Chen Mo with a red face.

As soon as he looked up, he saw Chen Mo's eyes gaping. Xiaoyu's face was ruddy and quickly spread to the bottom of his ears.

At this time, Xiaoyu, wearing a high ponytail, a sports vest and sports shorts, straight legs, and a proportion of the body, showed in front of him. If there is a vest line, I'm afraid it's perfect.Youth, vitality, the subtle wildness in temperament is magnified, completely without the appearance of ordinary gentleness and intellectuality.

Every time Xiaoyu changes a style of clothes, it has a different aesthetic feeling. Chen Mo doesn't know if beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

"It's beautiful." Chen Mo felt his chin and appreciated.

Seeing Chen Mo with aggressive eyes, Xiaoyu with shyness.

"Don't look, test." Xiaoyu is a little confused by Chen Mo: "if you don't test, I'll go back to work."

Xiaoyu did not dare to look at Chen Mo's eyes directly, and his heart began to beat faster. The two were intimate, but the last step was never taken.

"Well, test it and see it at home."

With a relaxed smile, Chen Mo grabbed Xiaoyu and brought all the human sports testing equipment. These instruments are mainly sensors and optical scanners.

Human motion, composed of more than 200 joints, can complete highly complex movements, and these movements have a high degree of coordination.

In robot design and intelligent control, human motion is a research hotspot.

Chen Mo puts the sensor on Xiaoyu's head, and then sticks the sensor on her joints to let her stand on the treadmill.

Hold the robot on the experimental platform to another treadmill, and Chen Mo turns on the data connection of the sensor.

"Now you are ready to collect data." Chen Mo said, "are you ready?"

"All right." Xiaoyu nods.

"Now take a few steps." After pressing the start key, Chen Mo's eyes are on the computer screen.

As soon as his words fell, Xiaoyu began to walk slowly on the treadmill. The data on the computer began to appear and lengthen.

"Stop." Chen moo called to stop Xiaoyu and looked at the computer screen: "now I will send your walking data to the robot to try."

After data transmission, the robot not far from Xiaoyu starts to walk. Chen Mo is watching the robot carefully. The distance between the steps is almost the same as Xiaoyu's, but there is still machinery in the movement. The limbs just move stiffly, and there is no real coordination.

Relatively speaking, it has been much better, because it is just the beginning, and it is very good to have such achievements.

"Xiaoyu, keep moving. I'll sync your data to the robot." Chen went back to the computer and switched to synchronous data.

At the moment Xiaoyu walked around, on another treadmill, the robot also followed. Even the movements of turning his head were the same, which made Xiaoyu look surprised.

"Step up." Said Chen Mo, looking at the movement of the robot.

The robot turns a group of gyroscopes inside, which can adjust the balance automatically. In addition, Mo Nu can learn and adjust automatically, and constantly coordinate the movements of the body. Soon, the limbs of the robot begin to naturally rise, and the movements are much smoother.

"Keep speeding up and running slowly." Chen Mo stares at the ever-growing data on the computer screen.

Hearing Chen Mo's words, Xiaoyu also speeds up and jogs on the treadmill.

This method can make the robot's movement more harmonious and close to the human being.

Thirty minutes later, Xiaoyu was so tired that he stopped and looked at Chen Mo breathlessly.

"Have a rest." Chen Mo helps Xiaoyu dry up her sweat, hands her the water, and then focuses on the robot: "the preliminary motion data has been collected successfully. Take a rest and see your hard work today."