Chapter 100

"We all admire Gao Wenwen's bravery for charity. Let's welcome vice president of BMW China and Miss Gao Wenwen to present awards to Mr. Nan. Thank you for your generous donation. "

The host's excited voice made the audience applaud warmly.

Gao Wenwen's eyes were dim when she heard the announcement. Then stand up from the position and walk slowly towards the stage.

Around the stars, all cast or envy or pity eyes.

This is life.

Many of them know the inside story, but they can't say it.

Huayi's position in the entertainment circle is that of a big brother. If you offend, you will only be killed. Being valued by President Huayi is a blessing in itself. Not every woman can get this kind of happiness for a kiss and a lot of money.

Not young star envy Gao Wenwen, if you can get the attention of the president of Huayi Group, resources roll in, you can't even think that you are not red.

All the eyes on the field are on Gao Wenwen.

"It was said by the secretary that it was the kiss of a actress." Seeing the strange eyes of several people, Xiaoyu joked.

"I was just joking, but it came true. It's just the same eight, why not Chen Mo's little brother? " Yao Yi looks at Chen mo.

"Even for me, there is no happiness. Otherwise, I will not be able to go home to bed. "

As soon as Chen Mo said this, several people on the table laughed, Xiaoyu's face blushed, and he kicked Chen Mo lightly under the table.

"It's just that I don't think it's so simple. Looking at Gao Wenwen's appearance, I don't think it's what I want to do, or it's determined to go south. Isn't it that someone in the entertainment circle looks up to Gao Wenwen?" Chen Mo looks at Gao Wenwen walking to the stage.

"Can Gao Wenwen, who we met just now, think about it alone?" Xiaoyu suddenly remembered when they met Gao Wenwen just now.

Chen Mo thinks about it. When she saw it, Gao Wenwen was depressed.

Dong Zhu interjects.

"There may be something fishy about it. At first, there would not be such a reward on charity night. It's estimated that it's really determined. In the name of charity, she has to do so. If she refuses, she's ruined. "

Bang! As soon as Dong Zhu's words fell, there was a bit of commotion on the ground.

Gao Wenwen, who walked to the stage, stepped on the stairs, and the whole person hit the stairs. Her forehead was bleeding, and she was unconscious.


"Call an ambulance."

Scene a chaos, many people exclaimed, host and staff, rushed to the past, Gao Wenwen will hold away from the scene.

The people below were shocked for a while. They were unprepared for the unexpected.

Looking at this scene, several people at Chen Mo's desk looked at each other.

"It's not that clever, is it? It's not intentional. I don't believe it. This Gao Wenwen, unexpectedly uses this kind of method to escape Sun Hua also spoke.

"It's disappointing that the hidden rules of the entertainment industry are all in the name of charity."

Yao Yi shook his head and sighed, with deep disappointment in his voice. A good night of charity seems to them to be a farce.

"It's a little late. I'll go first." Yao Yi looked at the time and stood up from his position. This charity night, after such a disturbance, seems to have changed the quality, continue to sit, he is not in the mood.

"I'll go first, too." Dong Zhu also stood up.


Chen Mo and Xiaoyu also stood up from their positions. The party was a bit boring, but it was not good for them to leave during the charity night. It's just that things seem to go bad now, which makes them totally out of that mood.

Several other people on the table, glancing at each other, all got up and left.

A lot of people's attention is on the stage, not many people notice the departure of this table.

"Secretary Yao, president Dong and President sun, although there is a slight accident, the party is not over yet. Why are you in a hurry?" As soon as they got out of the banquet, Su Guo, the sponsor of the party, came up.

"I'm in a hurry. I'm a little late. I have work tomorrow. I need to go back to have a rest." Yao Yi said quietly.

"Is there anything wrong with the party?" Su Guo looked at Dong Zhu and several others and asked.

These are the heads of large domestic enterprises. It's obvious that there is dissatisfaction with the departure of a table of people ahead of schedule.

"No, my company has something urgent to deal with. Tonight's plane." Dong Zhu opens his mouth,

Chen Mo and Xiaoyu are not stopped. They go away arm in arm. Yao Yi several people, also refuses Su Guo's retention, leaves the conference hall.

"What's going on?"

Sugo called the waitress in charge of Dong Zhu's table.

"It seems that someone donated eight motorcades, and then only announced the name of Huayi to the general manager. Then I said something about Gao Wenwen. "


Sugo took a breath of air-conditioning. She knew where the problem was and offended people. It seems that the inside of the charity party has been figured out."Look up the list of donations from agent 16." Sugo quickly takes out her mobile phone.

"I want to tell you the good news. Miss Gao Wenwen confirmed that she was just in a coma and that she was OK. It's just a pity that the surprise of the man is gone. Next, please invite the representatives of those who participated in the donation to come to the stage. "


"Now let's welcome the gentleman and lady who just participated in the donation to take a picture on the stage. March ant company donated 4 motorcades. Please welcome the representatives of March ant company to come to the stage. As a new technology star in China, marching ant is keen on charity. We warmly welcome the representatives of marching ant company to the stage. "

The host on the stage quickly calmed down the scene and continued the Charity Night process.

Just the host's words fell, the scene appeared strange quiet. Many people look around and still don't see anyone standing up.

"I don't want to play hide and seek, do I?" Another host hurried to the scene.

"I guess it is. I like to do hide and seek. It's so comfortable below. I want to sit down too. I don't want to come up."

"You look like this. No one can find you when you hide in the corner at night. Then there is Mr. Chen Mo, who donated four teams, who is not on the stage. Welcome

Applause fell, but no one appeared. The scene was once awkward, and many people began to talk in a low voice.

"Does Mr. Chen Mo really like silence?"

"I guess I want to be a silent hero. Charity is such a thing that we need a hero like Mr. chenmo. "

"Well, I find that they are playing hide and seek together, and then they will not read one by one, so that you will not come up, which makes us very embarrassed." A host said in a hurry.

A burst of laughter broke out from the stage. All the people sitting in the seats and those who participated in the donation walked onto the stage.

The host on the stage is secretly wiping sweat, which is still unprecedented. He hurried to finish the stage. Fortunately, he has the experience of hosting.

"Mr. Su, I found it. The donation list of table 16 includes four fleets of marching ant company, four fleets of Chen Mo, two fleets of Dong Zhu and one of Runhua group. Chen Mo is the representative of marching ant company. "

The last sentence from the mobile phone, like a bolt from the blue, hit Sugo's head.

The marching ant company donated eight motorcades. The first person who didn't have the marching ant company reported to the president of Huayi, who was appointed by the company, to the south. Even if you don't give a reward, you won't give your name back. It's already offensive.

"You should contact the marching ant company immediately and ask Mr. Chen Mo for his contact information."

After hanging up the phone, Sugo began to wait anxiously. Now it's too late to chase out, and the people have already left. Before long, the phone rang again.

"President Su, the person of marching ant company, said that Chen Mo is the chairman of the company, and they have no contact information."