Chapter 103

At the headquarters of Altice group, after learning that the people of marching ant company have returned to China, kangbomin is not in a good mood.

Originally, the cooperation with marching ant company was almost completed.

The March ants came all the way, and the road was very smooth. This was the first time they refused to cooperate, and it was the first step to take the country.

In recent years, the domestic market situation has become rigid, and major markets have been occupied by major giants. Small enterprises are more difficult to enter.

Suddenly the marching ants, like a group of fierce ants, rush left and right, breaking the rigid situation. Among young entrepreneurs, marching ant company has become a legendary benchmark.

Now marching ant company is a miracle of the development of domestic companies. Every move is in the spotlight of the media. This trip to Europe is the first time that the company has run into a wall.

This means that the time for March ants to enter the international market will be delayed.

At this time, outside marching ant company, a group of reporters are waiting anxiously. Seeing Zhao Min's car near the company, a group of reporters swarmed in.

"President Zhao, why does Altice group refuse to cooperate with you?"

"What's the next step for marching ant company?"

"Will marching ants cooperate with other telecom operators?"

"When is marching ant going to go public, and what do you want to say about the failure of this cooperation?"

All kinds of questions were shouted out, regardless of whether Zhao Min heard them.

Zhao Min quietly looks at the reporter who is blocked by the security guard outside the window.

She didn't expect that only one day after they came back, the failure of their cooperation with Altice group would come out, and also come back to China.

But it didn't affect them much.

March ant company is not a listed company and will not be affected by public opinion and stock market fluctuations. This is only the first step to enter the international market failure, the domestic market, not too much impact.

After separating many reporters, Zhao Min's car slowly entered the company.

Chen Mo's office area.

"Brother Mo, the information you need has been found." The childish voice of Mo Nu rang out.

Chen Mo looks at several pieces of information on the desktop, all of which are from European telecom operators and European consortium families.

Wolfonda, France Telecom, orange, Germany Telecom, Altice.

They are all involved in the telecommunications companies that prevent them from entering the European market this time. These companies almost monopolize the main telecom market in Europe.

European telecom companies, all refused to cooperate with them, which is absolutely strange. It seems that things are a little clear after Mo Nu gets the information through monitoring and investigation.

Behind the major operators, there are also the shadow of several major consortiums.

As soon as they wanted to enter the European market, they were targeted by these oligarchs. As expected, capital is the land with unimaginable water depth.

At present, I'm afraid I can't enter the international market in a short time. After all, the outside world is a world of capital control. If there are interests, those oligarchs will definitely compete for them.

"Brother Mo, Zhao Min is here. He is outside the experimental area." While Chen Mo is looking at the information, Mo NV interrupts him.

Zhao Min just walked into Chen Mo's office. Chen Mo was already sitting on the sofa. Seeing her come in, Chen Mo pointed to the seat opposite.

"Why don't you take another day off?" Asked Chen mo.

"A day off is enough. There are many things in the company now." Zhao Min took a sip of water from the robot and leaned on the sofa.

"This time I was a little reluctant to sign the contract, but I was temporarily changed. Now the news has leaked out. They should have done it on purpose. "

"I'm glad they haven't signed the contract. If they get into trouble after signing the contract, things will get more headache." "In this period of time, we will develop at home first, and the international market will not need to think about it for the time being," Chen said

At present, the main market of high-end mobile phone market is China, North America and Europe. The European market is now inaccessible, not to mention the North American market.

Many areas are capital monopolized markets.

Most of the market resources are controlled by large capital and consortia. If there is anything not in their interests, it will threaten to kill them if they take advantage of this monopoly right.

"There is no way to go out in this period of time. The foreign capital market, unless it gives enough benefits to feed the jackals. Otherwise, it's more difficult for an outsider to get into the game than we think Zhao Min said.

She knows more about capital than Chen mo.

In recent years, the newly rising companies have been either blocked or acquired, or controlled by shares, and cannot escape the palm of several giants.

At the beginning, Chen muruosongkou, now marching ant company, is only the end of acquisition.

In the domestic market, there are government regulations, and occasionally some companies can be bigger. Like the suddenly appeared take out app, sharing bicycle, but still can not escape the palm of several giants.

Outside, those capitals are more unbridled.The western capital structure has been solidified. Once there is a threat, it will be hanged and eaten together.

Either surrender or die.

If the March ant company was outside at first, I'm afraid it's already eaten to the bone. Now whether at home or abroad, there are a lot of big capital staring at the shares of marching ant company.

"When are you going to let the robot go?" Zhao Min points to the robot behind Chen mo.

This robot is a good thing. If it can be launched into the market, it will undoubtedly be a huge shock, and it will definitely ignite global topics.

Chen Mo looks back at the robot: "it's still early, its hardware and software technology are not completely mature. A lot of data are still under test, so it's impossible to put them into the market for the time being. "

Now the robot is controlled by Mo nu. It's easy for Mo Nu to write an intelligent software, but there are still big problems in hardware, especially in battery and chip.

"Well, let me know when it's mature."

After explaining something about the company to Chen Mo, Zhao Mincai left Chen Mo's office.

As time goes by, the enthusiasm for the failure of the cooperation between marching ant company and Altice group gradually subsides with time.

It's just that the heat of this wave has just subsided and another storm has hit again.