Chapter 105

Three days passed in a hurry. The press conference of Apple S2 came as promised.

Apple's press conference should have been a month ago, because the butterfly eye released by March ant company had to push the time of the conference again and again.

Because compared with the two mobile phones, except for the processor, they have little advantage, but the price is almost the same, and the March ant company has intelligent assistant, Apple has no.

Apple wanted to carry a smart assistant, but was turned down by marching ant. Then there were suicides by board members. During this period, Apple had a lot of troubles.

Now it's time for apple to take advantage of Samsung's efforts to suppress the March ants.

Cook stood in the background, a little uneasy.

Success or failure depends on one stroke. Originally, this is a transformative machine that can bring opportunities to Apple again. But the appearance of intelligent assistant gave him a surprise.

If this conference is not successful, Apple will fall to the altar.

Now the only good news is that the marching ant's step into the international market is blocked, which gives them a chance to breathe. As long as Apple's intelligent assistant breaks through before the March ants enter the international market, there is still hope.

In his mood, cook came on stage with a smile.

At this moment, there was a slight commotion in the field, and then it became quiet.

"Good morning, everyone. It's a great honor to meet you again. In the past time, we have been unswervingly creating more perfect products for you... "

At the beginning of the speech, everyone listened quietly. But what people expect is the final Apple S2, which is a product of change in the news publicity.

After a series of product introductions, Cook stopped, the atmosphere on the field was quiet and began to solidify.

"Next up is our phone tonight, apple S2."

Cook's words fell, behind the screen, there is a huge mobile phone picture.

The back shell of the glass is painted with blue enchanters. The screen in front is flawless. There was an uproar under the stage, which finally turned into strong applause.

Comprehensive screen, the long-awaited real comprehensive screen appears.

"It's our most perfect work. It's as charming as a witch." Cook smiled: "its advantages include a full screen, we use the latest off screen fingerprint recognition technology."

"It uses the company's latest bionic smart chip A14, wireless charging function, and the latest ios13 system..."

Full screen, fingerprint under screen, camera, glass body, waterproof wireless charging.

As soon as these functions come out, the whole venue will be ignited immediately. Except for the camera hidden in the corner of the mobile phone, there is no blank in other screens.

The screen has been magnified to the extreme.

And this time Apple uses a 3D glass body with a pattern on it, which is only less beautiful than the butterfly eye of the March ant.

Unfortunately, there is no intelligent assistant! Those fruit powder, can't help sighing.

With smart assistant, it can be called a real smart phone, but Apple Mobile, which is not compatible with smart assistant, has become the biggest flaw, but it is already very good.

If it wasn't for the March ant company to suddenly announce a smart assistant, this apple S2 would have been close to the extreme of the current technology.

Apple's press conference became a news hot spot in an instant.

Such a perfect work almost ignites all kinds of fruit powder. Apple, once again, shows its top design standards.

Apple's shares, after S2 was released, began to soar all the way up to the close, up to 6%, all the losses of the previous break time, rose back.

The ultimate craftsmanship, there will be no intelligent assistant to cover up the past.

After Apple's mobile phone conference, Xiaomi, Samsung and Huawei came to the stage one after another. Each conference is a hot spot.

This is a Huashan debate in the mobile phone industry. Now it's the competition field.

Black rice mainly focuses on the middle and high-end market, with high sex price, becoming a bright spot.

Samsung and Huawei have the same advantages as apple, but they use different chips. The off screen fingerprint technology and comprehensive screen are also standard.

But the two are not as good at design as apple, but they are compatible with smart assistants.

Huawei, Samsung and apple compete for the high-end market with an average price of more than 6000. The black rice of rice company has occupied the middle and high-end market. Four companies, taking advantage of the weakness of the black horse March ant, began to frantically fight for their own market.

The outside world is very busy, the marching ant company is surprisingly quiet, everything is going on step by step.

Office area.

Zhao Min is reporting to Chen Mo about the company, especially the problem of butterfly eye mobile phone. Samsung suddenly cut off the supply of mobile screens for marching ant company, which made them a little unprepared.

Now the high-end butterfly eye mobile phone has been sold.

Samsung put a vacuum on their mobile phone supply, and then they released new phones to increase their advantages, which made them suffer a loss."How does BOE respond?" Asked Chen mo.

"BOE said that the output of the flexible OLED screen is insufficient. Their output has been reserved by other companies, and the new production line is still under construction. By the end of the year, the new production line will be put into production, and then there will be goods available to us." Zhao Min said.

"Samsung's abacus is brilliant." Chen Mo took a drink from the water glass and looked at Zhao Min: "what do you think?"

"Currently, companies such as Toshiba are being contacted to increase the channel of mobile screen. You can't put the eggs in one basket later. " "The press conferences of several big companies have been held, and we don't know the results," Zhao said

"It has nothing to do with us. In any case, Samsung can't be bigger in China with Huawei and apple in the way." Chen Mo said.

Samsung is doomed to withdraw from the Chinese market due to the neto7 incident, which has made Chinese users feel cold. In addition, the folk boycott of Korean products and a series of things.

March ant company can take off the intelligent assistant and respond to Samsung through authorization. But he didn't, because it would lead to a fight between the two sides. This kind of thing would hurt others but not benefit themselves.

And he doesn't intend to authorize the smart assistant, at least not until the butterfly eye mobile phone has entered the international market.

At the beginning, when Huawei M9 came out, it was interrupted by Samsung and suffered a loss. Later, Hua Weixue was refined. This time, Samsung cut off the supply, so the impact was not significant.

Now the rise of BOE in China, Samsung dare not be as rampant as before. Only this time, Samsung came to this way again, and the target was marching ants.

Compared with those giants, the size of marching ants is not large enough now, and they can't be ambitious. This loss can only be swallowed temporarily and returned later.

"The mobile phone market will be put first, the high-end butterfly eye will be shut down, and the low-end one will continue to be produced. During this time, everyone's attention is focused on four companies. You can buy several pharmaceutical companies and cosmetics companies. " Chen Mo thought and said.


Zhao Min is surprised to see Chen Mo, wondering if he has heard me wrong. Chen Mo wants to enter the pharmaceutical and cosmetics market?

"You heard me right. You bought a pharmaceutical company and a cosmetics company." Seeing Zhao Min's appearance, Chen Mo immediately knew what she thought.

"Now in the field of medicine and cosmetics?" Zhao Min is still not sure.

"Layout." Chen Mo said: "now layout other markets, in the future, I want to March ant company, to become an all-round company."

Breast medicine, aphrodisiac, beauty and so on are all money.

In the future, we will definitely enter the field of biomedicine. It's better to lay out this field in advance while people focus on several companies competing for supremacy.

Drug research is no longer than other products, but also clinical trials, the cycle is too long, only in advance layout.

"Ambition is not small." Zhao Min said.

"The first time I met you, I said it was an aggressive marching ant." Chen Mo said with a smile.

"Good." Zhao Min immediately agreed to come down.

Chen Mo's words, she can only listen. This man, who is a few years younger than himself, does not know what to do or what to learn. He is a terrible genius.

Now most of the media are focusing on the event of competing for supremacy on the four mobile phones. They didn't know that the dark horse they were afraid of was ready to invade other areas.