Chapter 125

"Do you think the Chinese character programming language of marching ant company this time is a joke?"

"It's hard to say. I feel like the marching ant company has a backhand."

"I think Xuan, if Chinese programming is so easy, it won't have no real promotion now."


In the working area of a newspaper office, a group of people sat around, ate a box of rice and discussed the latest hot news. These hot news are all the things they eat.

Now they go there when they have news and have dinner together. It's absolutely a luxury.

"Heavy news, come and see." While several people were discussing the news, a young man in front of the computer shouted.

"What news?" A group of people immediately gathered around with lunch boxes.

"Marching ants publish teaching materials and Compilers for Chinese programming language, all of which are free." Said the young man sitting in front of the computer.

"The marching ant company can make a face this time, write a manuscript immediately, I want to see the manuscript about this news report within three minutes." The chief editor running out said to the reporter with a box of rice.

"I can't stop eating." Everyone wailed and sat back in their seats.

The marching ant publishes a complete set of teaching materials and Compilers for programming language, and the complete set of materials is free of charge. The news soon attracted attention on the Internet.

In just one hour, it has dominated the headlines of major media.

Yesterday, some people were still in the dark. The programming language was just a few words, which was mocked by many people. As a result, the marching ant company released a full set of teaching books today, which are completely free of charge.

The experts of marching ant company were mocked, their faces were slapped, and many experts' microblogs were also occupied, which were surprisingly consistent, all of which were mocking voices.

"Tell us a joke: experts! Ha ha ha ha! "

"The March ant's face hurts, but I like it."

"Marching ant: expert, please extend your face and let me fight. Expert: I don't want to be ashamed? "

"Chen Mo has developed marching ant system, artificial intelligence and Chinese character programming language. What's your qualification as an expert?"


A full set of teaching books has been published, and all kinds of experts have banned their voices. All the netizens who mock the marching ant company dare not come out.

The attention of netizens was soon put on the books published by marching ant company.

Programming language teaching books and compilers have come out, which means that this set of Chinese programming language has been completely mature. And the book, like the programming language at the beginning, is written by Chen mo.

The whole Chinese programming language system was founded by Chen Mo himself. This is the second person to develop Chinese programming language after Wu Tao of Yi language.

The news quickly spread abroad, and the news that the Chinese developed a second complete computer programming language spread quickly.

The second Chinese programming language? "-- Washington Post

Chinese programming language is useless! "Why don't island countries have their own programming language? "-- Asahi news

all kinds of reports in foreign media are full of sour taste between the lines, and all belittle Chinese programming language. There are also some news praising the marching ant company, but it was soon drowned out by various voices.

"E language is completely Shanzhai C / C + +. Its usage is almost the same. Now another set of language appears. It is estimated that it is plagiarism. China is indeed the Shanzhai kingdom."

"In today's Internet environment, this language can't be fully promoted. In a word, it's useless."

"Who takes the time to learn programming languages that are completely new and don't know the future?"

There are many mockers, even though they have been perfected, the prospect of Chinese programming language is still not optimistic. Because of the current usage of computer programming language, it has almost been finalized.

Some domestic experts also took the opportunity to jump out and attack the marching ant company with things that could not be promoted and used, but their words have been automatically ignored. No one will care about these fake experts, at best, it's just a hot clown.

They just don't understand that Chen Mur really can use such a big action to do these useless work? It's impossible.

The focus of attention is Chen Mo, the creator of programming language.

Many people realize that the founding of marching ant company is not only the manager Zhao Min, but also the chairman Chen Mo, who is the most important person.

In addition to the message of Chinese programming language, most media have focused on Chen mo.

All kinds of reports about Chen Mo are noisy.

A few days later, as the hero of the event, there is no shadow of him in the Jianghu, but there are always legends about him.

Chen Mo, who has been hiding in the laboratory, looks at the robot in front of him with satisfaction. In this period of time, Mo Nu controlled the robot assembly, and now the third robot has been formed.

When he is in the laboratory, he is also liberating productivity.Many things in the future, he doesn't have to do it himself, just let Mo Nu control the robot production, and be able to work continuously for a long time. This kind of tireless efficiency is absolutely impossible for him.

Just like the manufacture of seismograph, with necessary preparation, many things can be replaced by robots.

"Brother Mo, Xiaoyu enters the office area." While he was admiring the robot, Mo Nu opened her mouth.

"It's time to get off work. Mo Nu, when I'm away, you continue to assemble the robot. "

Chen Mo looks at the time, takes off his lab clothes, puts his tools in place and leaves the lab. As soon as he came out, he saw Xiaoyu coming towards him.

"It's time to go home."

"Let's go." Chen Mo smiles.

"Today, a publishing house contacted us and they want to publish the course of Chinese character programming language you published." Xiaoyu said.

"Publishing house? This is OK. " Chen Mo nodded. Now it's just to promote Chinese programming language. It can be published, and it's also a channel.

Since he decided to put the Chinese programming language out, he didn't intend to let it dust, promotion is necessary.

"Because the materials are free on the Internet, the pricing of physical books will be lower. They say that 50% will be collected from the publishing house, and 50% will be paid for printing and promotion


Chen Mo immediately promised to come down, now he, already not bad that money, how much contribution fee, not so important. Otherwise, he will not publish compilers and textbooks to the Internet for free.

"I remember that Chinese character programming language seems to be what you studied in the school shop, right?" Xiaoyu asked.

"My family has a good memory of Xiaoyu." Chen Mo said with a smile.

"At that time, I was foolishly kept in the dark, hum." Xiaoyu grunts.

"I was punished for not telling you. You forgot? " Chen Mo looks at Xiaoyu strangely.

Seeing Chen Mo's eyes, Xiaoyu blushed and hurriedly changed the topic: "tomorrow weekend, no overtime, what would you like to eat tonight? I'll go shopping. "

"That's a problem." Chen Mo thought for a moment: "I didn't eat fish last time. I want to eat fish again tonight."

Eat fish? Hearing these two words, Xiaoyu's hand, held by Chen Mo, shook fiercely. The ruddy cheeks spread all the way to the base of his neck.

"Then I'll buy it." Xiaoyu bit his lips, lowered his head and said, "here you are."