Author’s Note: Backstory

Hi everyone. I just wanted to say, since the backstory was so long, if anyone wants a shorter, revised version, read this:

My name is Sophia Smith. I was raised as an only child by two loving parents. I was lazy and loved anime and manga until middle school, when I discovered I was a prodigy genius. I had amazing memory, and was super fast at learning basically anything. I got greedy and wanted to expand my knowledge in everything, even though I wouldn't ever really need to use it. After graduating college, I was good at martial arts, school subjects, knew many languages, and mastered weaponry. I dabbled a bit in martial arts before, then saved a doctor who was getting hurt by thugs. After being able to actually use it, I strengthened my martial arts and weaponry knowledge and experience. Then I wanted to learn medicine, and the doctor I saved happened to be a genius at medicine and poisons, and after she offered to teach both, I thought why not? So as a result, I was able to recognize and make medicines and poisons, and I also grew immune to most poisons since my doctor said I had a strong defense system against poisons and if I was going to make it big it might come in handy. I started a company, and soon I became the CEO of the top company in the world. However, my parents died, my only friend abandoned me, and my ex-employee sent an assassin after me. I decided to give up on life, since there was no point in it. I drank the poison willingly, and coincidentally, it was the only poison I hadn't grown immune to.

One genius who knew practically everything there was to learn in life died at age 36, and (sorry I don't remember if I mentioned how old she was but now I did) left the world hoping for her next life to have people she could rely on, and to have fun and not be bored to death. She would never have expected to wake up in her favorite childhood anime....