CHAPTER 2 Omir The Mad Scientist

Omir was in his lab tinkering with something new. He was looking for a way to transfer a beam of light from location to another. The current test was only for a short distance, to bring light to dark planets so that they may be explored.

Omir enjoyed working on a number of projects simultaneously, he found himself getting bored easily when he only worked on one project at a time.

The second purpose of the current project was also an attempt to transform planets of light into something tangible. It had been dubbed project Y.A.M.A.

Omir looked into the mirror, his disfigured face was sweating profusely, his eyes had sunken into the back of his head, he looked like he hadnt slept in over a year, the stress so overwhelming he actually began to believe that it could have been a year.

Ava, a huge health fanatic aside from her occasional clove cigarette warned him that he would one day pay for his poor health choices which included bad food, alcohol, stimulates and pornography.

The drug that he used the most, Narpa, to recieve his channeled messages was running low, not just on the planet Reath but on the planet that they gathered it from. He had been attempting to duplicate the substance but had not managed to even map the original gene sequence. The drug that he used was becoming scarce.

Ava had removed I.M.I. so he was becoming increasingly concered over his predicamate, who else would he ever convince to drink the foreighn substance that would then attach itself to her R.N.A. to manifest an artificial D.N.A. into a suit made of advanced micro technology? He was going to have to convice Ava of going to gather the material neccesaey for him to manufacture the substance.

Omirs personal library contained textbooks that were banned from the eyes of society, they were not only banned but they were illegal, any normal citizen caught with this literature would be horribly executed.

"Ok, here we go Scabard!"

Scabard was a grabbit, a gerble slash rabbit, a combination of furious fury. Ava always wondered why he didnt just test new substances out on Scabard, the idea had appaled him, when she mentioned it, the thought of loosing Scabard was unbearable.

Ava arrived into the lab just as Omir was performing an experiment.

He had on his lab table two large mirrors made from the sand of various planets. The problem he faced was molding the sands into a viable lense that could both withstand the intensity of the laser and would be clear enough to transfer the beam of light.

The experiment had been unsuccesful, the light became to fractured and he feared that there was nothing hot enough to melt the substance so that it could be used tangibily.

Omir began to curse, ducking underneath the laser that scathed Scabbards fur, she managed to light her cigarette from the beam, so the experiment had not beem a complete waste.

Every curse word from every known planet ensued from Omir as he picked up Scabared and caressed him gently, his fur still smoking.

"Perhaps an animal sacrifice is in order" Ava said.

Ava was frustrated to see the experiment failing, she expected for this to be finished. Ava needed answers as to why the Evregores were appearing. As usual Omir began to speak outloud on what went wrong with the experiment.

"The problem is that the lens begins to decomposs upon its arrival to the planet, so it either gets waisted or I use it."

Omir was from Arabia, pre-islamic, a time of great magic, it was something of a miricle him arriving to this planet.

Ava looked at him skeptically, despite his inteligence Omir was also a drug addict, sometimes he attempted to convince Ava to go get his dope for him. After examining his facial expressions along with his body language she concluded that he was telling the truth. Omir had tried lying before but he was bad at it.

If anyone were to meet Ava without knowing her they would say that she had schizophrenia, she still had residue from the time travelling. She had post traumatic stress disorder from the residue along with a life full of combat and time travel combinded with several failed relationship attempts. I.M.I. would appear to her as Ava wanted her to appear, which was another Ava. Omir said this was to keep her from getting confused. Now she was starting to see I.M.I. in different forms, something that she had not told Omir about.

She would also begin to curse at him for what appeared to be no reason, Omir thought that it had been the effects of traveling through other dimensions. The current way they travelled however depended on the allighnment of the planets, if the proper allighnment was not available, then there would be no inter dimension travel.

"Go ahead, do it, slit her throat", it was Avas imaginary evil twin, running her finger along her throat to signify cutting the Omirs throat.

"Ava are you listening to me?"

Omir was staring at her intently, he had been trying to explain to her that there was a planetary allighnment approaching that could get her to a planet close to the one that was going to have the proper material, he was then explaining a chemical compound that could be gained from the first planet to combine with the element from the second planet so that they could get a fire that would burn hot enough to melt the sand into the glass they needed.

"Sounds to me like he wants you to steal fire from the Gods" came Ava's twin. Avas evil twin began to go on about how worthless Omir was, there wasnt anything that he could do that the two of them couldnt do by themselves.

"Ava, Ava are you listening to me?"

Omir was disevelled, he had lost alot of weight and the human side of Ava had begun to feel sorry for him. She asked him how long he had been locked away in this god forsaken hell hole but in truth he was addicted to his work.

Having familarized himself with history text books Omir began to ramble on about Arabia in Islamic times, how bad it had been, how thankful he was for having access to all of the material he had.

Ava began to spaceout again, she was wondering why she couldnt have someone sexier for a mad scientist. She tried to visualise her and him together but it just wouldnt happen in her mind.

"Omir, do you ever think of woman?"

He asked her what he meant. Ava's eye began to twitch, for someone so smart he asked the stupidest fucking questions.

"Woman Omir, sex, fucking, do you ever think about fucking Omir?"

He blushed profusely, cold chills erupted all over his skin and he began to sweat suddenly.

"Unless" Ava lit a clove cigarette, she spelled the word "gay" in the air. "I never assumed you to be gay Omir" Ava said, pointing accusingly at Omir, the cigarette between her middle and index finger.

Omir began to studder immideately, defending the degree of his machoism by beating on his chest.

"I mean if you are its ok, I just never considered it before."

Ava then asked if he masterbated down here and if so what did he think of when he did it. He assured her that he did not masterbate down here but his face told another story.

"Oh no?" Ava asked, "then what are these for" she asked, clutching a box of tissue. "You go through alot of these."

Omir blushed, he did not like discussing such matters with Ava but it seemed like she thrived on these types of uncomfortable situations.

Omir had indeed once upon a time been married, he had a wife along with a child, one out of the two still alive. He did not like Ava asking him about his family, he intended to keep them protected which meant keeping thier whereabouts unknown.