Chapter 12 The Shamans Of The Woods

There was a time when all planets were ruled by magic, the Shamans of the woods had become something else upon loosing thier magic.

The way in which werwolves first came about had been speculated on, many thought that it was magic itself, or a curse however this was not the case, it was a loss of magic that caused werewolves to come about.

The shamans were now enslaved by the werewolves, forced to work on a way to get them to stop transmuting however the shamans had refused to work for anyone that may reveal thier secrets, if they did so then they would have meant to go against everything that they stood for.

The sudden attack by Ava had come as a sudden unexpected loss to those who harnessed power over them however for them it was a victory in a way.

I.M.I., we have to retrieve that coat so that we can save Jarek.

"Im curious Ava as to why you would want to help Jarek after all that he did."

Ava, knowing that her suit would be deteriorating the moment that she arrived upon the planet consumed a drug that Omir had given to her.

"This Ava" he said, his eyes wide open in aw of the speciman, "is Psilocybe Culaieropilus omega.

The mushroom he had been working on for some time, experimenting with different strands to make a mushroom that would give to Ava the same powers that the suit Ava had.

She had expected for the werwolves to be occupied with thier masters however it seemed that these werewolves had managed to escape the clutches of thier masters. It would have taken some strong magic in order to penetrate the werewolves being able to escape the clutches of thier masters.

Ava went to chop the head off the first wolf, it felt like she had hit a brick wall.

She performed a beat move to get her opponents to move the way she needed them to, then she did a feient, she went for the beast toenails which seemed to be vulnerable. She grabbed them up, put them inside of her magical pouch.

Ava was expecting for her magic to penetrate the magic of the werwolves however this was not the case. Ava was ripped to shreds.

Ava was falling through a rift in time.