Chapter 17 Avas Arrival

Ava arrived to the planet, she knew that she had to steal the coat that was made from the harlots. The coat had been made from the bodies of wolves, one piece required for some individuals to time travel.

Ava walked into the room, lopping the head off of the woman who was in control of time, Vashiv.

This was the reciever of the loop for the elion system, there would be no essence of time without this individual fully functioning.

Since she managed to kill this individual first then there was no problem getting what she needed right away.

Ava arrived expecting a large battle but that had not been the case since she managed to decapitate the correct person at the correct moment.

I.M.I. was attempting to transcode the essence recieved from the decapitated goddess but the elements were of something that the computer had never tanscoded however I.M.I. certainly appreciated the opportunity.

"Ava, this is something that is beyond this galaxy and seemingly even beyond me."

The planets that was outside of the planetary speers had not been made for I.M.I.s data base, essentially elements outside the vibrational sphere were not in her database unless she had time travelled to the location.

The information from the decapitated goddess filled the database just as the rift opened up. Ava had managed to steal the neccesary coat, now she needed to go grab the other lamp.