Chapter 7


I woke up in the middle of the night in need to use the bathroom. Though the baby was super small at this time it seemed like I had to use the bathroom during the night I wasn't sure what that meant or if it was because of the baby but I couldn't be the only female who had been experiencing it?

when I was finished I washed my hands with soap, then quickly dried them before hurrying back to the warm bed and where Derek was sleeping. Just thinking of his name brought thoughts from that evening into my mind.

Though hardly anything happened how could I forget that moment? I've never wanted to do anything like touch, a man's chest or abs in my life I've never even thought of it. But maybe it was because the man who was allowing me to do so wasn't Logan, I had, never, not even the slightest been attracted to him. While Derek was different he may have that great build and height he had the most genuine feelings for her and everything else. There was no denying that I had feelings for that man, feelings I had never felt before.

I pulled back the covers and slid into the bed careful not the wake him from his sleep. When I moved closer to him to warm up his arm wrapped around my body with a sound of a groan.


Did he say my name in his sleep? I slightly turned my head and his eyes were still closed, was he a sleep talker?

"I want you to be mine..." He continued to mumble in his sleep. And with a sigh, he pulled me closer and rested his head in the crack of my neck. "Hold me?" He told with a childish tone.

I did as he said and wrapped my arms around him and gave him an additional kiss on the head. I wasn't sure how I was going to sleep now after what I had heard him speak. Did he really want that?

Just the thought of it was terrifying I wasn't ready for that not yet? Even if it was Derek how could I do it without being frightened to death, having a bad dream about Logan was equally frightening as reality?

I closed my eyes for a moment that felt like forever. Time was taking forever to pass and yet I couldn't sleep. The last time I checked it was four forty-two and only two minutes had passed since then.

Tears began to well up in my eyes I wanted to sleep and needed to if I wanted to be more active in the morning but my body was wide awake. I sniffled a couple of times and whipped my constant running tears hoping to not wake Derek but I didn't hope good enough when he moved his hand to my face and caressed his thumb over my cheek.

"Hey what's the matter why are you crying, does something hurt?" He asked with concern in his voice.

"I can't sleep and it's all your fault?"

"Oh, it's my fault how's come?"

"I don't want to talk about it," I told and hid my face in his shoulder without another word. How could I explain to him what I heard him say in his sleep along with disappointing him because I'm too scared all because of my past? How would he understand such things?

He hugged me ever so gently in his arms as he always had done. "How's the baby?" He asked surprising me completely. Was he concerned for my baby? What was he going to do when he or she was born would he help me raise the child? Could our relationship last with a child on the way?

"Good and healthy I have an ultrasound check-up in the morning at ten o'clock so if you want to come you can?"

"Yeah of course I'll go with you, after all, I'm your boyfriend I want to experience everything with you."

"Everything?" I said nervously afraid to know what that truly meant.

He became quiet for a short time before he spoke again. "Yeah, everything...try to get some sleep now it's five o'clock?"

I tried to sleep once more cuddled up against his chest. When I finally felt sleepy I fell into a deep sleep.

When the morning came I checked the time and hurried out of bed and went into my bedroom to prepare before my shower. I got into the closet and took out a sweater dress and undergarments from the dresser.

"Derek hurry and get ready!" I hollered running into the bathroom unsure if he even heard me.

I stripped out of my pajamas and stepping, into the shower I screamed from the cold running water hitting my body. I moved to the side half wall away from the water in hopes it would heat up quickly.

After waiting for a minute I felt the water to check the temperature when it was warm enough I went back under and washed up quickly as possible.

When I was finished I dried off and changed into my clothes. When there was a knock on the bathroom door I froze not knowing what to do.

"Grace are you dressed can I come in?" He asked.

"Ye-yeah?" I fixed my dress as he opened the door. He stood there in the door frame for a moment in silence before coming up behind me and wrapping his arm around my waist.

"You look beautiful?" He whispered kissing behind my ear.

"Thank you," I said feeling more at ease than a moment ago. His body pressed up against mine trapping me between him and the bathroom counter. There was hardly any room for me to turn around but I seemed to manage well. He then pressed his lips against mine then we shared a sweet kiss.

My heart beat loudly in my ears as it pounded against my chest. It wasn't out of fear of him seeing my body it was the fear of the flashbacks of Logan torturing my body day by day that may come after my thoughts.

"Derek...I'm scared?" I muttered a breath.

He stopped what he was doing a pulled me into a comforting hug. "You're not ready I understand I'm not so sure if I'm even ready? I've never done this before and not sure if I'd be good at it?"

"We should finish getting ready before we're late for my appointment I want to see my baby and how he or she is growing?"

"Your right but I just gotta say at least once that you look absolutely stunning sitting in front of me on this counter?"

"Stop your the one who looks stunning not me." I frowned in a joking manner.

"Whatever you say, baby."

I blinked a couple of times in disbelief as I was being helped to get back on my feet. I had never been called any sort of nickname it was all just so new to me? I never imagined anyone to call me baby since I never really believed that anyone would ever want to date me when I was pregnant with someone else's child and I wasn't pretty but I was wrong since last night there was someone who did.

Derek liked me in a way I thought wasn't possible even with someone else's child. Though I was happy about us being together what was going to happen when the baby was going to be born in seven months?


Twenty-seven minutes later.

We sat in the waiting room of the hospital though it was only for an ultrasound I felt nervous last month I came and the nurse was not so nice since I was only a teenager and had no boyfriend to accompany me.

It may be different now besides my age of course but Derek was with me now I wasn't alone in this seven months journey.

He must have noticed how nervous I was when he took my hand and lightly squeeze it. I looked up into his brown eyes as he smiled right into mine. When my name was suddenly called by the woman behind the desk Derek gave me a quick kiss, then helped me stand even though I didn't need it yet.

"Ready? Don't be so nervous everything will be fine." He told reassuringly.

Walking into the room the same nurse from last time stood with a raised brow as if confused or in disbelief that there was a man now accompanying me at my second appointment.

"Take a seat if you like sir, while you can lay down right there you can cover your hips and pull your dress up to your bust?" She said making eye contact with both of us. "It's a bit chilly out this morning isn't, it? It won't be long till the warm weather takes over I heard the news it's going to be in the sixties Wednesday but it's only going to last till Friday along with rain showers?"

"At least we're starting to get warmer weather in this city it's lasted since the beginning of fall?" He replied.

"Has it really?"

"Yeah, the glass door to the entrance of my company had even frozen shut quite a few times by how cold it had been."

"Oh wow?" I said stunned hearing what he had said. I never realized how cold it had been since I was never to leave the house.

And while the nurse was getting prepared I took a moment to look at Derek and hold out my hand for him to take. When he didn't notice because he was looking at the machines I wiggled my hand and hummed.

He turned his attention to me and smiled taking my hand at last. I wanted this, us being together forever I wanted him to think over, about what the future may be, with a pregnant girlfriend whose baby doesn't belong to him.

Would he be able to love me in the near future before anything got in between us and everything would be ruined by the damage of a destroyer?

And though I didn't want to get attached it was just impossible for me not to? He was the first one to ever show me kindnesses with his words and actions. He was the first to ever hold me in his arms and kiss me with so much want and passion.

No one had even shown me such great moments to always smile upon when I was upset. But only if I was pretty enough he would possibly stay with me till the day we grew old? And I wasn't pretty in any way. I loved him quicker than I had imagined I couldn't lose him I had to make him love me before he chose to leave me in the end.

"So are you the father of this child?" The nurse asked surprising, both of us. We both looked at each other not knowing what to say. "I'm only asking because I didn't see you last month?"

"Oh yeah, I was quite busy with work all last month."

"Ah, I see what do you do for a living?"

"I'm a writer, producer, and CEO of my own company it's not far from here actually it's just at the corner of this block?"

"Wow, so your rich?" Her mouth dropped then turned it into a smile. "Grace it's going to be a bit cold to the touch but are you both ready to see your baby?"

I nodded with a smile taking a breath before looking up at Derek. When the jell was placed on my belly I winced from the cold feeling. But it was finally happening I was going to see my baby once again and Derek was going to see him or her for the very first time.

When the dark image popped on the screen my baby's picture was right in front of me. I was able to see a head arms and legs this time. My baby was growing and just the thoughts of it made me feel emotional.

I looked over at Derek once again but with tears in my eyes, he watched the screen like a child would when seeing something for the first time.

The sound of my little baby's heartbeat filled my ear and tears slowly streamed down my temple. It really started to hit me that I was going to be a mother at nineteen and though he or she came from the wrong man I was going to love this baby more than life itself.

The feeling of his thumb caressing my forehead was gentle enough to put me asleep I was still tired after last night not being able to sleep much. He then replaced his thumb with a kiss that moved to a quick one against my lips.