Chapter 1

In most cases, you have heard tales about an amazing hero who streaks across the sky and saves the world or city from the maniacally crazy supervillain. These stories are written in legendary documents that billions of people read, called comic books. I am no exception to these readers. I admit wholeheartedly that I have read quite a few of these documents as a child, and have wanted to be a great hero ever since…until the day I was p of all happiness and my world was stolen from me!!! In fact, before I even continue, let me show you just how my life was twisted into turning me into the world's greatest, most evil, most DIABOLICAL villain of all time.

It was an early winter morning, the air was crisp and still, while the sun bore bright rays of light from behind a cloud. The rays of light touched every single house…except for mine. A house of hell I reckon I should call it, for nothing good ever came from that dreadful place. Each room was about as bland as a room could be: 1 or 2 pictures hanging on the wall of a family that nearly never seemed to smile. The table had a single cloth tossed very neatly over it, and 4 plates placed very meticulously around the table. Like I said, "house of hell." Every room was this bland…except for mine. Superhero posters plastered on every wall of the room, shelves lined with superhero comics, mainly of the biggest hero ever: Galaxus, the world's strongest hero. I aspired to be just like him, thus I collected every action figure of him, and every issue of his comics 1-420. I loved Galaxus with the very core of my being….until the day he HUMILIATED me and ruined my world. If he truly wanted a super villain, he should have just asked and I would have done it without a second thought, but he just had to be his usual cocky self and make me the laughingstock of the world. Allow for me to continue to tell you just how much my name was covered in dirt. On that early winter morning, I was laying in bed at around 6:30, as I always did, reading my comic of Galaxus, issue 404 to be exact, which was the only issue in which Galaxus had lost a fight. I especially loved this issue, because even though Galaxus got knocked down, he had just stood back up again. While I was reading, my mother, Bethany, barged into the room like a walking tornado, she had seemed more angry today than she typically was. She grabbed the comic straight from my hand, but that still didn't stop me from

"Do you have any idea what time it is, Wayne?" She asked, an aggressive tone on her voice.

I slowly turned my head to look at the clock on my bedside table, which had a very nice Galaxus digital clock resting upon it. I smiled slightly as I thought about the issue I was just reading, and how Galaxus too had a bad life, but still managed to become a great hero that the world admired. Mother looked back and forth and the clock to me, watching me stare at complete nothingness, and meaninglessness THAT THAT PITIFUL AND IDIOTIC GALAXUS WAS!!!

…Sorry…I typically get a bit riled up when talking about the man I hate now most. Anyway, my mother grabbed my arm and dragged me out of bed, and down the stairs, and into a seat at the table. She was much more gentle with me around the table, not wanting to ruin the perfectly placed everything. In front of me was a bowl of dry cereal.

"Thanks for the food." I thanked my mother, who had cooked the food herself.

Now, if you believed that my mother was going to be put into a bad light, you are mistaken. My mother was, yes bland, but very loving like no father ever could be. On that note, I never knew who my father was. He probably left when I was much younger, but I grew to learn that my sole existence doesn't need to live on having a father. There were times indeed where I saw some random man come home with mother, and, when I was younger I had thought that my mother was getting hurt, from all the wails and moans she was making, but luckily, I grew up…and learned that that is not what was going on at all…spooky stuff. Anyway, I digress. My mother nodded and smiled in response to my thank you.

"Be sure to eat it quickly, we don't want you to be late for your first day of hero school!" She excitedly said, ruffling my hair.

Ah yes, hero school. The biggest achievement that a school child living in a heroic age could reach. Of course, getting in was the hardest part. The only way to actually get accepted into a hero school is by showing remarkable talent that can only be the sign of becoming, you guessed it, a hero. Unfortunate that I became so much MORE than some measly superhero whose fans kill each other over silly debates. I'm looking at you Ball of Dragon fans.

My mother, who seemed to have forgotten something, quickly ran to the fridge, but hesitated upon opening it, seemingly noticing something. I cocked my head to the side, attempting to see what she was seeing.

"What's wrong mom?" I asked.

After a moment, she joyfully closed the fridge door, holding a very small bottle of milk. Now, don't get me wrong, nowadays, with my abundant amount of money, this would have been beyond pathetic, but back in those days, for my family, this was amazing. My eyes lit up at the sight of it. My mother poured all of the milk into my bowl, and ruffled my hair again. Curious how she never gave any to herself. Once she finished pouring, she took her bowl back into the kitchen and after a second, I heard the sink start to run for a very quick moment. She then reentered a few seconds later, with a bowl full of now wet cereal. I wonder what she went into the kitchen for. Together, we ate our breakfast very quickly, while also enjoying each other's company. While we were eating my mother looked up at me and smiled.

"Sooo what power do you think you're gonna be given? Maybe super strength? Well, you can't get that one because you're already super strong." She giggled.

I blushed and allowed myself to finish chewing before answering.

"I really wanna get Galaxus's power, Cosmic Might! Then I'll be strong enough to protect everyone, including you!" I said happily.

Mother laughed and continued to eat without another word. For some reason, that I had never known, she always dismissed conversations about Galaxus. Perhaps that was what sparked my hatred for Galaxus, my mothers hatred, and I wanted to be just like her. Either way, I despise him now, and I always will. We finished eating and cleaned our own dishes, and we made our way outside to the car. Once there, I started to make my way towards the backseat, but for once, my mother opened the passenger side door, motioning for me to sit up front with her. I happily sat up there with my mother whom I loved so much, and who loved me so much.

Now I apologize for the digression, but you may be wondering why earlier I called my house, a house of hell…well…I wanted to hook you and make sure you didn't lose interest in my story at the start….

Ok so MAYBE I lied a bit…or a lot…but still, at least you have made it here and are still here. My house was far from the opposite of hell. Now, back to the story. We were driving on our way to my new hero school, which was the most exciting thing for any young child to be able to get into. We were singing theme songs of heroes together, but my mother intentionally missed all of the correct notes as if to try and match with me. Once again though, once I started singing Galaxus's song, my mother had stopped singing and just smiled.

"Tell me Wayne, what do you love about Galaxus so much? Why does he catch your eye the most out of all the heroes?" My mother asked in such a way that made it seem like Galaxus was the most disappointing choice.

I tried to think of the best answer to her question. It was truly a tough question, as there were tons of good heroes to be a fan of, but Galaxus just connected with me more than any other hero did, I couldn't tell you why, even if I wanted to. Finally after thinking it over for a good while, I turned to my mother to answer her.

"Well, Galaxus has such a cool costume, plus he's super strong, and for some odd reason I feel super duper connected to him in so many ways." I happily exclaimed at the thought of Galaxus.

My mother mumbled something to herself that I couldn't quite hear, but I'm sure that it wasn't important anyway. Soon, we arrived at a very busy and crowded school parking lot, which led to a building that made my eyes widen and twinkle with bright destiny…no literally, there was a large bright sign that spelled out "Destiny Academy". A little too bright if you ask me. The building itself was enormous, at least the size of an entire college campus piled into one building. I couldn't help but gawk at the enormity of the building and it's glory. My mothers hand on my shoulder snapped me back to reality. I turned to face her.

"This is it, babe! A whole new life is getting ready to unfold before you, and you get to have a front row seat! Man, I wish I was as lucky as you were, haha." She happily said.

She gave me a single kiss on my forehead, and unlocked the car. That was my signal to leave, though I didn't get it for a few seconds. As I went to leave, mother reached her arm out and grabbed my arm, holding me back. I turned around, to try and see what she wanted, and I saw why she held me back. In her eyes, tears began to form. Now, I've never been the sympathetic type, but I could never have seen my mother crying and be ok. Thoughts of how to cheer up my mother, despite not knowing why she was crying, began to flow through my head.

"I love you son. Please be good for me, and don't get into too much trouble, ok? When you get home I wanna hear all about your day at school." Mother softly said, wrapping her arms around me tightly.



Oh, sorry, I get a bit misty eyed whenever I retell this part of my backstory. So anyway, when she hugged me, I of course did the one thing any child should do when their mother hugs them: hug back.

"I love you too mommy. Don't worry, I'll be ok just for you!" I cheerfully stated, trying to cheer her up.

After a good 5 seconds of hugging, she let go of me and kissed my forehead again. I stepped out of the car and waved goodbye to my mother.

"Have a good day at work, mommy!" I shouted after her.

Once her car was out of sight, I turned around and looked happily at Destiny Academy, ready for a brand new world of awesome. If only I knew how much my world was going to be twisted from that point on. The scene, from what I saw, was beautiful and extravagant, so allow me to picture it for you.

At the front of the school there were 2 flights of stairs, separated into 3 different areas. The stairs themselves were made of IT DOESN'T MATTER!!! What? You think I'm gonna Tolkien the entire book? HA! Back to the damn story we go. I walked into the school paying absolutely 0 attention to the surroundings that were probably super cool and luxurious, but I didn't care to take the time to look at everything around me. Now, it wasn't until halfway through walking through the school that I realized that I had absolutely NO idea where I was going.

"Hmm, it might've been a good idea to ask mother for some information on what classes to go to. Oh well, I'll figure it out...eventually." I shrugged to myself.

About an hour and a half later, I finally picked a door that was correct. The classroom fell increasingly silent as I entered. I guess they weren't expecting a kid to be over an hour late to class. The teacher especially wasn't expecting it.

"Ah, you must be Mr. Wayne. Welcome to class, finally." The teacher said in a very monotone voice.

Talk about first impressions. I nodded joyfully (there's only so many words that can describe my happy, childlike attitude…deal with it) and sat down. The teacher walked towards the board and started to write something on it. While she was writing something down, a young girl next to me tapped on my shoulder, trying to get my attention. I turned towards her and saw the most beautif- just kidding, mother will always be the most beautiful, and that is not a debatable topic College XDX fans. She was pretty though. I digress. She held her hand out for me to shake it, in which I reluctantly did.

"Hi! My name is Grace, it's nice to meet you. Are you excited to see what powers we're gonna get?" She whispered to me very excitedly.

I didn't realize how noisy and obnoxious Grace was back then, but I do know that I felt relieved to know that someone wanted to be friends with me already. I nodded with (you know what screw it) happiness.

"Yeah! I'm super excited! I hope I get Cosmic Might so I can be strong just like Galaxus!" I attempted to whisper back, but it just came out as my normal voice.

Grace giggled and immediately dismissed my fan-boyish attitude. How rude. pulled out a piece of paper which had a long list of something on it, most likely powers she wanted to get. Like I said, obnoxious.

"Well, for my powers I want either Sparkle Lazer, Dominant Eyes," Now I'm no idiot but I knew exactly what Dominant Eyes did and it wasn't exactly child appropriate, so I asked her why she wanted that specific power, "Huh? Oh because my daddy says that it's the strongest power there is!"

Ah…so her father was a pervert. Good to know. Dominant Eyes, in case you didn't know, allows for the user to entrap any person romantically if they stare for too long into the user's eyes. I guess in some cases it could be useful, but I assumed the worst and settled with the fact that Grace's father was perverted. Before she could continue her list, the teacher slammed the chalk on the board and spun around, her attitude completely changed.

"Tell me class, what do you think the most important part of hero school is?" She asked, pacing back and forth in front of the board.

I raised my hand instantly upon the question being asked. There was only one answer to the question and it was: "Becoming a hero!"

"Wrong." She instantaneously said, nearly cutting me off.

Almost shocked by the sudden answer, I held my hand in the air for a second more, then lowered it slowly. The teacher saw my emotion upon getting the question wrong and half smiled.

"It's about learning to do what's best for the city and world. While becoming a hero is indeed part of that task, being powerful, fast, or even smart is not what's important. Over the course of your time here, you will learn that. And to help you get a grasp on this, a very special guest is here to tell you all about his backstory. Please give a big hand for the one, the only…"

All of a sudden, out of nowhere, HE appeared. My mind went blurry out of absolute joy at the sight of him. His glorious costume, his bulging muscles, and his absolutely goddamn cocky attitude that I DESPISE stood in front of us.

"GALAAAAXUS!!!" Galaxus roared with power, shaking the entire classroom.

The entire class, including me, erupted with applause and cheers at the amazing entrance of such a titan. I think I actually cried when I saw him, somehow. Galaxus posed for us as we continued clapping…and clapping…and clapping…and clapping for a good solid 10 minutes. Do I still have the bruises from my hands colliding together? Oh, yeah, I do. After a bit, Galaxus lowered his hands, signalling for us to be silent.

"So, I hear everyone here is going to become the world's next greatest hero. Am I right or am I right?" He spoke in a deep manly voice.

Dear god I hate that man, but my younger self didn't so I shouted at the top my lungs, an enormous: "YESGALAXUSBYTHEWAYILOVEYOUANDWANNABEJUSTLIKEYOUEVERYSINGLEDAYPLEASECANIHAVEYOURAUTOGRAPH!!!!!!!"

"I love your spirit, random child! Now, please don't get me wrong, what I'm about to tell you may seem ludicrous and insane, but it has meaning. I would be nothing without having villains to fight. And frankly there aren't many villains around that are strong enough to challenge the likes of ME! AM I RIGHT OR AM I RIGHT?!?!"

Who the hell said anything about villains?


Galaxus laughed and looked at me, and when he did…I will never forget the look he gave me…that damned, cocky ass face of his disappeared in an instant at the sight of me. He just stared at me, like I was something of a monster. I wanted him to say something, I even looked behind me to see if he was actually looking at me or not. He slowly made his way towards me.

"Now another tip kids, when you wanna become a hero, you need to first have someone you truly care about. Someone you look up to, like Uncle Ben to Spiderman, or Lois Lane to Superman….someone that doesn't push away the ones they love most." Galaxus said, his tone completely changed.

He was growing ever closer to me, and my heart was pounding out of my chest. All of my dreams of getting close to the man I loved most, who I wanted to be my father…

"Not someone like his mother." Galaxus pointed at me.

My mind went blank. I shook my head to see if I was still dreaming or not, and sure enough, I wasn't. What did he just say? What in the hell did he say about my mother? Everyone snickered. WHY?! WHY DO KIDS SNICKER AT THE SOUND OF AN INSULT?!?!?! IT'S SO CLICHE!!!!

"You see, his mother is a rude, arrogant woman who pushes away the ones she loves the most." He continued on, speaking to everyone, and pointing to me.

I was in complete confusion and denial that this was happening. The man I aspired to most was insulting my mother, the woman I loved most. I wanted to say something, anything, but couldn't find the words to, instead, my head just spun in circles and into sudden despair. This couldn't be happening. I-I loved this man! I couldn't express that enough!!! Galaxus turned to me again and glared into my soul.

"Then she tried to pin something enormous on me and hated me for it when I rejected it."

You starting to see what's going on here? I, Wayne, have had no father since I was born, and just now, he says that he was given something huge and rejected it. That's right, Galaxus was….my uncle's sister's cousin's son. It would be pretty crazy if he was my dad though. I stood up and opened my mouth to speak.

"Wait, no that's not true, my mommy is a very nice person!" I tried to say, but Galaxus cut me off and raised a hand.

Not only did he raise a hand, but this was a hand that he was going to hit me with. I repeat…Galaxus was about to hit me. I wanted to cry, and I wanted to run away. My biggest icon just made me into the biggest laughingstock of the class. Just before Galaxus was about to hit me, he suddenly stopped and turned around.

"And that, children, is how a hero should-"

"GALAXUS. GALAXUS ARE YOU THERE?!" A voice shouted through Galaxus's earpiece.

By this point, my entire world was just shattered, for Galaxus, the man I admired from the bottom of my heart, just insulted me, my mother and made me into a clown for the class.

"Yes, what is it, Hyperion?" Galaxus replied, tapping his index finger onto the earpiece.

The two began to give an exchange before Galaxus quickly flew off, making a large hole in the wall. All of a sudden, all of the TV's in the building turned on, and live footage of Galaxus approaching a villain started to play.

"Oblivion, we meet again!"

"Ah, if it isn't Mr. Galaxy himself! I was expecting you to arrive for some time now….but I should warn you that you're too late! For I have planted bombs all throughout the building that your ex lover works at!" Oblivion maniacally laughed.

Galaxus, for once in his life, looked horrified. When I heard the building name shouted by Oblivion, I looked up quickly. Rizen Corp was the building mother worked at!!! I stood up and instantly ran out of the classroom, the only thought running through my mind was that I needed to save my mother.

"You're insane, Oblivion! You don't have to do this!!! PLEASE!!!!!" Galaxus desperately screamed.

Oblivion's eyebrows raised in surprise.

"Ooooh myyyy, don't tell me you actually still care for that bimbo??? Now isn't THAT crazy? HEEHAHAHAHAHAHAAAA!!!"

Galaxus stretched out his arm as Oblivion pulled out a red button. I had reached the city plaza, and pulled out my phone, calling my mother, who wasn't picking up.

"Please pick up..PLEASE PICK UP!!!!!!" I screamed to myself, continuing to run.

Oh by the way, apologies if this seems a bit rushed, I just want to move on to the better stuff, rather than this…I never get through this part of the story easily. Anyway, eventually she picked up and calmly asked me what was going on. I felt relieved as all hell. Meanwhile Galaxus was trying to figure out a way to save everyone in the building.

"Oblivion look…I will let myself be captured by you if you let everyone in that building go. I won't escape from your crazy experiments either, just drop the remote…" Galaxus calmly offered.

Oblivion snickered and shrugged his shoulders, holding the remote in mid air, about to drop it.

"Alright…if you inSIST!!!!!!!!" Oblivion shouted, dropping the remote, the button facing down.

"MOM PLEASE YOU NEED TO GET OUT OF THERE, THERE ARE BOMBS PLANTED IN THE BUILDING!!!" I desperately pleaded with my mother, choking back tears of fear.

Galaxus began flying towards the building at top speed,desperately wanting to reach the building.

"Bethany…not like this!!!"

The remote was just inches from the ground now. I shouted into the phone for her to leave one last time.

"Sweetie, I am perfectly fi-"

An enormous explosion went off, decimating the entire building which I was so close to reaching. The last thing I heard out of the phone was the scream of my mother. I saw Galaxus get sent flying backwards, just before I went unconscious. Galaxus…let them die. He could have flown so much faster…but he just let them all die. When I awoke, I was leaned up against a building, blood caking my left eye.

"Wh-what happened? Where…where am I?" I wearily asked myself.

I looked up to see a destroyed building, and millions of thoughts flew through my head. I tried to get a better understanding of what was going on, but I couldn't. My mother, whom I loved so much, was just killed, and Galaxus, the man whom I respected with every ounce of my being, insulted me and then failed to save a building. Bad guys aren't the villains….heroes are. Galaxus could have saved my mother but he didn't because he hated her.

"DAMN IIIIIIT!!!!!!" I screamed at the top of my lungs.

In the course of a single day, I lost respect for the man I loved most, and my mother, Bethany, whom I loved even more….

'I would be nothing without having villains to fight. And frankly there aren't many villains around that are strong enough to challenge the likes of ME'

Something snapped within me. And this line kept repeating over and over again inside my mind.

'And frankly there aren't many villains around that are strong enough'


'And frankly there aren't many villains around that are strong enough'

"...Galaxus wants himself a super villain…"

'And frankly there aren't many villains around that are strong enough'

"...Well then…ask and you shall receive!!!" I roared, laughing maniacally to myself.

I began to walk home, where I would begin my quest to become the world's strongest villain and hopefully kill Galaxus in the future. For I no longer wanted to be some silly hero, oh no, I wanted to BE so much more, I wanted to be exactly what Galaxus himself wanted…a supervillain.