From the perspective of the other main character, the book dug out more secrets, detailed information, and more detailed time lines from the world. However, the book had different sub lines structure and instructions, which could be combined with the formal teaching to read more information, stories, personality and other characters
Everyone had their own endless potential and stories
With the advance of the time line and efforts, they finally intertwined with each other by mistake
却 又因一块神秘水晶——改变了自己,让他们有了更多的选择
But because of a mysterious crystal, they had changed themselves, which gave them more choices
tips:逃离交错世界Future 离界Zero 是以两部外传以后继续会更新推行发行的续传
Tips: Future has left the world of chaos. Zero will be updated and released with two more copies
亚伯拉汉 CN name :林少华 Lin Shao Hua