Crazy chaos

In the stupid dress I was put into, I ran across the hallway that reeked of medicine and disinfectants. I wondered why I didn't see a soul in the adjacent rooms, I was lucky I guess and it was ideal. I didn't want to last a day longer in this place let alone half a year, and to make matters worse, I wasn't even crazy. Escaping this place was my top priority at the moment. I did my best to keep close to the walls to avoid the cameras that were placed at certain points.

"Whoa" I retraced my steps back to the mirror I just passed. I stupidly stared back at the Shane Nostra that was staring back at me. No, no, no way…no one will ever believe that this person was the legendary brutal demon lord. Don't get me wrong, I was grateful I wasn't reincarnated in the body of an ugly old man or a warthog but this, my former followers would flirt with me and not fear me. I mean the long dark hair was cool but dimples? Really? This Shane Nostra was extra cute with those …those green eyes, no one was going to be terrified at me. And I'm overly thin and so young. I looked around sneakily then peeked into my pants. Not bad, I nodded then closed them immediately.

My body would use a bit of workout and more meals, I thought inwardly whilst flexing my arms…muscles would be a good addition. A face surgery? , no, I will just avoid smiling to hide the dimples. And the hair…

"Hey, what are you doing?" a voice startled me

I jumped abruptly from the mirror embarrassedly. The shame of finding a man staring at himself on the mirror.

"Uhm…just chilling, walking around for some fresh air" I replied hiding the syringes on my back

"The crazies are in the hall eating, why are you wandering around?" the angry looking nurse bounced over. She had those eyes that could make a big person cry, the kind of eyes wicked step mothers have…and white hair. Did she apply the eye shadow in the darkness?

"I just told you…getting some fresh air" I rolled my eyes

"Well, you can get all the air you need inside there" she glared pointing behind me

"Uh huh" I nodded then walked backwards towards the direction she pointed

"Why are you walking backwards? What are you hiding?" the nurse shot, she moved her head to the side attempting to look behind me

"What am I hiding?...nothing" I chuckled walking even faster " walking backwards is a thing for the crazies, " I shrugged

I was just walking along well when my back bumped unto someone, bummer. I slowly turned my head around to face two other men dressed in blue like the ones I had just taken care of earlier. They only took one look on my hands before they made to grab my arms.

Seeing those huge hands approach, I didn't hesitate to inject them with the dose. I didn't even know what was inside the syringes but I bet that they were some powerful drugs to make people sleep. They fell down limply.

The angry nurse glared at me even harder, she was no longer angry…she looked mad.

" That's not so good" I shook my head then started running fast. Did I mention that the female nurse was huge…huger than the men I met today and fatter, she would choke me in a breath's time. Had it been an old one I would have just waltzed past her without care.

The loud thumps I heard behind me fueled my energy making me burst into the unguarded cafeteria for the crazies. And oh my greatness, there were lots of them. The fat, thin, shirtless, bald, old, young, men and women…the ones with weird looking hairs that seemed to have been recently electrocuted. They sat everywhere and anywhere each doing crazy things. One was walking while nodding his head like the arms of a clock, another one was riding on top of his friend like he was a horseman, another was eating off the ground , eeeww…some were just standing idly staring into the oblivion like they were lost or something, most of them in fact.

" Who wants to hear a story?" I asked loudly after getting to my senses that I was being pursued by the giant female nurse

Not even one person turned to look at me

" Who wants to watch a movie?" I asked loudly again. This time I only got the attention of a few people, not my aim. I widened my eyes in horror when I heard loud heaving and thumps behind me

" Who wants to get out of here?" I shouted when the nurse was just a step away from me. " I've got keys"

All the crazies shot up from their places and rushed out the cafeteria's door shouting outlandishly. The nurse's efforts to calm the people down was futile, as she was overrun by every one in a matter of seconds.

I used the moment of chaos to search for the exit which was unmanned. I took out the keys I had snatched from one of the men and used it to open the gate. The last thing I heard from the sanatorium was the nurse's loud shout.