I am not drunk

Cameron Collins, the name rang in my ear as a familiar melody. But I couldn't remember where I heard him before, maybe the alcohol and the tiredness were messing with my memory.

But when my eyebrows knit slightly and my forehead creased his expression grew preoccupied as if he feared that name would ring a bell to me.

"Why does it sound familiar to me?" I asked, and I felt the warm air escaping from his mouth as he sighed of relief.

He shrugged, "I don't know," he turned to the side and leaned his head on the window as he stared at my exposed legs.

"This is not your dress, is it?" He asked, I hated how he changed the matters of the conversation.

Why men can be so different in some expects but at the same time so similar!?

That's something Carl used to do too, I shook my head to drive the thought of him away. I had to stop thinking of him and give my mind and my heart some peace.

"No, this is not my dress. It's my sister's." I replied, slipping the skirt down which was slightly lifting through my thighs.

That's what happened when you had more curves than your sister, I even wonder how I managed to fit it in since she is much skinner than me and way shorter.

"I figured it out, you don't seem comfortable in it." He said.

The car stopped and when I turned around to look through the window I saw a huge villa surronded by a huge garden and a huge pool.

The driver opened the door for me but I shook my head, "I can go to a hotel," I said, figuring out that villa was his.

"I have a guest bedroom and guest bathroom and kitchen, you won't even see me around the house." He replied, the driver was still looking at me with his hand stretched.

I rolled my eyes, he didn't seem willing to listen to my request but only Cameron's requests.

I scoffed, if I dated this guy I wouldn't be the one to wear pants in the couple, I giggled at my thoughts as I realized I wasn't guilty, Carl was the one who wasn't enough man to deal with me.

Cameron heard me laughing and he frowned, "are you still drunk?" He asked, but I shook my head.

"Not drunk and not engaged," I confirmed still slightly affected by the euphoria of the alcohol.

"Single and ready to mingle? Is that what teenagers say when they pretend they had moved on quickly?" I joked, massaging my forehead.

Cameron walked into his house, opening the door for me. I remained speechless at the view, it looked even huger than it seemed from outside. It was decored in modern style with a huge collection of vinyl, a DJ console, an enormous tv and so many other things he probably had never touched before.

My house was probably as big as two of the rooms of his house, I was amazed at the sight that I freeze in the center of the living room.

"Don't you want me to walk you in the guest side of the house?" He asked, he was probably used to getting that kind of reaction from his visitors but I was not used to meeting people that rich, despite my working in a car company.

"Now I am the one curious about your work," I hissed as I followed him up to the stairs.

As he walked forward I noticed his clothes were all branded with the CC logo and a bulb glowered on my head, the CC stood for Cameron Collins.

He spoke right when I was about to ask if my revelation was right.

I heard his voice fading as he walked in opposite direction to open a door. "Let's say that my work is having many people working for me."

"What a dreamy work."

He ignored my comment, he opened the closet and slided out some dresses.

"You can have an old shirt of mine for the night."

I sat on the edge of the bed and sighed but he sat near me.

"Thank you," I said, hoping he would leave the room and leave me alone but he didn't stand up.

"The bathroom is the room on the right, so in case you have to throw up, you can go there."

He explained, checking on me, probably waiting for me to say something but I only nodded.

He finally stood up and turned around right when he was going to walk over the threshold.

"May I know your name?"

I tried not to roll his eyes, I knew his game, he was pretending to be interested only to persuade me to sleep with him tonight.

In the end, I was a sad girl who had drunk too much, which made me the perfect target for men.

"My name is Lily."

His eyebrows moved for a second and I could spot a thoughtful gaze as if the name reminded him of something.

"I need the last last to send your house the dress tomorrow."

I chuckled, "what a good excuse, but thanks you can keep the dress. It's not mine, I don't care about it."

He pulled his hair back, a smirk appeared on his lips.

"An excuse, for what?"

He took a few steps forward and he walked extremely close to me.

"You know, you don't need me to say it aloud. I am still dizzy and you brought me to your house." I summed up the situation and raised my eyebrows as I snapped my tongue. "Put two and two together."

"I don't need much work to get a girl to sleep with me, Lily. I am sorry you are now disappointed and mistrusting of every man on the planet but remember that I am not like other men."

A laugh escaped from my mouth as soon as I heard that last sentence, "by saying you're not like other men, you proved you indeed are."

He chuckled, "you're still drunk." He whispered and then turned around to walk toward the door.

"I am not drunk but even if I was I would never sleep with you." I spat, shutting my eyes as I let myself fell onto the bed.