[Bonus chapter] Time to work

We drank a glass of wine and then we walked out of the diner, it was already almost lunch time but I didn't want to get back to work, I was enjoying being alone with Cameron so much.

"That diner is one of your favorite places?" I asked, he nodded.

"Yes but I never brought anyone there," he took a brief pause, "before today."

Before Las Vegas and now a diner if he was being honest and he never did those things with any other girl before then I was glad to be an exception.

"I don't want to get back to the office," I complained bending my head and rolling my eyes as I grimaced unhappiness curving my lips down.

"Me either, but we should go back to work. To motivate you I suggest you pay back the favor you owe me by accepting to have dinner with me tonight."

I scoffed pretending to think about his proposal even if deep down I couldn't wait to stay longer with him.

"I give up, fine." I lifted my hands in sign of surrender.

I drove us back to work and when we walked we found everyone chatting or doing other things instead of working, some even were outside to smoke.

"This is gonna be funny." He whispered noticing my angry facial expression. I never took the day off, I took the first day off after years only for Las Vegas and when I finally did I find all my people being unrespectful in my regards?

That was so disappointing, as soon as they saw me walking down the car and slamming the door close they all ran back inside and came back to their place like nothing happened.

"Hello, we went out because we had an idea about the potential next clients and how to approach them. I see you're working hard during our absence." I raised an eyebrow and folded my arms.

They all remained in silence so I let the matter drop giving them some peace and then walked back to my office.

As soon as I closed the door I spoke, "something like this never happened before. I understand they need a break but they could have asked me."

I rolled my eyes as I sat down, I took the papers of the list of potential clients and highlighted the names of the closest ones in our area so that we could start with them.

He slouched forward to point at a name: 'Nicholas Willey', he then looked up to me, "this one is a potential client, he loves modern cars, big colorful cars which don't go unnoticed."

I nodded, mentally thinking what we may do to indulge him to buy from us.

"We could organize an event and send him an invitation to his address. The event will have mostly modern cars according to his taste. Maybe we can find on his social media account what are his favorites and expose the cars according to his taste." I suggested.

"Sounds good!" He immediately said, so we proceeded with the second step: checking his account and finding if he had any preferences about the brand of luxury cars."

After long research, we discovered he liked mostly Porsche, tesla, and Lamborghini.

I checked our budget available to own the event and an affordable place we may rent for the location.

The place closer to Nicholas' residence was also the most expensive one but it was worth it, indeed if our goal would be reached we will at least triple the amount of money spent on the promotion and the setup of the event.

And sure enough, the event will also attract other clients so it would be only beneficial to us.

He was smiling like an idiot when I copied every important piece of information on a paper and then calculated the amount of the price we may spend for everything.

After the main things were reported I let the pen down to the floor and took a loaded breath, "done. I guess we have everything set up. I will go see the place tomorrow and rent it for next month. I plan on creating a thick marble stones stage and locating one of the cars there. Then have a machine which reproduces a golden rain. Maybe we can even add a huge screen with images and videos of all the celebrities who owned the car."

"Everything is perfect." He commented, still smiling, "I love seeing you working."

"Thank you." I gestured to remove my imaginary hat from my head and bent down.

I traveled my gaze to the clock on the wall and when I noticed it was already enough late to go home I started to place the paper on a dossier and then slid it on my bag. I always brought stuff from work at home so in case I couldn't sleep at home or I was bored I could work at home too.

He stood up and put on his jacket, "ready for our dinner?"

I mustered a smile, "just because I reduced to come yesterday or because you want to stay more with me?" I tilted my head to the side and admired his face twisting a surprised expression as if he was taken off from my words.

"Of course because I don't accept no as answers. This is just my dominant masculine side taking the control." He commented amusedly.

"Then I have to accept, I don't want to make the masculine side feel bad."

We giggled and I felt the usual warm touch of his on my shoulder as he walked nearly me.

I walked out of my office, and then as I passed by the rest of the office I said to the people working for me that they could go home. After my return I didn't trust them being alone, so since I didn't have the certainty they would still work I told them to leave with me.

I read the confusion in their gaze when they saw me and Cameron walking out together for the second time in the same day, I felt like I could hear their thoughts. I knew them enough and their mindset to know what they thought of me without the need to hear it. Some of them criticized me for hanging out with someone not only work correlated but also after only a month since my break up. Others were probably jealous since they had hearty eyes every time Cameron looked at them.

And the few ones left, the older ones just needed something to gossip about during lunch break and I was sure I gave him a month worth of gossiping today.

I walked into my car after telling him to follow me since I wanted to pick the place. I fixed my lipstick and put on some more concealer and then I finally started the car.