Take a Break

A lump formed in my throat, that place was the same diner Cameron brought me.

In all the dinner places she could work in, why exactly that? I faked a big smile, "that sounds a good place to work in!"

And suddenly turned into a bad place to go in whenever I was with Cameron.

"Maybe I will like working there so much that I will end up working there for years." She shrugged taking some sips of her drink and darting her gaze to her friend.

We spend a few more hours chatting and getting to know better Evelyn's friends.

"We all have drunk so we can't drive home," Evelyn said.

"We can go to sleep at my diner where I will work. They said they have few rooms for homeless people, maybe they can find a few ones for us too."

My eyes widened, that didn't sound like a good idea at all. What if they recognized me and would ask me about Cameron in front of everyone?