How did you do it?

"Thank you Cameron for your advice. I am so glad to have you."

I said, my heart thanked him too with a strong intense heartbeat.

He was helping me a lot, to make me feel more confident about myself. He helped me to see myself in a different light and I couldn't be more grateful to him for that. 

I hung off the phone, and drove back home, when I arrived Joanna wasn't home so I imagined she was with her boyfriend. I cooked some rice as I watched tv and then when I was about to eat, my phone began ringing.

Who could it be?

I walked closer to the phone and I answered the unknown number who was calling.


A way too familiar voice spoke leaving me shocked and puzzled. It was Madison's voice, nonetheless probably the girl who hated me the most for having stolen Cameron from her.

"Madison? How did you get my number?" 

"So Cameron introduced you to his friends?" She completely ignored my question to ask me a new question.