Broke in

He drove a few meters afar and then parked in the middle of a park filled with flowers, it looked like a huge rainbow from afar, with the amazing bright colors of the flowers blooming here and there.

I was awed at the view, as soon as I walked down I smelled the floral amazing scent that dimmed me and I became one with nature. 

He parked at the verge of a little circular spot where there was no grass but only topsoil and no flowers grew there but only surrounded it leaving a brown spot in the middle of a colorful paradise. Probably on purpose for people who just like us wanted to admire the view. We walked there and sat on the ground, I stretched my legs as I stared at the flowers around us. It was so beautiful and breathtaking I wondered how I had never heard of that place.

"I like to come here often, to remind me how life can be amazing and have some peaceful time."