
"Jo, there will be more occasions to celebrate with him and more birthdays. You can't sacrifice your career and yourself for a man." I said slowly to make sure every word affected her and how much it shall affect her. I was fone with the society rules which imposed that women shall earn and be less successful than men. Joanna had earned what she did with her efforts and she couldn't renounce such a big occasion just because it was Justin's birthday."It's his first birthday we would spend together isn't that supposed to be important?" 

"Yes, it should be important but also your career should be important. So I am sure he will understand it."

We continued to clear and didn't talk about that subject anymore, so I supposed she needed extra time to proceed with what to do next and how to behave with her boyfriend. I truly hoped her choice wouldn't be conditioned by fears. 

I kissed Cameron goodbye and then drove back home with Joanna. We went straight to bed.