Too disposable?

"I don't understand, in the first months they didn't follow you this much." I sighed loudly.

"They did but they didn't when I was with you." He corrected me as he checked continuously my facial expression to make sure I was fine. 

"And why then? Do they only follow us when we visit certain restaurants?" I asked.

"They visit places they can visit, as I told you already, many restaurants are protected by paparazzi preventing their invasion of privacy by fining them a huge amount of money. I often go to those places which are located in protected areas not allowed to give access to normal people."

That was why I find out to know the existence of half of the luxury restaurants he brought me to. That would explain also why those restaurants were often empty and with few clients. Maybe those clients were as rich as Cameron and because of those big shots, the restaurants were able to keep their business going.