Girls time

The next day I spent the morning at the company but left the place before lunch to visit Joanna.

it had been a few days since I had last seen her, yet it seemed like an eternity. I opened the door and found her earring. She was eating oatmeal and some fruits. When she noticed me she ran to me and hugged me in a tight embrace, "I missed you so much." She whispered.

"I missed you too." I chuckled, it was probably the same for her, we could barely stay without the other. 

"How are you? Are you hungry?" She asked me making me laugh, even more, it seemed like I was the guest there.

"No Jo, I am fine. Not hungry."

She finished eating her meal and then put the dish on the sink to dedicate my full attention.

"Yesterday I was.." I cleared my voice, "was doing something particular with Cameron but he didn't slide out in time. I hope nothing happened."

She took a few seconds to weigh my words and to put two and two together.