Just the beginning

"Friendship is the forever when love can't be it," I commented.

"Maybe you will have both," Joanna whispered, shaking my hand.

The waiter brought us the first courses, and the presentation of the dishes was minimal yet detailed and caffeinated. It seemed like a painting made with sauces and with ingredients placed at the center of the dish. 

"They are beautiful," I commented on the dishes as soon as the waiter left giving us a technical explanation of the courses.

"They are true. I have so much more to learn. Now that I've seen how good those are... I need to improve lots of things." Joanna sighed, leaning closer to her dish to look better at the details.

"Wow, there are so many preparations used." She stated with a thoughtful expression. 

"The colors look great, the sauces must be carrots hummus. It looks thick and delicious."

I added.

I took a bit of the filet dipping it in the hummus sauce which was on a bowl side.