Animal lover

After setting the appointments with the chosen therapists he said he needed to go to his company to finish some business and make sure everything was okay after staying away for the entire day. However I kissed him goodbye and left as well, I drove back home and decided to call my sister to check on her. It had been a few weeks since we last talked and I asked her to be my bridesmaid. 

"Hey, Lily!"

Her voice rang excited through the phone.

"Hello, Ev. Long time no talk. How are you?"

I had the speaker on since I was driving. 

"I am good. Carol and I decided to adopt a dog from the kennel. Do you want to come with us?"

"Oh... I would love to where are you heading?"

"You can come to our place we are on our way now."

"I will be there in 10." I hung off the phone and took a turn to change the direction of the car and drive to their apartment.