Honeymoon [2]

We walked to Venice's main street, we could smell the sea's scent and hear the seagulls croaking, the water was crystalline and there were few boats and gondole skimming smoothly on the flux of water.

Venice was a beautiful picturesque city, with striking architecture, great bridges, and canals.

It was a floating city I had seen many times in pictures but visiting it in real life was even better. The photos didn't make justice to the beauty that the city provided.

The building surrounding the water was colorful and meticulously detailed in their architecture.

It seemed like that city had made a deal with the devil to be characterized by that eternal beauty provided by the renaissance ancient buildings.

Cameron helped me to get on a Gondola and then he got in as well, we sat in those little seats inside the Gondola as the water rocked us tenderly. The breezy caressed my neck and blew my hair.