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My mother left right away, contrary to when I usually tell off her. This time I didn't feel guilty, contrary I felt like a current of negativity left my body and had been released from my chest as if I had been underwater for too long and I finally could emerge and take a breath of fresh air.

The baby was making me grow more confident, courageous, and strong, maybe that was what happened to my mother. I always wondered how some moms could climb mountains alone, maybe I found my answer. It just happens, it happens because we grew an innate sense of survival and protection.

"Are you alright?" Cameron asked me.

I nodded and murmured an "mmh, mhh,"

"I doubt that, I understood long ago that whenever your mother opens her mouth, nothing positive comes from it. She has lots in common with my mother, maybe that's why they get along."

"Maybe. I wonder how we grew to be good people and opposite to them."