
Colonel Lyn kept a watchful eye on their new passenger; the ruler of Agadir.

She glanced at her blue skinned Ensign and subtly suggested that she probe him for

more information while she went off to the cockpit using only gestures and silent words. The female Quinian female nodded.

The Colonel eyed her for a moment before walking up to the cockpit of the ship.

"Status report," the Colonel said to the pilot.

"We're doing perfect. Better than perfect. Those Elves really know how to fix up a ship," Captain Frank cooed. "It feels even better than before. We should reach out first stop which is Avaros in no time."

"What about the mission," she replied. "Do you think we can trust him?"

"Oh. Well..It's pretty straightforward isn't it?" Frank replied. "We help him find some old dusty relics and he helps us find sources of Thorium-19 so that we can power ships and powerplants back on Earth. Sounds like a fair deal to me."

"Alright. I agree."

"Were you not impressed by the Skyforge, Colonel?" Link asked. "It seemed to be fully operational and in use," Link replied.

"So you noticed the three additional planets in this system?" Colonel Lyn asked.

"Yes. I saw ten planets instead of the seven listed in the official star charts," Link replied.

"Woah! Are you serious?" Frank asked. "There were only seven here before?!"

"Don't you check the star charts before you take off?" Colonel Lyn asked. "Do I need to find a new pilot?"

"That's very funny. If you can find another pilot that you trust more than me, you're free to replace me," he said. "Till then, you're stuck with me, baby."

"And I'm satisfied with you…. Most of the time," she replied.

"Link, you see the way she puts a knife in my heart and twists?" Frank asked. "That's how women operate. Stay away from them."

Colonel Lyn let out mock laughter and mimed a yawn as she left the cockpit.


At the back of the UNS Hermes, a blue skinned Quinian female glanced at the reclined and sleeping dark skinned Marrakech man. He was muscular yet lean. He also had an air of authority and dignified look about him. He seemed like a tough capable man. For some reason, he appealed to her and she explored fantasies in her head.

"You're thinking of what our offspring would look like," he said with his eyes still shut. "Most likely, they will be a mixture of blue and black. Maybe they will come out purple."

She became slack jawed and embarrassed. She turned her head sharply. And tried to focus on the back of the chair in front of her.

"Won't you at least try to get information out of me?" He said coyly. "Your commanding officer will soon be headed this way. You should question me so that she won't be disappointed."

Again, the Quinian female was caught by surprise. She had not expected him to know what she was asked to do. How much had he heard? Did he see her sleeping? Did he hear her when she used the restroom?

"By the way, you pee very loudly," he said.

She sank back into her seat without saying a word.

Colonel Lyn returned from the bridge and took her seat. She gestured a question to her ensign if she was able to get anything out of him. She replied with a cutting motion to her neck, signalling that she was unsuccessful.


The UNS Hermes dropped out of hyperspace in the Obradon system. They made their way towards the Alpine planet of Avaros.

Something felt wrong.

Captain Frank made his way to the cabin of the UNS Hermes.

"Colonel, we have a problem," he said in an urgent tone.

"What is it?" Colonel Lyn asked.

"We've been radioing the operators at Avaros for hours now. No response," he said. "In fact, we can't seem to pick up ANY chatter from that whole planet at all."

"That's very unusual for a planet this advanced," Alita said. "I hope everything is alright."

"Don't worry Alita, I'm sure your people are fine," Colonel Lyn said before turning back to Captain Frank. "Take us to our rendezvous point. Hopefully, we meet our contact there."

"Colonel, maybe we shouldn't go there," Taisen said. "We could be walking into a dangerous situation. I urge cautioned."

"No! We have to see if the Quinian people are fine. It's our duty as UN fleet," Alita protested.

"You should take emotion out of this," Taisen replied. "The mission always comes first."

"I'm the commanding officer here," Colonel Lyn said. "Captain Frank take us down."

"Aye," he said as he hurriedly returned to the bridge.

"Thank you, Colonel," Alita said.

"I have a bad feeling about this," Taisen warned.