
As the Lady luck approached Earth, its passengers could see thousands of glittering lights on its surface. Taisen was reminded of how captivated he was many decades ago when he was brought here as a refugee. It seemed like several lifetimes had already passed.

"What's it like on Earth right now?" Taisen asked Alita.

"Have you never been to the concrete jungle?" Alita replied.

"No. I've just heard stories of the urban sprawl," Taisen lied.

"Well, in my mind, Earth is definitely the most unique of all the mega planets," Alita said.

"Hundreds of years of human population growth and development has stripped away its mountains and seas," Link said. "Not much remains of its natural environment."

"That explains why I haven't seen a forest or a lake since I got here. Just dense city blocks everywhere," Alita said. "Everyone is nice here though."

"Tch. You sound naive. Have you ever been outside the tall towers of the secretariat?" Jorun asked.

"Not yet, but I hope to go some time," Alita said.

"What does the underground city look like and how are the people?" Taisen asked with undisguised curiosity. "I have heard that millions of people live in the emergency underground shelters built to withstand deadly nuclear attacks."

"I heard that criminals go there to hide from the law," Link said.

"Seeing is believing, so I will take you. The truth is that the higher one lives, the more affluent they are and the nicer they act," Jorun said. "At the lowest layer, the water is dirty, the air is polluted and the people are fighting for survival. You can get killed just for looking healthy."

"Then why would you offer to take me there?" Alita asked.

"What is life without the danger of having your gut slashed open?" Jorun said with a cheeky smile.

"I would love to take a look if you don't mind," Taisen said.

"You're a brave man. I will gladly escort you any day, just let me know when," Jorun said.

"How about now? After we land, of course," Taisen said.

"Now is not a good time. First, I need to get my reward then I need to find a place to lay low for a while," Jorun said.

"With me by your side, you won't need to lay low," Taisen said while tapping the sheath holding his long slender blade. "You can rest easy knowing that I'm around."

"You would bring a knife to a gun fight?" Jorun said in an amused tone.

"I would trust him with my life. He wields the blade better than some wield bazookas," Link said.

"Well if he trusts you then I trust you too," Jorun said. "After I get my money, you can come with me."

The underground city was always a mystery to him. Taisen wondered what the inhabitants of the depths of the Earth looked like.


Seated in the captain's chair of the Lady Luck -the luxury escape craft built for a king- Colonel Lyn prepared to enter the Earth's atmosphere. In the co-pilots chair was a frog like male with a bandage wrapped around his right hand.

The radio blared as they got a transmission from the space traffic controller.

"Houston, this is Colonel Lyn of the UN Star Fleet Science Corp. Authorization code eight charlie niner six one four two," she said.

There was a short pause filled only with the loud clattering of keys as the operator typed in commands.

"It's a long story, Houston. This is a rescue vessel out of wild space," she said.

"Roger that, Houston."

The Lady Luck traveled gently past the many artificial satellites that orbited the Earth as well as the cloud of debris. Once the ship was close enough, the weather abruptly changed as they entered the zone of control created by the planetary climate control system. In a short while, Colonel Lyn landed the ship at a well guarded hangar at the government sector.

"I'll go talk to my superiors about your money and Taisen's relics," she said. "Everyone should wait here. Nobody move."

"And if we don't?" Jorun asked with indignance.

"You'll get shot and I won't have to get your money," Colonel Lyn replied.

"Hurry back, we'll be right here," Jorun said.


Colonel Lyn made her way to the west wing of the UN naval command. It took her a while to find the office she was looking for because it was placed away from any outward facing windows in a not so subtle effort to obscure it from plain view. The sign on the wooden door was written in translucent grey on a black background making it barely visible. It read simply: Admiral and not the full name of its occupant. She pressed on a button to the side and waited a few seconds as the door slid open. The office inside had three false windows which were merely high definition quartz screens with a render of the exterior of the building on one side and a holographic projection of a fireplace even though the room was freezing cold. The room itself was sparsely furnished with a coffee table, a set of chairs around it, and most prominently, a large desk with a tired looking man behind it. He was dressed in several layers and hand large bags underneath his eyes. His hair was balding and he stroked his beard into the shape of an upside down triangle.

"Admiral Usyk. I'm Colonel Lyn of the science corp," she said.

"I'm aware. Your report makes for interesting reading. I only agreed to meet with you out of curiosity," the tired old man said. "I've never even heard of the Marrakech but somehow their leader wants to see me. How does that happen?"

"He seems to think that you're a good man," she replied.

"He doesn't know anything about me," he said.

"Yet somehow he believes in you," she said.

The old man scoffed.

"What is it that you want?" he asked.

"Apart from the fact that someone is trying to kill me, he needs your help gaining access to Enjarian relics," she said. "Only people such as yourself with high level clearance can help."

"The UN will not hand over something as valuable as artifacts from a lost civilization without serious cause," he said. "Is there anything else that you need?"

"There is a threat to the entire Galaxy and we need the UN council to listen to us," Colonel Lyn said.

"I have read your report. The star fleet command will require proof," he said. "Did you manage to bring back a corpse that we can study?"

"No," she said.

"Why not?" Colonel Lyn said raising her voice.

"I simply don't have the influence. The star fleet command won't respond to me and they definitely won't respond to the leader of a race they can't pronounce," he said. "I'm afraid that you put your faith in an Admiral in name only."

"I see," Colonel Lyn said.

"I'm sorry but my hands are tied," he said.

"I appreciate your time," Colonel Lyn said before saluting and exiting the room.


Back at the ship, everyone gathered in the map room to hear the outcome of Colonel Lyn's meeting.

"I have bad news," Colonel Lyn said.

"They're not giving me the money, are they?" Jorun said.

"We could try one of the other admirals," Alita said hopefully.

"No, I don't trust them," Taisen said.

"Then we're screwed," Link said.

"I'm sorry. They're sticking to the official policy of never dealing with..." Colonel Lyn said.

"Criminals," Taisen said. "What about me, did they agree to meet with me?"

"I'm sorry Taisen. Admiral Usyk isn't in a position to help anyone," Colonel Lyn said.

"So we're screwed but it was worth a shot," Jorun said as he made his way back to the bridge. "I'll be leaving then."