
"We're here," Taisen said.

"Where is here, Commander?" Alita asked.

Taisen and Alita were staring intently at the planet centred in their viewport.

"No energy emissions," Alita called out from the sensor station. "No masses of refined metal, no indications of life activities. The planet seems dead."

"Not surprising, given the environment," Ensign Swan said. "Scratch one more. On to the next system?"

Lieutenant Alita and Ensign Swan had no idea what they were supposed to be searching for and why they were searching for it here but they got the feeling that it was important. Commander Taisen wasn't the sort of person to waste his time needlessly. They stared at their displays and tried to find whatever it was that was out there.

"Helm, bring us into high orbit over that planet," Taisen said pointing to the gas giant.

"Yes, Commander," the man on the next console to Alita said.

"Sensors, extend your search outward by half a parsec as we approach," Taisen said. "Once we take up a position, refine the search on the ionosphere of the planet."

"Yes, Commander." He replied.

"What do you speculate that we will find Commander?" Ensign Swan asked.

"Not a speculation, Ensign," Taisen corrected. "An expectation."

"Contact! Unidentified ship detected! Divert power to shields!" Alita exclaimed.

"Hold on to your underwear," Taisen said calmly. "The ship is dead. It's been here for almost half a decade."

Suddenly, the UNS Arctic was no longer alone. Floating half a kilometre from the equator of the gas giant was an alien ship with no energy emissions or signs of life. Its lights were darkened and it was firmly in the grip of the planet's gravity. Even though it was in orbit, the ship was edging closer and closer to being pulled towards the surface of the planet.

"Commander, how did you know this was here?" Ensign Swan asked.

"I stumbled on it a long time ago," Taisen said with a hint of nostalgia. "Another lifetime ago. Then, I didn't know what I was staring at so I left it alone."

"You might as well tell us what we'll find inside," Alita said.

"There were four of them," Taisen said. "Three were of the same species: medium height, with pronounced chest and hip bulges, their skin a dark purple but with pink splotches around the eyes, all topped by feathery head crests. Their arms and legs were spindly but looked well muscled. They were dressed in clothing that was alien, but nevertheless with a style and detail that gave me the impression of being someone's finery."

"What about the grey one?" Ensign Swan asked.

"The fourth body, in stark contrast, was tall and thin, with enlarged shoulders, elbows, wrists, knees, and ankles. Its skin was a pale grey, and across its temples was a blue crescent-shaped tattoo scar. It was dressed in a dark-red flight suit."

"Just like on Avaros," Ensign Swan said with a haunted look on his face.

"Just like on Avaros," Taisen agreed.

"What were you doing so far from Agadir?" Alita asked.

"I was studying the Chaos region."

"What's that?" Ensign Swan asked.

"A lifetime ago, I came across obscure records of a region of Wildspace that was rumoured to have twisted hyperspace lanes and ever-changing pathways that slowed travel and stunted trade for all those who lived out there. The Chaos region -as it was referred to- hadn't always been that way, or so the legends went. Once, at the dawn of space travel, it had been no more difficult to move between any of the stars at the deepest regions of wild space than it was now to travel within the worlds of the UN. But then, millennia ago, a collision of black holes caused an explosion throughout the region that sent huge masses tumbling at high speeds between the stars, some of them demolishing asteroids or whole worlds, others sparking supernovas with their near-lightspeed impacts. The movement of all those masses, coupled with regions of heavy electromagnetic field, resulted in the constantly changing hyperlanes that made any voyage longer than a couple of star systems difficult and dangerous."

"The limitations that stifled the travel and brought the collapse of advanced civilisations that called the worlds their home but also gave rise to some dangerous ones that were shielded from discovery by the unstable hyperspace lanes. There are dangers out here in the darkness. Hidden worlds ruled by tyrants who seek conquest and destruction. My guess is that they have finally found a way to reliably navigate the region and now one of those tyrants is emerging into regular space."

The UNS crept slowly towards the derelict ship steadily closing the distance. Alita gazed out of the viewport with a tight stomach. Something aboard the ship was making her uneasy.

"Why would anyone come to a desolate system?" Ensign Swan asked.

"They didn't come here, they were chased," Alita replied.

All eyes on the bridge focused on her.

"What's your reasoning?" Ensign Swan asked.

"Apart from the fact that there's nothing within ten light years of this system and no habitable planets... I can still feel their fear and desperation."

"I feel it too," Taisen said before Ensign Swan could ridicule her. "It's like a cold hand grabbing at my heart."

"That must be an alien thing because I feel fine," Ensign Swan said.

"For some reason, Humans are unable to perceive whatever it is that we can," Taisen said. "Lieutenant Alita will come with me as part of the boarding party. Ensign Swan, you have the bridge until I get back."

"Commander, protocol dictates that the first and second in command can't leave the ship at the same time except under extraordinary conditions," Ensign Swan said.

"Consider this very extraordinary, Ensign," Taisen replied.

"What's extraordinary about it, Commander? Ensign Swan asked.

"Only an alien can perceive that, Ensign."