Here we go, Harem High!

Tick.... tock... tick... tock...

The discussion of the teacher gets stale over time as the class tries their best to keep up with the long, monotonous, useless information that I hope might need when the time arises.

The small chatters grow silent by the second as the only voice heard in the class is the dull, ragged voice of a Japanese teacher reciting along the lines of Social studies and Japanese culture behind it.

History may not be my best. I sure love it if only this teacher could make it captivating. I played a lot of games that engaged the players in learning history. I'm talking about the Total War series.

Frustration rose in my face as I jealously glanced at Hinagi, making an innocent smile as she turned her head on Yoichi.

"It's been a while, Yoichi-san," I heard as I looked at her silky smooth hair beside me.

I can tell that she had that innocent smile from the manga I read, and they put a lot of effort into making her on that page as attractive as possible, which made Yoichi blush, and even I blushed when I looked at the drawing. But looking at her from behind looks way off-putting as she makes that body language where she rests her hand, tilts her head in ten degrees to the right, and gives that seductive glare on Yoichi.

Though I can't see that in my point of view, it just feels wrong seeing it from another angle, the worst part is the face of shock at Yoichi as he seemed confused on why this beauty here is staring so hard at him.

In the story, "I Found You at Last. Let's Enjoy High School Together", the manga, or rather, the Light Novel, both follow the same plot, but this is the part where our first lead is introduced.

Misaki Hinagi, a dark-haired beauty with great bust size and dark reddish eyes, may look mysterious. As the story progresses, her personality becomes a mature and lovable character that seems way too innocent. Just her beauty alone is a nine out of ten for me.

Shimizu Yoichi, your usual dense main character with dark medium-length hair, is your gentle and 'kind-hearted' character that would do anything to keep his girls safe. He would usually come into 'unusual' encounters every arc, and that's much as I remember.

I can't remember all the details because I've read this so long ago that I only re-read it when I woke up in this strangely weird place. I shouldn't have dropped this manga when I did so.

I grew sleepy by the minute as I bobbed my head back and forth while the stale voice of my teacher reached to my ear and came out on the other ear. With one last flop, I dug my head in both of my arms on my desk, turning myself into a vertical cocoon and closing my eyes.

The sound of water splashes as my face is submerged underwater.

The cold sensation of it ebbs and flows as I open my eyes, catching my sight on a deep and empty ocean, with a bright light shining above me as I look below at the flat tiles of the ground. It was not sand, but actual flat tiles like a bathroom-ish tile.

My body pulled me back up to a high water level.

"Please! Stop!"

"You didn't bring four thousand yen. You bitch!"

The laugh of two teens echoed in a familiar room covered in tiles.

The cold sensation of water splashes on my face and observing on what is currently in front of me is a toilet as I spit out the strange taste mixed in this toilet and gasp for air. However, a peculiar force pushed my head back down to the unsanitary utility.


I gazed my eyes at the peaceful and calm waters as it felt like I'd been floating under the depths of the sea.

The muffled voices of delinquents can be heard from underwater chattering something about pulling him up.

The calming sound of water flowing across the endless depths of the sea makes me feel this relaxing sensation where I am at peace like my soul has been purified.

Something pulled me up back on the surface as I got back up to the smell of chlorine, ammonia, and other strange mixes as well. I turned around and saw a silhouette of a figure with its arm reaching out behind it, and with a swift move, its fist drew in closer to my face.

"Mr. Itachi!"

I turned my head up.

"Since you've been sleeping in my class, stand up and answer my question,"


"Can you tell me what clan in the Sengoku era has established the first encounter with the 'Nanban?"

My classmates looked at me with a grin on their faces as they watched my humiliation unfold. The ignorance I made by sleeping this class off has come to a point where I have to answer this question.

I am not that good at history, but this seems a bit of something I know.

"The Otomo clan. In 1542, three Nanban ships were spotted insight at the docks of Kyushu, where they established a trade between the Portuguese and the locals. For ten years, their trade relationships improve, spreading Christianity throughout the clan,"

"Very good answer. Sit down,"

I sat as I felt the satisfaction in my face where at least a game I played could be so helpful in this scenario. I went back to my sleeping pose, where I shoved my head under my arms, contemplating that strange dream I had earlier.

Take that! Fucking idiot classmate mobs!

Now that I think about it, what type of dreams are those? I swear that wasn't me, but it's definitely the other me.

"Everyone, stand up! Bow..."

I involuntarily stood up as a part of this guy's legs' muscle memory jerked and did my bow. Mesmerized by the strange occurrence, this body had become part of the hive mind of a Japanese student.

Our next teacher arrived, and our class continued on to discuss their next topic.

The class has ended, and the lunch break is up.

A few of my classmates surrounded the new student as they asked various everyday questions to get to know our girls.

"Wohhh, what school you come from?"

"What type of shampoo are you using?"

"Your hair is silky-smooth!"

Questions bombarded the girl as she slowly broke her confidence and got uncomfortable when they surrounded her.

As much as I remember the upcoming conflict, this is the part where that arrogant scummy bastard, Ryuujin, a not-so-wannabe bully, would ask her out.

"Hey you, how about you join us for karaoke later? My friends will love it if you are there. I would introduce you to them," Ryuujin smirked.

"Eh~? N-no, I have errands to do later. Maybe some other time?" Hinagi asked in a shy tone.

"Oh, come on. You'll love it there. We got a few drinks, and we'll have fun,"

"U-umm... Sorry, but I still have to decline,"

"Maybe you can cancel your errand and tell them that you have something important to do?"

"Etoo~, I can't just do that,"

"You can, can you?"

"Hey. She has already declined your offer. Can you just cut it out and buzz off?" Yoichi interfered as he stood up and shoved himself between Ryuujin and Hinagi.

"And who are you to say those stuff? You think your white knight trope would keep me from punching you?"

"Just stop. She doesn't want you to continue, and that's it. Please..."

"You're pissing me off, Yoichi. Tsk, goddammit, I'll just head out then." Ryuujin said as he walked back with a Yakuza-ish get-up, where he placed his hands on his pocket and slouched as he sat on his chair.

The rest looked at Yoichi with an annoying look as they went back to their usual circle one by one.

"My God, what a turn-off,"

"Jeez, what's with that guy?"

"Hey, check out the new update in this gacha game,"

"I bought that new nail polish you told me yesterday..."

Yoichi turned around, and he glanced at Hinagi with a questioning look.

"T-thank you~ Yoichi-kun," She blushed.

"Ehh~ It's nothing, Hinagi-san," He smiled as he placed his massaged the back of his head.

"Umm... Can you... guide me to the cafeteria? L-let's eat together,"

Hinagi looked up at Yoichi as she leaned forward on him with her breasts pushed up as she gave that typical lovely smile.

His cheeks reddened, and he looked away for a bit, but then at the corner of his eye, he took a quick glance at the E-cup sizes planting on his chest.

His eyes express shock as his pupils disappear and his mouth drops while Hinagi turns her head above with a confused look.

"I-is there something wrong?"

"U-uwah... N-nothing, let's go then. Shall we?" He smiled and scratched the back of his head.


She pulled his hand as they both stepped outside the classroom, mimicking an illustration on one of the first chapter pages where Hinagi grabbed Yoichi's hand as they moved to the directions leading to the cafeteria with a cheerful and sweet smile.

You're kidding me, right? That's what it looked like from someone else's perspective? How the hell did no one in the class ever notice this? Logically speaking, that looks so freaking bold I would have been sent to the office. Except that I never had a girlfriend, to begin with...

Watching that whole scene unfold in my own eyes looked a lot worse than I thought. I might have to start puking again.

I decided to follow them as I was a few steps behind their tails. Grabbing the bento box I made, I hurriedly rushed outside as I peeked over the door to see where they might be going. I know it's the cafeteria, but I don't remember the route leading there.

"Hey. Where do you think you're going?"

Something tugged my blazer as I turned around and looked at someone I barely knew.

"The four thousand yen. Give it to me now," He smirked.

"Who are you?"

"Did you forget me, you bastard? You want me to bash your noggin again?" He shouted, drawing attention from my class as they looked in my direction.

When they looked at the person who grabbed my collar and me, this large delinquent-looking bastard gazed back at them with a scary face. I swear that being 179 cm is fine, but this guy is like 185 cm.

"What are you looking at!?" The whole crowd turned their head back to what he was doing to me.

I don't recall this guy in the story, but he looks like someone I know.

I patted my pockets to feel where my wallet was. As I touched every side and pocket available in my pants, my breast pocket, and the hidden pockets behind the blazer, none of it had my wallet.

"I... I didn't bring it," I recalled as I left my wallet beside my computer before I left my house.

It was all this goddamn headache's fault that I forgot my wallet and this sudden transportation to a place I don't even know.

"You didn't? Tsk... You know the rule when guys like you break promises," He gave a tense smile as he looked down at me.

"Hey! Ryuujin,"

"What the fuck do you want?" Ryuujin picked his nose as he dozed off on the corner of the class.

"Get over here. We're going to teach this guy a lesson," He smiled as he tapped my shoulder and drew me closer while hooking me by the neck.

"Fine, man."

I couldn't seem to escape myself from these two, and these guys looked way too excited to be dragging me to the rooftop of the school grounds.

The two delinquents set their foot upstairs, and I had no choice but to follow them to the rooftop.

The blonde, scruffy-looking guy locked the door while the big guy with a buzz cut looked like he was warming up by circularly moving his arms.

"Haruto-saaaan, you didn't bring your glasses today. Scared to break another one?" He said as he made a giant grin on his face.

The blonde guy pulled out a pack of cigarettes from his breast pocket and a lighter on his right pocket, lighting it up, and gave a small puff as he blew the smoke from his mouth, making a cloud of nicotine in the air.

"This guy didn't bring his glasses today. He must have gone insane and blind,"

"That's fine by me. If he didn't bring his glasses, it is easier to beat him up without feeling bad,"

"What the hell? That doesn't make sense,"

"I won't have to pay for his glasses,"


His arm swings in my direction, plunging his fat fist on my stomach.

I coughed out and splattered my spit as I felt the excruciating pain of my stomach being crushed by this overgrown teenager. I tried to breathe in, but I choked on my own saliva while I drooled from the excessive, sudden pain.

"That's one punch. Seven more to go for every thousand yen,"


Another punch impacted my side as I fell down, slightly feeling the contents in my stomach rise.

Six more,


This time this powerful impact made contact on my shoulder and with other continuous punches.


They all hurt...

What the fuck, man...

This fucking hurts so much! I swear getting punched in the face must have been worse.


"The last hit will be all yours,"

"Just let me catch my last puff,"

The blonde delinquent inhaled the cigarette, dropped it on the floor, and stepped on it as the cigarette's radiant heat was put out.

Walking with his hands in his pocket, he menacingly approaches him with a smile on his face.

By the second, my soul slowly slides away from my body every step he takes.

I wanted to run because of all this confusion, but I felt a crushing pain in my solar plexus.

This one hits way harder than the other as he used his knee to apply significant damage to my torso as I lay down, choking on my own saliva. The blurriness I felt from that as I could not comprehend the sudden reaction.

It hurts way more than I thought...

I really want to puke...

The two left as I shivered from the aftermath of this pain. I can feel my muscle bruising by the second. That kick almost knocked me out for a second.

"Don't forget the eight thousand yen, Haruto-saaaan! Hahahahaha," He reminded them.

This fucking mob. You're just a mob. You're not supposed to have people talk down on you or be their lackeys.

Why are you not a blank character that I can just insert? I'd rather be Yoichi than this demented character.

"Who the hell did this to you?" I thought.

Those insignificant bullies will be their demise when I beat them by tomorrow.

No... Wait... I can't do that.

Observing the blonde guy earlier, he is one of the driving forces of the MC. He is the 'key' that starts his show.

Without him, the proceeding sequence of events won't start.

I can't just do that.

I stood up as I spat a little of the contents I had and looked over the rooftop as I spotted Yoichi and Hinagi, seemingly enjoying their lunch together with a smile on both of their faces.

I bashed my head on the fence as I felt the heat of the metal chain links exposed from the sun scratching my forehead.

That won't work.

I sighed as I patted my whole body and headed to the nearby bathroom as I washed my filthy face and the gathered dirt in my arms. Then I wiped the right side of my blazers as I removed the remaining spots that may be easily spotted.

I headed back downstairs, and as I turned around, I encountered the same two people casually talking in the school hallway. Hinagi in her cheerful smile and the dense, average guy with his bland expression.

There is a dark figure behind the two that seems to be rushing towards their location. As it got closer, it bumped on both of them as she seemed to be spiraling downward like a water spout.

Due to the weird set rules of physics, it comes to no surprise that Yoichi fell and landed on this moe girl and 'by a twist of fate' grabbed on the seemingly small melon pan of this sporty athlete.

'I-it hurts..." The high-pitched but painful voice groaned.

"Y-Yoichi-kun... Are you okay?" Hinagi asked with concern in her voice.

"Uuwahh! This sensation, it's so soft,"

Yoichi muttered, muffled by the skinship of this girl as she held her arm out.

She felt something groping her chest as she turned her head at her chest area.

The slight movements of the hand, holding her B-cup chest as if it's inspecting the entire area, slightly tickles her.

Thunderstruck by the hand of none other than her childhood friend she pushed him away and held her arms on her chest as if she's covering it.

With reddened cheeks and steam blowing out of her ears, she held out her hand.

"Iyaaa~! You hentai!"


Hiding in the corner, I truly envy the people who had been transported to another world as the main character. A waterfall of tears flows under my eyes like a cartoon, crying with frustration.

"Hey! I just fell!"

"You were touching my breasts, baka!"

"I didn't see you there! Plus, you were behind me! How come I am the one to blame when you are literally the one in clear view from behind?"

"It doesn't matter! You were ogling on my body when you fell!"

"What? I didn't mean to do any of those,"

"Yes, you did, you stupid baka pervert! And who's this?

"She's a new student in my class. I'm just showing her around school,"

"Y-you...! Stupid Yoichi~! You can't leave your childhood friend behind like that with a girl you barely knew. Bakaaa~!" She yelled as she ran back to her class, reaching to the door, and before that, she pulled down her eyelid and stuck her tongue out, doing the Akanbe towards Yoichi, then entered her classroom.

"Umm... Who was that?" Hinagi asked as she tilted her head.

"Ermm... She's my childhood friend, Aika Miyoshi. She's always been a bit too jumpy since we were young. Don't mind her,"

"Ahh, I see,"

That bastard. As lucky as every main protagonist. Being in the middle of those two must have felt good for him, huh? I'll get them first, but I need some time to think.

I strolled ahead of them as I hurriedly went back to my class. Because of the recent injury, I tried my best not to limp from the bruises I got, but it's not that noticeable in one way or another. The fact that this mob has been able to go through all this pain and is still standing is surprising.

Aika Miyoshi, a childhood friend of Yoichi, is a sporty type girl who loves to play tennis. She had a pink, short hairstyle that further projects her moe personality, and she wears a white headband around her head. Do not let her cutesy moe type get you. She's pretty annoying at certain times. She had been insisting Yoichi join him in her Tennis Club during junior high but Yoichi would casually decline her offer and would usually say,

"Umm, I have other stuff to do,"

"Ehhh~ Come onnn!"

As I arrived at my seat, the two entered my class and came as well.

Hinagi's lighthearted smile would let an audience feel highly delighted, but looking at it as she does that smile on the MC made me feel like an entirely different person.

Her smile is portrayed as if you are the one being smiled at in the manga. I guess that's why people love to insert themselves to feel that tender feeling in their gullible hearts.

Afternoon classes started, and there goes the usual routine.

The teacher arrives and brings in her upcoming lecture.

"Stand... Bow... Greet..." The sound of the class representative recited as the whole class greeted their teacher.

Classes have ended, and it's time for everyone to leave. My legs, my shoulders, and my stomach are killing me. The inflammation is getting worse, but I have to walk it off. As much as I want to, I'll try to avoid contact with those guys as soon as possible. That blonde guy seems to not care about my existence, so that's fine.

Club members may stay in their former clubs until 5:00 pm to do their corresponding tasks.

Usually, I would as well, but it seems that I don't have a club.

There's not much I can do at home, but I feel like I wanted to join one.

Heading outside the class, I watch the different activities on campus as I watch other students perform various club activities.

Looking over the school classrooms, I see different activities such as the Occult Club, Theater Club, Super Math Club, and more.

As I moved on to the other corridor, I came across a music room where I could hear the beautiful and melodic sounds of the piano, the strums of the guitar, and the violins.

These guys sound way too good to be a student. I have a thing for music as I played with my band, but this is too beautiful and melodic compared to what we usually play.

I reached my hand out to the door, but I peeked through the window and looked at the motivated faces and expressions as they enjoyed plucking their string instruments, the press of the keyboards, and the banging of drums.

Their expressions scream both professionalism and experience.

"We're going to perform in front of a mall tomorrow. Get your things ready. We have a big show, alright?"

Hearing those made me hesitant as I am entirely not confident with my abilities in my music, even though I've been playing guitar for quite a while.

I'll just hold it off for now.

Heading outside, limping through the school grounds, I scanned my right to see a tennis court, where I saw a familiar face, hitting the ball with a tennis racket in a forehand form. It's the same girl who bumped into Yoichi and Hinagi as she tries to follow the ball hitting back by the other opponent, Aika Miyoshi, tennis athlete of Kiseki High School.

Her forms are perfect, and she looks like she has played tennis her whole life. I wanted to watch her on the bench nearby, but as I walked towards the entrance, there was a sign that said:

"Tournament in Progress, Outsiders are not allowed."

I exhaled in utter annoyance from this sign that I wanted to kick it from the entrance.

I observed her from the distance as she hit the ball back over and over. It does remind me of those times when I did play tennis with my friends if they ever existed here. By watching her consistently hit those shots with a powerful smash, the enemy lost his balance as he tried to catch the ball back but tripped on his foot. I feel too embarrassed to join them even though I was decent on it.


I do kind of suck sometimes.

I'll just head back home...

....For now.

Upon entering my house, everything went back to me as I breathed in the familiar smell of citrus air freshener in my house. The only thing that I am comfortable with myself is at home.

Changing my clothes to my usual home outfit, I sat in front of my computer to familiarize myself with the current events.

I wake up strangely with my mind altered. Things changed slightly in my home, but everything is outside.

I got into a school and met very familiar people.

Grabbing my notebook, I looked at the current contents as simple notes related to school. Checking through the last pages, I've seen different types of scribbles.

Poorly drawn figures of famous anime characters, a giant robot fighting a giant monster in a futuristic city, which looks way too different from what the anime I watched before, and some other recognizable animes as well.

Another is a drawing of a chibi style nerdy guy with a large thumbs up and a bubble dialogue that says:

You can do it!

He does look like he can get over everything when I look at the contents. However, I turned my page as there were just more scribbles. Typically, this guy seems way too bored in class.

As I swipe a few more pages, the scribbles get weirder and weirder.

The happy-ish drawings and jolly figures started to look more distorted.

Each page starts to grow sinister.

The scribbles start getting lesser and lesser.


It looked like he stopped drawing at this point.


The fewer pages looked empty. I think this is the end of this weird guy's gimmick.





With one final page, I turned, there show bold, written texts:








These things are written on a pen but are pressed down way too hard that the kanji looks more sinister because the ink imprinted on the paper is way too strong.




I want to die.

This was lightly written on the middle of the page, but it's so minuscule that I have to look closely to see what is exactly written.

Mr. Haruto, I feel you. We're the same. One way or another. There may be slight changes, but we are not that different.

However, you are one edgy kid. I'm pretty sure I've had it worse than you in my previous life and all that.

I'll help you reach that spot soon. I'll find a way to make your soul happy, but I can't do it, yet. Not now.

The homework given today looked easy. I'll finish them for now. This mob seems to be struggling a lot in class.

Powering on the computer, I'll start doing my homework before that. I'll take a quick session on these games, alright?