
Another day, another dollar... or a hundred and fourteen yen. Whatever is the current currency exchange.

Currently, I'm in the school library to check if I can find any of the books. I am not sure if they have light novels in this school library, but who knows if I can find something there.

I must remember where and when this whole scenario started. Since I'm in this godforsaken place, maybe there is a chance that I can find this light novel.

Going through each section, I try to find what I'm looking for, but they're all academic-related textbooks.

The books I've taken note of in each section are just Mathematics, English literature, Japanese Literature, and so on.

I Strolled through the sections, and there really are a wide variety of books in this school. Like, too many, but there weren't when I tried to find the light novel section. There are some familiar-ish light novels, but those may be the stuff that I also got interested in.

Frustrating as it can be, maybe I'll just pick another book that piques my interest before leaving then I'll head back to class.

I picked a book that piqued my interest, "The Empire that Strikes Back." For some reason, that sounds like a typical Sci-fi book of some interplanetary space opera. Hey, it's just some nerdy stuff that I like. No one's that interested in it. Sike, though it does sound like a story similar to that of my world. It's just a story of some young boy brought up in a place where his responsibility is forced upon him by the entire Empire. The Empire struggled to compete against other factions but conquered other planets with all these reforms and stuff. I can say the best part is not only the technology but the excellent world-building behind it. Welp, that's going to be a story for another day.

Holding the book, I sat on one of the seats where readers would open their book and skim through its contents. There's this girl with short silver hair and glasses reading a book of some sort of romance story. Though there are not many people in the library, one thing I would always know. There would be someone in the library that is often present, a bookworm, a nerd, or most likely one that does not want to interact with their own peers.

No, wait... That's... Nozomi Chika, another love interest of Yoichi. I opened the first few pages of the book and read a bit of it, but my eyes kept pulling themselves to Chika's calm, collected, and quiet personality. She looked like she had been enjoying that book. Well, at least this is the first time I have encountered this girl without the main character's presence.

There always has to be this some sort of trigger event wherever he would arrive, the gods of the harem would bring in some Ecchi or 'oh my god, there's a cute girl in the vicinity, time to drop him in front of her and had him touch the most delicate part.' I would have been accused of sexual harassment if that ever happened. It's a manga or a light novel, though—someone's fantasy written on their book or typing on their keyboard to satisfy their cravings for women.

As human beings, I get it that we love to be connected in one way or another. But let's apply logic here. Oh wait, never mind. Whatever that logic is applied may not work.

It's like going to another world in a fantasy setting and basing everything on your morals, values, and culture. It would become an obstacle to one's own views if the other didn't see it in you in the first place. Anyways, enough about philosophy. If only I just had been transported in a fantasy world where I get drawn in to by fantasy race girls like elves, magical girls, warriors, or maybe a succubus, I would have died happily.

However, I've ended up in a mundane slice of life story instead. Why would they do this to me? It's like placing me into where I am currently familiar but stack that with weird logic. Although I like that logic in this world, they don't apply to me! They still apply to that goddamn main character.

Enough about philosophy. I just saw a cute girl in the library, and I'm heading out. As I opened the door, I saw Yoichi entering the library, and he looked like he was looking for something. I moved out of his way and ignored whatever he had been doing. I just can't stand being with that guy. He's way worse than a charismatic, handsome boy who had girls fawn all over her. I would rather be mad at a gorgeous guy who had girls fangirl on him than this bastard. What's so special about him other than being kind? Do you think nice guys would always work?

I hear a chair that sounds like it tumbled, then a few seconds, a muffled sound of Yoichi screams.


And then a meager voice of a girl, that sounds quite incomprehensible, but I can guess she probably said,


In her low voice, and then a sound of a book hit on his head with a loud BONK!

This is starting to get irritating. Would you please get out of my way and stop flexing your 'ecchi moment' every once in a while? It's like going back to the joke over and over, hoping that it still remains funny.

Damn you, author of this shitty story. Why did you give me such a bad setting?

Walking to the school's hallways, I squinted my eyes as I saw an approaching female student in uniform waving in my direction. I ignored it as I expected that she might be calling someone else.

Approaching her location, I heard her calling my name.

"Oi! Haruka!"

Yep, that's not me.

Ignoring her without looking at her face, I passed through her and headed to my classroom.

The girl turned around and tapped my back. I looked behind, and it was Aika.

"Haruka, have you seen Yoichi-kun?" She asked.

"First of all, I'm not Haruka. It's Haruto. Second, Yoichi is in the library, I need to get back to class now before I get scolded by another teacher,"

"Ehh~? What is he doing in the library? Whatever, thanks for the information, Haru-san!" She waved then hurriedly rushed to the route to the library.

What an annoying girl, but at least someone gave attention to me.


My class has ended, and it's time for club. My injury is recovering, and I think I can move my body as much as possible. I'm pretty much excited to try something out for this afternoon.

It's tennis, of course!

I readied my PE uniform for my upcoming club tryouts, and I would love to try on my skills while I'm in this world. One note, Although I'm not that good, I can't say if I'm decent either. Whatever it is, I'll try the upcoming sport.

Upon entering the tennis court, I observed only a few guys inside the area, but Aika looked at me with excitement as she ran forward as I walked in.


Her voice approaching me with an excited look feels so satisfying as if someone acknowledges my existence.

"You actually came!" She looked at me like an excited puppy who sees its owner arrive from home.

"W-well, yeah,"

"This is so exciting! Oh my gosh, no one had ever arrived in this court other than you and that guy,"

"Who's that guy?"

"Eh~? You know him, of course. He's finally joining us!"

The sound of footsteps tapping towards the tennis court gets closer as I wonder who is arriving. Turning my head behind, the person who came wearing PE uniform had an awkward, shy appearance, with his finger scratching on his face. It's Shimizu Yoichi, with a bead of sweat on his forehead as he seems nervous to even get in court.

"Yoichi-kun!" She dashed forward to him like a rabbit and speared him like a wrestler.

Look at Randy Orton slithering like the snake he is- Watch Out! Watch Out! Ohhh! RKO outta nowhere!

My mind really is a creative one, but I urged myself not to piss myself as to how she is more excited to be with him to the point that she has to tackle him.


Yoichi felt a bit of electricity in his back as the tackle made by the girl slightly intrigued him.

Looking at their position, Aika is on top of him with the lewdest pose I can ever see that a human can make. Without even knowing what she was doing, she scratches her head.

"Get off me, Aika! My back hurts," Yoichi insisted.

"Ehh~?" Not looking in the direction, Aika looked below her to see Yoichi on the bottom of her.

How can these guys be so fucking dumb? That's it, I'm sitting on the bench. I don't want to hear their wholly farcical and over-the-top slapstick comedy in the distance.

I looked in the distance and zoned out as I waited for those two to finally make up before I left this mess. Taking out the tennis racket in my bag, I made up my mind by stretching myself a bit and getting the tennis racket's feels. Trying out different forms, such as the backhand and forehand techniques, I swung in different intensities to ensure my grip was good enough to hold on to it.

After a few stretches and a bit of warming up, I looked behind as they seemed to be done with their useless arguments.

"You guys finished yet?" I asked.

They looked away from each other. What a hassle.

I'm supposed to be the one anticipating in the tennis court as Miyoshi Aika should be the one introducing me to play. Though I did get the hang of it, I am the one who has to wait for them. Oh, the sheer annoyance of these people is stacking.

We had the whole tennis court with us as the others were not present as well.

"Alright, Haruto will be paired up against me for the match," She sneered as she looked at me like a predator who found its target.

As much as I am not confident with my skills, she looked like she wanted to show off hers in front of me and set me as an example.

I went to the end of the tennis court while she went to the other side as well. She held the ball and waited for me to get ready in my position.

Tossing the ball upward, she readies her tennis racket as places it behind her shoulder while waiting for the ball to reach its maximum point.

After a second, she struck the ball, echoing across the court as she started the game with a first serve. Though the ball is at an increasing speed, I ran to where the ball would most likely bounce. But because of its monstrous speed, I could not keep up as I merely hit the edge of the ball with the racket.

She smiled as she looked down at me because of my skills. Taking another ball from the basket, she makes another serve.

This time, I will hit it. I waited for her to strike it and predict where the ball might land. I stayed in the middle and rushed to where the ball I would expect where it would be. Which is on my left side. I tried to catch up and with a WHACK! I hit the ball back to Aika.


She hits back the ball with her racket with another sweep, hitting it back to me. Her expressions tell me that she was surprised I caught it.

I hit the ball back again as the power of the ball became weaker than before. It all became a matter of who will screw up as the ball hitting back has become consistent.

With the tennis ball hitting back at each other, the ball's speed became faster, and our tennis racket echoed across the court. I'm pretty sure anyone watching would literally hear the booming sounds of our tennis rackets.

With one last hit coming from Aika, the ball swept behind me as I lost my balance, falling down in the process while the ball bounced twice, ending it with a point.

"Yes!" She screamed.

"Dear God, she's way too good," I thought. I really need to start practicing for a while. It's been a while since I have been physically active.

I want to freaking win against this sneering bitch. I looked in her direction with a slight grin while her right-hand covers a part of her mouth but is still visible.

It's my turn to serve, and I will end it with my smash. Grabbing the ball with my left hand, I tossed it upward and made a huge smash.

I looked forward as I waited for the ball to reach Aika.


Where's the ball?

Aika looked at me with a dumbfounded expression as I got confused as well.

She pointed in my direction with her tennis racket as I looked around, wondering where the heck did my ball reach. I looked at my tennis racket and saw the tennis ball was stuck inside the tennis racket's throat.

(The triangular hole in the middle between the head and the handle.)

"What the heck? How did it get there?"

I pulled the ball out of the throat and readied myself another serve. This is getting awkward. Tossing the ball upward, I smashed the ball with sheer impact as I watched the ball speed up mid-air and bounce on the other side of the court.

Aika ran to the other side of the court to catch the ball, and there goes the usual route. The tennis ball smashed back and forth with force. However, I lost my energy in a few more hits as I tried to catch up with the ball. Her stamina is too good to be holding up like this. However, I slipped and tripped as the ball bounced all the way to my back. Aika had her arms up as if she was celebrating her win.

Yep, I lost against her. I looked at my leg, where there was a small scrape which is bleeding a bit. Damn, that kind of hurts a bit. It's a good thing it's the end of the game, or else I would endure it with blood oozing down on my leg.

"Hey? Are you finished, Haruto?"

"Yeah, you can continue with the others. Let me catch a rest for a bit,"

"Oh, Yoichi! You're pairing up with me next!" She sneered as she waited for Yoichi to reach the other side of the court.

I walked to the side of the court where I sat and, taking a small bandage I had in my bag and some disinfectant, I wiped off the dirt around the wound and then placed my bandage in it.

It's been a while since I have had a wound coming from sports. This feels kind of good to be back to playing sports. I smiled at the thought of that.

I wiped off the sweat from the neck to my head with a towel as I took a bottle of water and gulped it down to replenish my thirst. Never felt cold water could be so refreshing.

After the sounds of tennis balls smashing from the court, I heard a distinctive sliding noise from my left side as I saw Yoichi fall so dramatically. I can listen to the scraping noise from afar but looking at him from a distance, he doesn't look that much injured as far as I can tell.

"Eh! Yoichi-kun, are you okay there?" Aika ran to the other side as she approached the bastard.

"No... It's okay, I'm fine," he raised his hand up while trying to get himself up.

"No, Yoichi, you're going to the clinic," Aika said as she pulled him up, placing his arm over her shoulder as they got out of the tennis court.


What the hell is this treatment? So far, there were no wounds, and I'm pretty sure you don't need that much pain or if he does have a condition, but there was never a condition as far as I can tell from the manga.

I sit awkwardly as I wait for those guys to come back soon. Taking my phone out, I checked on the time, and it was 4:32 pm. Maybe I can just have a few walks while waiting for them. Standing up and bringing my towel with me, I walked outside the tennis court as the wind breezed in the air as the sun was close to setting.

Heading out there, I saw a female student that seemed to be observing someone from a distance. Her hair is silver, and she has glasses.

I looked at where she was looking, and I saw Aika carrying Yoichi to the clinic.

Chika really does observe people from a distance. However, what's so interesting about that guy being carried to the clinic? That totally makes no sense.

Taking a walk across the classrooms again, I watch as the students do their activities. Some were leaving as it seems that they are done with their sessions as well.

I observe as the students seem to be having fun chatting with their friends and laughing as well. Watching them from afar does make me feel lonely sometimes. I headed back to the tennis court and prepared myself to leave if they didn't come back.

I heard distinct voices from afar as I tried to make out what they were saying.

"You made me worried for a second, stupid!"

"I told you, I'm fine!"

"But you look hurt when you fall down,"

"How many times did I tell you it's okay? I didn't get hurt!"

Looks like they did arrive. I packed up my things as I was about to head out. It was a good run, and it's pretty fun for a bit, but it looks like my time is up.

As I walked past them, Aika looked behind and called me,

"Haruto! Where are you going? We're not done yet,"

"It's already fine. I'll come back for more soon,"

"No. You're going to play once, then leave forever. Unlike Yoichi here, even though he comes here from time to time. I mean at least once every now and then," She stuck her tongue out as she mocked Yoichi.

"Maybe, but I'm pretty sure I'm not fit to be playing this sport,"

"Ehh~? What are you saying? You're doing really well out there!"

"I lost to you, of course, I'm not good,"

"You're way too good to be starting off as a beginner! How can you catch up with me in that span even though you made some weird and careless mistakes? Compared to other newcomers who left after one day, you're better than them?"

"I still lost, though,"

"Mmm... You're just like Yoichi!" She called out.



I glanced at Yoichi as he scratched his cheek while looking to the sky as if he was contemplating something.

Me? Like Yoichi? Fuck that guy. I'm not him. Never!

"Come on! Just one more game with us, please?" She begged as she leaned herself to me.

I'm not falling for that trick... But, I don't feel that refreshed to be losing again. Well, if I wanted to be good, at least I should get back to this sport, I guess.

"You won't be up against me, though. You're up against him," She pointed at Yoichi.

I looked at Yoichi again as he looked back at us with a questioning look.

"Eh? What? I'm playing against that guy?" He pointed at me with a confused expression.

"Yes, stupid. For making me worried at you for nothing!" She shouted.

Obviously, because he had no injuries in the first place. You're just overprotective.

Just seeing him makes my blood boil. Of course, I want to beat this guy. I have too many reasons why. I placed my bag back on the bench and picked up my tennis racket as I headed to the playing area.

Waiting for my opponent to walk to the other side of the court, I blow steam out of my nose like a bull angered by a matador's cape.

I can't wait to finally show who's boss for a while. I waited as he grabbed the ball and tossed it upward as he started off with a serve.

I ran to the ball as it flings to the right side. I planted my feet on the ground and tensed my lower legs. Pulling my arm back as I readied my tennis racket behind, I put all my weight coming from my whole body all to that swing.


The ball trembled as the impact made was so strong that it echoed across the court. With that speed, he has little time to react or to catch up on it.

The ball bounced close to the outside line as Yoichi ran towards it, but he could not catch the ball with that speed.

"Love - 15!" Aika shouted.

Since when did she start scoring? No one scored our part earlier when she was my opponent.

Waiting for my opponent to serve again, I tied my shoes as I waited for him. The ball is tossed up and smashed to the serving box.

I ran to the ball and gave a somewhat strong forehand strike. The ball bounced to his area as he readied his racket to strike it.


The ball hits back but is not as fast as I thought. I caught up with the ball as it flew to the left side. Catching up on it, I hit it back with a backhand.

It gradually starts getting weaker. I must speed it up to not catch him up. He strikes it back, but the ball has lost its energy and momentum as it flings itself upward.

I watch as the ball falls from a higher altitude as I wait for it to bounce.

The ball dropped to the ground and bounced with a very minuscule horizontal motion. This is the best part to strike. I struck the ball with all my weight as I focused the ball away from Yoichi's position.


The ball bounced away from Yoichi as he tried to run to the ball, but it bounced twice because he was far away from it, giving the point to me.

"Love - 30!"

Two more points, and I win.

He tossed the ball up and readied himself to strike. With one swing,




The ball bounced on the ground and missed.

"Ah, my bad, hehe!" He groaned.

He picked up the ball and readied his serving position.

The ball tosses up, and he strikes it.


The ball flings to my serving box as I readied my position to hit it back.

I'm going to win, just a few more, and I'll be better than him.

I sweep the ball to increase the ball's speed. He struck it back.

I struck it again with more power. He caught it again.

I planted my feet and put more weight into it.


He caught it again.

With this last strike will be his doom. I put my everything into this swing. My mind, my soul, and my entire bowel system as the ball come back to me.


Yoichi raised his racket and tapped the ball as he was located near the net. He blocked the ball with his racket with no motion. The speed gradually slowed down as it bounced twice in front of my net. I was behind the line of the court, which is why I couldn't catch up with the ball.


I've been too arrogant. I should've thought of that.

Just two more, and that's it. I waited for his service, and I'll try to balance it out this time.

The strikes I've made will become just a bit of a flat side. Not too strong, but at times make it weak. Catch him off-guard, just like that.

Letting the ball bounce on my side, I struck it with decent power. He'll catch up with that.

He strikes it back with the same power as mine. I'll stray the ball away from him this time.

I aimed a bit away from him as the ball reached the other side against my opponent.

He rushed to the left side as he followed the ball straying away from him.

With one sweep, he hits the ball, and it gradually speeds up as the ball curves to the left.

I struck it with more impact as the course of the ball became faster.

Hitting it back and forth is the last part of breaking this annoying cycle.

I readied my pose as the ball reached to my side.

I tensed up my muscles, and as the ball had reached my striking zone, I lightly tapped the ball to the side, losing all of its momentum and speed as it merely bounced on the side.


This is my last. Calm down. It's only a casual game, not a competition, just relax.

Yoichi readies his serve, and with his sweep, I smacked it back towards him with the most vigorous motion I had made.

The ball speeds up so fast that he is barely able to catch it.


I raised my hand up as I didn't bother looking at Yoichi as he lost balance after that second bounce, face down.

"Yes, I win!" I celebrated as I put my tennis racket up.

Fuck you, Yoichi! At least there's something I am better at than this guy.

"Yoichi! Are you okay?"

Oh, for fuck sake, not this again.

I packed up my stuff as I looked at Aika still acting the same as earlier during their previous match.

Can you just do something else aside from acting a bit too concerned about this guy? You're really pissing me off.

Well, it doesn't matter. I had a good session, and my legs are getting sore by the second. I don't want to fall down on the road if I stay here longer.

"Hey, I'm heading out, Aika, and... Yoichi," I bid them goodbye.

I didn't look behind because I had no reason to. As I went off the court, I observed that most students had already left the school grounds as the sun sat on top of the school building. The orange setting on this place does emanate the actual color scheme of every after-school anime I've watched.

I don't want to keep watching this beautiful scene. I headed home as I left the school grounds as well. Today is a good day.