Really Busy Weekend





The back-and-forth clicking of the pen...

The slight breezing of the ceiling fan.

The flipping of papers from the notebook...

A few people are minding their business across the quiet library.

What's in front of me is Miyoshi Aika, resting her chin on her hand as she clicks her pen repeatedly.

"Yoichi not being around with me feels so unusual for me..." Aika sighed as she looked through her current homework.

I also look through her stuff, and the current homework she has been working on is math.

I'm not that bad per se in math, but I do want to flex that I was at least able to comprehend that subject in some way.

"Let me try to check your stuff since you missed a few important lectures,"

From what I can see, the stuff that she has been working on was already done with my class, and we have moved on to the topic. 

It's a piece of cake...

I'm not going to give her answers, though. She has to figure it out herself.

I tried to explain to her exactly how her math homework should go with precise and direct details. 

Using a step-by-step process in one of the questions, I created a similar example with different variables and adjusted it to a level that was comprehensible to her.

The x in an equation is the number one enemy of all levels. 

That will never EVER be out in any of the equations at all...

"Uwaaaaahh~! Why is it so hard? I don't get it at all," she frustratingly stared at her homework.

"It's easy, you should-"

"Easy for you to say! How can you even understand these? I don't like math. Where can I ever apply these in my life... I just want to go somewhere... Or let's just play tennis..."

"You haven't even finished number one out of forty-five questions."

"Buwaaahh... Why did you even try to help me in the first place? You're not my tutor,"

"Why not? After all, you gave me a free ticket for a movie. It's called returning a favor,"

"That's a favor?"

"Well, in some way or form... Yeah.."

"Hmm... Even Ita-kun has some heart, at least,"

"Oh wow... I-I mean, let's go back to where we are. It's due tomorrow, right? It's quite a tedious homework, too, and you have to finish it right now,"

 "But I don't want toooo~"

"What are you, a child?"

"N-No... Of course not! I'm a really mature girl...! Really mature!"

"Then a mature girl can at least solve these problems with ease,"

"Uwaaahh... I'm not mature..."

"Tsk... How about this. After you answer that question, we can take a break before the next question. If you give up, I'll let you-"

"I give up,"

W-What? That easily?

"I didn't even get to tell the next condition,"

"But this homework... I could have been practicing my swings the entire day," She said as she rested her chin on the table. 

"Tsk..." I sighed.

How was Yoichi able to handle someone like her who is stubborn?

I took out a piece of paper and wrote out the answer, then I jotted down exactly what I think the procedure goes to get to that answer, piece-by-piece, step-by-step, with precise details as if I'm trying to write a script for a coding language.

It's decipherable, readable, and able to even make a five-year-old answer it. I wish it was true, but please...! 

We're not even at number two yet!

"What are you writing?"

"Shh..." I frustratingly finished up the last few details and gave it to her.

She looked at the piece of paper, filled with a large amount of ink that almost covered the entire paper, but it was a thorough solution to how it got the answer.

"If you can answer number one with that example I gave you, we're good,"

She stares at the paper, then at me. Her eyes looked back and forth between her homework and my paper.

She silently writes down her answer with actual intent and determination.

I don't want to look at what she writes until she is done, but when I look at her handwriting.

It looks clean, neat, and organized. I thought her handwriting would also be similar to that of a child.

I was wrong to think of her as a childish childhood friend.

Labels do sometimes give wrong impressions.

A few minutes of silence, and the sound of me tapping through my phone as I look through the latest trends in social media, and the flipping of paper...

"I'm finished~!" She jumped in joy as she showed me her homework.

As I look through the questionnaire and her paper, I double-check if her answer is correct...

She actually followed my instructions well.

Thank goodness it worked. I would have left the library with her hanging if that would ever happen.

She stares at me, waiting for my response as well, anticipating if she was correct or not.

I nodded in agreement at her answer.

"Yay! I did it. This time without Yoichi's help, ahahaha..." She jumped and raised her arms happily like she passed an exam.

"You've done well, but you still have forty-four more questions to go. Don't celebrate too early over just one question,"

"Ehhh~!? There's more?"

I nodded and pointed to the number two as the blank sheet was still left unwritten.

"Ahhhhh~! My brain! I can't take it anymore!" 

"You really don't want to continue? If you don't turn it in, you won't even get to have a barely passing grade if you slack off,"

"They shouldn't have made me torture like this then by giving me this!"

"Tsk... Fine. From what I can see, the next few questions are similar to the first one. That was just a foundation question for the rest. If you can answer number one, you can answer all of it," I said as I crossed my arms.

"B-But... I want to take a break~" She looked at me with puppy eyes as if she really didn't want to continue.

I looked away and clicked my tongue.

"Fine. When we get back, you should finish the rest, alright?"

"Yay~!" She stands up from her chair and places her notes back in her bag, and we leave the library. 

Aika casually walked down the streets with me, though despite me being the one to gain favor from Yoichi. I can't tell if he is setting me up for her or if it was just an unintentional favor.

I recalled that along this neighborhood, there's a nearby ice cream shop.

Aika got herself vanilla and chocolate ice cream rolls topped with strawberries.

She scooped up a mix of both and consumed it like a happy little squirrel munching on their favorite fruit.

I also ate the same flavors as hers, except for the extra strawberries.

"How were you able to find an ice cream this good? Do you usually bring your friends here often?" She wonders as she enjoys a spoonful of chocolate ice cream.

"No," I bluntly answered.

She looked at me with a surprised look as if not expecting that answer from me.

She silently looked at her ice cream.

"I was honestly expecting that you overheard it from someone or your friend recommended it,"

"If I said that, it would be safe to assume that I have friends in the first place,"

"H-huh? With your attitude, I would assume you would have at least one friend. I mean, it's no surprise with the way you act, too, in the first place. You won't get any after all,"

Ah shit... She got me...

"Says the person who skips around the hallways like a wet fish,"

Her eyes burrowed to me, and threw a strawberry to my face.

"That's too cheap of you to say that to a weak-hearted girl. I'm not a wet fish,"

I recalled the image of her to be soaked like she came out of a car wash.

"Tch... Just be glad you got some other friend of yours who was actually trying to help you when your childhood friend was not around,"


Her eyes lit up as if something piqued her interest...

"Say, did you ever wonder about that time when I heard an incident with Fumeko-san? Something doesn't add up,"

"Huh? Oh, that gyaru with really long eyelashes and long painted nails?"

She nodded.

"It was unusual... They became a bit quieter in class... Hmm..."

I tried my best not to point myself at it.

"Yoichi-san is not the type of guy to be acting like that, you know? After all, I've known him for a while,"

"Must have been someone who has a weird gimmick coming from that guy,"

She paused and stared at me for quite a while, thinking hard with her spoon resting on her chin...

"Yeah~! That's totally weird. Someone must have been really a pervert to put bugs in their bags. As if they wanted those bugs to crawl in their bodies so that they could take their clothes off,"

"That's... a peculiar and a very perverted way of analyzing it,"

"Hmm... That's what I think how it goes... Oh well,"

"Yeah, I guess... Actually... I have a question,"


"You asked us to watch that movie with you. Genuinely asking, though, what made you interested in that?"

"Oh hehehe~"

She placed her hand on her chin.

"My dad used to own a lot of those old western VHS tapes, and I used to watch those old action movies with him. It wasn't so girly-like of me to be watching those kinds of movies."

"Huh... So your dad must have been a movie enthusiast to even watch it together with you... Right?"

"Yeah... My mom would even ask me why I couldn't even just watch anything non-violent. She was really mad at my dad for encouraging that behavior,"

"I think your mom just didn't see the part that you get to spend time with your dad,"

"Yeah... Those were the best times I have had with him before he started not to come around often. Seafaring really makes my dad busy," she looked up and sighed as she rested her spoon on her forehead.

How could I not know this?

When has she ever mentioned this

 No... I don't want to feel bad about the losing heroine.

"How is he these days?"

"I don't really know much. A bit of news of him traveling around the globe, that's it,"

I blinked for a few seconds.

"Well. I guess we should get back,"

"Wait! You haven't told me about yours...!"


"Shouldn't you at least tell me yours...? That's how friends talk, right?"

I shook my head and looked away in embarrassment. 

After all, with my current memories, I have already become one with this person.

I inhaled and sighed.

"My parents work abroad, and they don't get to see me often. Tsk, it's a bit funny that I didn't get to live with anyone as of this moment. So nothing to fuss over it,"

"Ehhh~? You live alone!?" She sounds genuinely shocked.

"Yeah... Is there anything wrong with that?"

"N-No, it's that... It's unusual for a high schooler to be living alone,"

"So there is nothing wrong after all,"

"Y-Yeah... But the thought that you have no friends too? How are you even able to live like that?"

"I just play games and read the manga. Nothing much. I guess that's just how it is for me, I guess,"

"Don't you feel a bit lo-"


Among all times, a phone call, and who is this?



"Umm... Itachi-san? Etooo, I need a bit of help here, haha..."

TYoichi? Why would he be asking me for help?

"Hmm... can you hold on the phone for a bit?"

I stood up and moved a bit farther from Aika.

"I'm in the middle of helping Aika here with your request, and now you're asking me of all times?"

"It's a bit urgent, too. So... Please, I just need another pair of hands,"

"Tch... You owe me twice after I'm finished with Aika's homework,"

"She can handle her own in a bit, right?"

"Is it really that urgent?"


"Fine... I'll be there after this,"

I closed my phone and ran back to Aika, currently eating my unfinished melted ice cream.

"Took you long enough. For someone with no friends,"

"I have to go somewhere. You can finish up your homework without my help. The clue is there where I wrote it,"

"Hmph... Fine,"

As I finished up the rest, I paid both our tabs to the cashier. 

It was a good ice cream.

Even though I partially finished it.

As I readied to part ways with Aika, she tugged my shirt.

"T-Thanks for the ice cream and the help," she hesitated to thank me but ended up committing to it anyway.

"Thank me later when you pass it," I part ways with her as she walks back to the library.

Did she really just thank me for helping with her homework?

Where did that come from?

As I move out of her sight, I find the nearest route to Yoichi's place.

Behind Aika's walk, she embarrassingly clarified what she had said earlier.

"Thanks for the help?" It wasn't only the homework, too. 

She runs back to the library, calming herself as she enters the building again with a determined look on her face.

I rang the doorbell at the Shimizu household, wiping off my seat as I waited for someone to open the door.


"I-Itachi-san...! I'm really sorry to bring you here all of a sudden," Yoichi greeted me with a half-tired face as if he'd been doing something quite physically demanding the entire time.

"Why are you breathing heavily?"

"J-Just come in,"

As we take off our shoes before we enter his place, there are a few boxes just right across the living room.

It's as if they're trying to move out.

"What's going on here?"

"H-Hana-san has been asking me to carry a few stuff before she goes to stay at her friend's place for a week,"

"It doesn't have to be this many! Why does she ever need this much?" I look at how absurdly many boxes are being carried.

All these boxes just for one week's stay, too? ONE FREAKING WEEK!? WHY IS IT TOO MANY?

"Yoichi... Did you bring that rude friend of yours?" A feminine voice echoed from upstairs.

"Yeeesss. He's here!" He answered back in a loud calling voice.

"Great, at least we have more hands to carry the stuff,"

She's rude, too... As expected.

"Come on. We'll have to carry these to the back of the car,"

"How will all of these fit the car?"

"She'll come back and forth... Or so what my older sister said," he huffed.

"Jeez... Your older sister really thinks less of you, huh..."

To think his older sister would really be harsh to him. What a way to make him have a hard life, too...

Oh shit...

Did I have sympathy for this guy?

Yoichi went up behind one of the cardboard boxes.

All of the boxes around are sealed in duct tape.

"On three... We'll lift it up, alright?"

I nodded.



"Three... HUP!"


What the hell is inside these boxes?

Yoichi guided the box around the house, leading outside where a nearby car was parked.

"Here... Just place it right in front of the gate,"

"A bit inconvenient... But safer... I guess?"


Picking up the boxes one by one to the front gate, we were able to fill up dozens of them just right beside the car.

Damn... To be that heavy and physically demanding just to carry whatever is inside those...

I'm really tired...! 

Entering the house, both of us panted heavily like a dog who hadn't drank water for the entire day.

"Why... huff... have you even tortured yourself to these by yourself?"

"It was because Hana-san told me to... huff..." Yoichi replied while wiping off the sweat from his face with a towel.

"H-huh... You guys are done? Took you long enough," The older sister arrived, watching us as we both heavily tried to catch our breath.

"Yoichi, where did you place the boxes?" She asked as she tapped his shoulder.

"It's... huff... just right in front of the gate, beside the car,"

"I told you to place it at the back of the car! Not in front of the gate. You stupid brother. You wasted your energy for nothing," she scolded.

"E-Ehh? I heard they just place the boxes there. Didn't say back of the car, or what," Yoichi wheezed.

"Tch... We're wasting lots of time because of what you've done," she walked away from the living room and to the kitchen.

She opens the fridge and grabs two water bottles and a beer.

She threw the water bottle to Yoichi and then handed it to me.

"Thanks.." I said as I twisted open the cap and chugged the thing.


So refreshing...

A cold stream going down my throat makes me feel like I'm energized again.

Wait.. that sounds really wrong...

"I'll be in the car. I'll open the back so you two can pick up the rest,"

"Yes, nee-san, let me just rest for a bit," Yoichi replied as he rested on the sofa with a towel hanging on his neck, wiping off the rest of the sweat.

The door closes, and it's just me and the harem protagonist, just trying our best to catch a breath before we continue this torture.


"Your sister really treats you too harshly, ain't it?"

"Haha... That's how she is. She tends to be really nosy and then not care too much at the same time. But she's like that to me because I'm his brother,"

"I have an impression of her to not care for your well-being with how you've been putting with these,"

"Don't worry... I've been helping her pack up that stuff since yesterday. She's really a good onee-san, and I need to help her in some way at least,"

"By giving your responsibility of Aika to me?"

"I really couldn't help her with that right now. As much as I care for my childhood friend, I care for Hana nee-san, too."

"Hmm... Must be nice to care for someone, I guess," I scratch the back of my head.

"Yeah... Well, I'll continue picking up the boxes after I rest a bit more. You go on ahead. She might be waiting too long." 

"You sure?" I asked as if wondering if he would get up. He looks too exhausted to even continue.

"Y-yeah, I'll be there in a bit,"

I nodded and left the house.

The car engine sounded, and Hana was waiting in the driver's seat.

As I exited the gate and waved at her, she opened the car window.

"Where's Yoichi?"

"He said he'll arrive soon,"

"Tsk... That stupid brother. He's most likely sleeping right now,"

"You want me to wake him up?"

"Ah... It's no use. Once he closes his eyes, he's out the entire day," She hesitantly slammed her hand on the steering wheel.

"I could have brought him earlier then... Sorry?"

"Hmph... No use crying over that. At least you're here,"

She took a sip of her bottle and then opened the back, then exited the car.

"Get the biggest ones first, then place the small ones at the last once everything is filled up," she ordered as we both lifted each of the boxes.

"That's the first batch. I'll come back for more,"

I nodded silently...

"You're free this entire day? I really can't do this on my own,"

Aside from finishing that last two levels in veteran difficulty from that hellish FPS game where I fight those freaking demons...

"N-no..." I hesitantly answered.

"If it's really important, I'm fine on my own then,"

"No, it really wasn't. I usually have a lot of free time anyway,"

"Hmph... Alright, get in,"

I gulped... Among all the people I want to avoid it's the older sister who is on my list.

I entered her car, and as soon as I closed the door, she moved the gear on 2nd and hit the gas.


"Hey! I don't have my seatbelts on! WOOOOAHHHH!"

The sun is starting to set, and its bright orange flare slightly dims.

I'm in the middle of freaking nowhere with Yoichi's older sister!

How the hell am I supposed to talk to her? I know she's the careless type, but Hinagi is freaking right. She's freaking scary! 

I would have died of a heart attack if it wasn't the car crash that got me.

But for now, she seems to slow down in the middle of the road.

"How long will it take to reach there?"

"Just forty minutes," She answered.

"I see.." I replied.


She looks across the street and stops at the red light as the sound of the car engine silently hums from the outside.




Not again... 


Hmm... Older sister, Yoichi, how much of a dick he is, college...

I can't find a topic for anyone at all! What's the point of living in a manga if I don't know how to initiate the best topic for at least anyone...

If only I was reincarnated in an isekai fantasy setting, at least I have a general concept of what dragons, elves, slimes, monsters, orcs are...

I would be head over heels for an elf, and I would be talking about the desire to have a long life and stuff with them, even though I'm only human.

Fighting against the big bad demon and then living long enough to be a legendary hero of some made-up kingdom.

But to put me in a slice of life? It's no different! I'm just an ordinary teenager!

With no special abilities. How can this change anything?

"What are you thinking so hard about? You nervous?" She asked.

"O-oh, nothing... I don't know any topic to talk about to someone's older sister,"

She glanced at me for a bit, then looked at the roads and tried to process what I said.

"Pfft... What can you even say to someone you don't know? It's like asking a person without any good backup," She tried to hide her laughter.

"Heh... If you'd be asking me that, it's no different from encountering a boss in some dark fantasy RPG game for the first time and expecting to kill it in one attempt,"

"Huh... I guess you can say that. You really have a lot of free time to compare me to a soul-like boss. It's a good thing I brought you with me,"

"Hey! I just like to play video games. I know there's nothing wrong with that, but what else am I gonna do?"

"Make friends? Have great experiences? Making use of your current youth? Well, at least Yoichi has been talking a bit about you during our dinner,"

"What good did I even do? He just drags me to a few of his problems."


"Hmm... He is a bit problematic on that side, too, but his kind and caring nature does make you think he's oblivious, doesn't it?"

"Exactly! How could a human be oblivious to girls around him,"

"Tch... That too... I didn't expect my brother to be with girls lately. I really asked Buddha for forgiveness because I thought it was the end of the world when they came to our place often."

"So you do get annoyed by your brother very often,"

"Yeah... But he's a good kid, too. I saw him grow up and just don't come to conclusions. I didn't believe it myself when he brought two girls. A childhood friend was fine..."

"He should change my mind,"

"Hmph... So you're like the opposite of him. Someone who's straight to the point, analytical, and able to find ways around. So much for a gamer..."

"Y-Yeah... Well, just like you said. I always come off as rude,"

"Heh... Straight to the point. I like that. We're not that different, eh?" She smirked.


"Guys around my age are all-talk and promise-breakers. I tend to keep myself away from them. They stopped bothering me since I started to act out for myself,"

"They must be assholes to just talk to you until they're satisfied. But leave once you start talking back. Is that it?"

"You can say that,"

"Huh, I guess college guys can be pricks too,"

"Not all the time... They're just a few bad apples,"

"I see..."


The conversation ends again...


Five minutes of ear-deafening awkward silence...


"How did you even meet my brother? To think he has a friend who is rude, bad-mouthed girls, and even sucks at socializing. I also bet you suck at small talks too... You honestly look more of a wimp,"

Shit... Spot on... Am I easily that predictable?

"I... don't know... I was just around in class, and he's just there,"

"Huh.." She stated.

"Yeah... Huh..."

"There's a downside of straight-forward people,"


"They are not good at lying. It's written in your face."

"W-What do you mean?" A bead of sweat slightly runs down my brow.

She squinted her eyes and took a glimpse of me before she looked at the road.

"Heh... Never mind, I won't force you to say it,"

"Well... Sorry for lying then..."

"Ooh.. I think we're finally here,"

We arrived in front of a really old building in the middle of some forest.

I should have looked at the road. This place looks really eerie.

"Where did you bring us to?"

"Don't worry, just get the boxes at the back," she said, exiting and running to the back of the car.

I went to the back as well and grabbed a box.

I can't even see the rest of the surrounding areas. It's freaking dark in the middle of nowhere.

I followed the backlight of the car.

As I picked the smallest box, I jerked my arm a bit and swung it a bit too high.

As I turned around, I almost twisted my foot by the weight of this box.

Even the small ones are heavy, too!

I attempted to recover my balance quickly.

Oh shit...

It's too late!

I'll fall with the box!


Something bumped together with me.

I lost balance again, but it's no use!

I must ditch the box.

Something caught on top of me as soon as I fell back first.

I tried to regain as much info as possible, but something was on top of me, and the only light that helped me give info was...

Hana... Her hands are on my shoulder, and her long hair touches my face.

One of her legs supporting her is between my thighs.

This is... a bizarre situation.

I paused for a second as I looked at Hana's close-up face. Her expression is similar to me.


"G-Get off me!" I closed my eyes and looked away.

She did as I ordered.

I stood up and quickly dusted my body off and grabbed the same box.


That's an accident... No such thing as coincidence...!

She looked away from my view.

"Come on, I'll grab the rest. We'll enter the building," she said as if nothing happened.

I tried my best not to think about it and nodded.

"I'll meet you at the front then, Hana," I said as I walked ahead of her.


After some time, she arrived at the front of this abandoned house, and as she rang the doorbell...


Good god...

Even the doorbell sounds deformed.

Where the hell did she drag me? A haunted abandoned house?

The eerie, old, abandoned building, though it felt like it had been untouched for years. It really makes my skin crawl...

Watching one, though, is boring, but seeing something in real life... 

Is she actually a witch?

The door opens slightly...

Its ancient, loud creaking noise makes it more unbearable to wonder what's the history of this house.

I feel like I'm not even supposed to enter such a place.

I wish I didn't come here.

I gulped, waiting for what was ahead, but...

It is unusually bright.

"Ahh... Shimizu-san! You're late!" A wrinkled man with short hair, wearing a pair of rectangular glasses, smiled as he welcomed the two.

"This old geezer. Stop trying to act like you're young again," Hana greeted as she placed the boxes in the hallway.

The place inside is vivacious.

Speakers are playing old music that sounds between the 50s and the 80s.

People of old age welcome us warmly.

As I enter the living room, there are a few more people that are of Hana's age.

"You're finally here, Hana-san! Our host would have been disappointed if you didn't join," A woman with blonde hair and a purple dress raises her cup.

"Ahahaha, it's alright, it's alright," Hana then approached an old man as he sat quietly in a wheelchair.

"I brought a few more stuff! How are you, Mr. Ujiyasu?" She held the old man's hand as she gave comfort to this old man.

"Huh... I-I'm doing fine, young lady... It's been years since we haven't seen each other? You've grown more beautiful since you were my student," His old, raspy voice responded, and his enlightened smile even influenced those around him.

"Awww... It's great that you're doing fine, too..." She stood up, waving at him before she left the door.

I followed her, and we grabbed the rest of the remaining boxes.

As we entered the car, my face and my expectations changed. 

That was just an abandoned home for the elderly. Hana and her friends there have been giving supplies and providing support for them for this week.

I... I was wrong about her, too.

As we reached Yoichi's place, we picked up the last batch of boxes, and she waved goodbye to me.

She accelerated the car, this time faster than when I entered.


It was loud enough to wake up her neighborhood.

Sh-shit... I have to get out of here.

It's dark, and I have to get home quickly!


I closed the door and stood in the middle of my room...

What a freaking day!

Seeing Yoichi's sister sweat a bit and her voluptuous body through the black crop top and dark blue jeans makes her curvy features much more pronounced.

How could I even think such a thing...

She's the harem protagonist's older sister.

I shake my head...

Did I do something to be rewarded with this? 

My head's going to explode...!


I looked at my PC again and stared at the keyboards' breathing lights.

It's calling me again...


I'm tired...

I can't even feel my legs and arms...

I should get some rest, too...