Arriving To The Central Area From The Forest.


After tasting the grilled meat of this world, Willian couldn't be a more satisfied!

This is the most delicious meat he has eaten in both his life on earth and also in his new world, how the hell, in this world can monkey meat be so good?

Back on Earth, monkey meat couldn't be considered edible, even if it could be eaten, the human would feel like a cannibal if he ate monkey meat, it was always disgusting and unacceptable, but now William was devouring the monkey king meat as if he wasn't there is tomorrow, simply because it is so delicious!

Not only monkey meat but tiger and wolf meat are very tasty, while everything was greedily devoured, Willian really began to wonder what the taste of the meat of sea-kings was, which is the highest quality meat in this world.

Even while swallowing large quantities of grilled meat filled with delicious juices, Willian salivated while thinking about the meat of the sea kings, it was really wonderful that the first portal opened in this wonderful world.

From this day onwards an insatiable meat devourer was born in this world, maybe he could rival Luffy in this world someday! Who knows?

His appetite and need for food became exponentially greater than before, after all, he was just a formerly normal human whose stomach could not handle a great deal of food, but after he obtained a spatial body that didn't seem to comprehend his immense value yet, he became like a person born in this world, even his genes had been modified to become the pinnacle of evolution path in this world.

That is, his genes currently can be compared to the likes of Roger, Kaido, Garp, and other human monsters.

Yes, this is true!

He didn't know yet that even without a Devil Fruit he could become stronger just by eating food and physical training and could create chaos in this world!

But adding a mythical devil fruit to the mix only fanned matters to a catastrophic level.

Right now Willian's strength was increasing at a rate that even he didn't know its size. All he could feel was that he might have become a little stronger, but to determine his true level he had to fight someone stronger than him to know.

From what he knew, those monster kings who became his food and that he could easily kill them, could be compared to the strength of a pirate who had the equivalent of 20 million berry on his head, and in the Four Seas, such a pirate was already extremely powerful.

In terms of marine levels, it is estimated that they can be compared to a first officer, stronger than four official levels in the Navy.

If he could easily beat a monster of this level then where exactly did his true strength reach, he didn't know... He was already starting to doubt himself, how could he obtain such strength in the short period of no more than 4 hours from just an ordinary person?

Well, it's definitely because of the deep-secrets system, Willian has tried for a long time now to ask the system many questions but it doesn't answer.

By the way, this system seems to have no artificial intelligence or system soul at all, it looks like a computer program with a specific algorithm, Willian needs a lot of time to get to know the real functions of the system and be able to deal with it easily, because it doesn't look like a typical system can give tasks or something, and its benefits seem vague but immediate.

Willian stopped thinking about things of the system now and decided to move deeper into the forest, after all, he had finished eating the meat although he wasn't fully filled but he was very satisfied.

After putting out the fire with his Ice so as not to cause an unfortunate forest fire and cleaning his hands and mouth in a small stream nearby, Willian advanced very quickly towards the centre area of the forest.

Earlier, from the sky he had seen some huge shadows fighting and wreaking havoc next to the dormant volcano, Willian recognized them as monster kings stronger than the ones he filled his stomach with earlier, so he was excited to experience another smoldering fight.

Willian felt his movements became as graceful as an ape and his steps became as fast as a wolf, if he were to return to Dola now and go to war, he would become a god worshiped and revered by the knights.

His royal father? God of War? What was this? No one could compare to his current strength in Dola, he was now an individual with the strength of 100 and would become stronger and stronger the more he entered this world!

With quick steps, Willian walked on the tree and began using the strong branches of trees to move between them at high speed until he reached to open area in the middle there is a high volcanic mountain. Willian paused on a 30-meter-tall tree branch and gazed out at the wonderful view of a long-distance field covered in flowers pleasing to the eyes.

This place was a true natural paradise, if it weren't for the broken trees here and there bearing signs of the fighting that took place here some time ago, the view would have been perfect.


Booom! Crack! Crush!!

A sudden attack came like a whip and it caused the tree that Willian was standing on earlier to split in half as wooden parts and sawdust scattered everywhere causing chaos in the area.

Before he was whipped by what looked like the long tail of a monster, Willian had already jumped from the pathetic tree.

Willian maintained his composure as he already knew that he had entered the monsters' den, an attack like this was already waiting.

The figure of a monster whose sneak attack had failed appeared after the dust settled.

Willian saw a gigantic sized python, even bigger than the python he had seen before, the python in front of Willian could terrify anyone weak-willed, it was a full 30 meters long, it looked like a giant looking at a child at this moment.

The python king did not waste time and attacked with its head this time, it was so fast that Willian found it difficult to avoid him.
