Selection Of Crew Members


Willian was currently at the dining table for his lunch, he was late to sleep because he was really tired, and too late in the bathroom because he couldn't live without his daily dose of his beautiful women, so today's breakfast is gone! It's lunchtime already, well, no tricks.

He ate all the meat that was which had been prepared for him by his personal maids after they had taken charge over the kitchen because of yesterday's event, because they no longer trusted anyone.

Although the meat that his women prepared for him is really tasty, but he found himself in a real mess...

Whatever he ate, he was never satisfied...

Ever since he ate the flesh from the world of One Piece, he found that the meat of the world of Dola was like eating dirt, today's lunch was like torture for his stomach.

Paulo! Fred! Kalgar!

"We are here, Your Highness!"×3

When he finished eating the pathetic food, Because he doesn't want to make Sania, who prepared everything for him, sad.

He immediately summoned his three shadows.

Out of thin air appeared the three best assassins working under his command, before, since he was not an assassin and had not trained in it he didn't really know where they would appear when he called them, he had always been really curious about this, but now that he's getting stronger and his senses became so sharp he could see everything clearly.

He could swear that he was feeling everything in his surroundings, he couldn't describe that feeling in words, but he just felt like he had a lot of extra eyes, but when he tried to focus on that feeling it disappeared like a mirage.

(Could this be the Observation Haki?!)

Returning to the subject of assassins, he noticed that Paulo was silently and professionally hiding in a box behind him.

The other two were in difficult physical positions, it seemed as if they were trying to blend in with the walls and the floor and minimize their presence, just like lizards!

"Paulo! Fred! And you too, Kalgar, since you all are my most loyal and trusting subordinate and who have served under me for years without ever I see any slip or Inefficiency from you...I choose today to reward you with a reward that will completely change your life and your destiny..."

"The reward is indeed much greater than your little imagination might imagine, but it comes with high risks as well…"

"I will ask you, for the first and the last time also, will you accept my reward and its consequences as well?"

Willian's expression was very serious and also cold as he looked at the three assassins.

These assassins were among the best in the empire, occupying positions in the top ten list of the best assassins in the Blueren Empire.

In short, their skills in assassination and executing silent missions are among the best in the empire and on the continent-level as well, no one knows that they are working under his command, not even his royal father!

Their nicknames are as follows:

Phantom Killer: No. 1 in the top ten list of the Blueren Empire. (Paulo)

Poison Arrow: No. 3 in the top ten list of the Blueren Empire. (Fred)

Autumn Breeze: No. 5 in the top ten list of the Blueren Empire. (Kalgar)

"We gladly accept your generosity, Your Highness." Paulo said,

"The risks don't matter at all." And Fred added,

"All that matters is fulfilling Your Highness's wish." Kalgar said too,

For these assassins, serving His Highness Willian was the best decision they had made in their entire lives.

Only someone working with Willian could comprehend the sensation of the three assassins at this moment.

"Very good, I did not misjudge you all."

Willian was pleased with their steady and unwavering response, always impressed by the assassins' strong determination that even knights did not possess.

For the assassin, losing from torture and pouring beans on the enemy, or fear of death and betrayal of the client, is blasphemy to the Death God himself, and whoever blasphemes the Death God will have a worse fate than death, so the assassins are trained in unshakable fortitude.

(The Death God is also one of the five deities who are worshiped in the world of Dola.)

Willian looked at them with a very satisfied look, they had been protecting him from the shadows and carrying out his orders since he was 10 years old.

For him to have chosen them for his crew not only because of their amazing skills but also because he genuinely considers them a part of his family, after all, he owed them his life.

"I and You guys, from now on we will be pirates!"





"Why are you giving me such a skeptical look?"

"Your Highness, I don't mean to offend, but what did you mean that we would be pirates?"

Paulo or the so-called Phantom Killer was confused at this moment, did their young master suffer brain damage?

How can a future king become a notorious pirate?

The pirates of this world are the outcasts of the gods after all.

Yes, in this world some pirates also cause chaos in the seas, but they are considered outcasts by the five gods or, in a more objective way, they are pariahs from the five continents, that is, they are hated by everyone on Earth as they cause heavy losses to almost everyone in the world.

In short, pirates are one of the few subjects that nobles and peasants, assassins and knights, and even slaves, kings, and princes all share in hating in this world.

And now their young master wanted them to become cursed pirates, what they absolutely hated.

Even Freed and Kalgar looked toward their young master with confusion and some almost unnoticeable disappointment.

"Don't give me those looks, I don't mean we're going to be pirates in this world, pirates in this world are just a joke, we're going to be real pirates, we'll lead the banner of global conquest we'll be world pirates, and our first target for conquest is the world of real pirates, guys!"

Willian spoke with unending enthusiasm like a child who had found his favorite toy, the fervor burning in his soul as he remembered his newly changed fate was something his passion could not be extinguished easily. The real deal is a world of pirates and world government, a world maybe where a living god dwells among humans (Imu-Sama).

This time the minds of the three assassins crippled as they listened to their Young Master's nonsense, it seemed as if he had already lost it.

"That look again, well, it seems that words alone are not enough to make things very clear, so let me show you what I mean by my words, and remember what I said a moment ago because I won't say it again."

Willian waved his hand and a world portal appeared showing a world covered in the darkness of the night and the brightness of the stars, moon, and coastal winds on the other side of the portal.

The eyes of the three assassins were wide open as they looked at the imaginary phenomenon right in front of their eyes.

What was this?

Are they hallucinating now?

Were they attacked by an enemy using hallucinogenic flowers?

Let someone answer them.
