Hunt the Pirates Again!

❄️One Piece: Rise Of The Foreign Ice Dragon❄️

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Once again Willian goes out to sea to hunt the pirates and find Laffitte.

Once he was assured of the excellent progress still afoot in Dragon City, he transformed into a giant dragon and flew from the monster paradise island towards the ballywood kingdom.

From the information he got from Robin, not only was Lafitte near that place but also the Wooden Shield Pirates led by Wooden Armadillo , 17 Million Berry on his head.

This wooden armadillo also had a devil fruit, from the name only Willian knew that this devil fruit had a relationship with wood.

It was very likely the same as the Metal Fruit and Rock Fruit, and he seemed to collect the five elements.

Willian flew through the clouds like a free bird, taking a smooth path over the sea only from the map so he did not fly over any island.

He came across some merchant ships and also some unlucky pirates. He didn't bother with merchant ships but he crushed the pirates ships and he took all the berry they had, he gained 15 million berry from them.

After hours of continuous flying, Willian finally reached the Ballywood Sea and slowed his speed down to discover every ship in this sea. For find his targets it was dependent on his sharp senses at this point.

Willian canceled out the dragon's complete transformation and only left wings through partial transformation.

This shape was more comfortable even if someone saw it they wouldn't associate it with a dragon.

Willian still didn't want his dragon form to leak out so as not to catch Kaido's attention, at least until he became an Admiral-level force.

After searching incessantly in the sea near the island, Willian did not find anything, so he continued on his way to the kingdom of Ballywood, perhaps he would find his enemies there.

Willian descended like a rocket on the edge of the huge island that can hold a kingdom on its vast lands.

He didn't forget to register a new arrival point at this place, it was a chore for him, from now on any island he landed on he would automatically register it in his system no matter how important or unimportant that island was.

Before turning away from the sea and entering the depths of the island, Willian noticed a high cliff overlooking the sea and seemed a good place to hide ships, he had no problem exploring so he went to see what was on the other side without hesitation.

The moment he stood at the top of the cliff he saw the shape of the stern of a ship hidden in the depths of the sea cave.

It was a perfect place to hide a ship, but unfortunately it was not hidden from Willian's senses.

With a flutter of his wings, Willian jumped off the high cliff and before falling into the sea, he stopped in mid-air with his wings again.

The cliff was at least 50 meters high and was so wide that it could conceal more than one ship.

Finally Willian saw the whole ship and the pirate flag appeared in him as well, the shape drawn in the flag was an ordinary skull with two trees crossed at the bottom instead of bones.

"This is the flag of the Wooden Shield Pirates! So this is their ship."

With great enthusiasm, Willian boarded the ship that he had been searching for for hours on end until now. Who would have thought that this ship was hiding here!

Now Willian is sure that his first target is on this island.

The first thing he has to do now is loot this ship.

Since he boarded the ship, his acute senses have not sensed any living creature on board except the fish swimming below the ship.

So without delay Willian combed every place on the ship and without a doubt the fortune of a great pirate in the West Blue didn't disappoint him, he had found over 100 million berries! Only the gods knew how many people died at the hands of this savage crew to collect all that money.

Willian looked at the gold, jewels, and other treasures. They were stashed in boxes if he wasn't mistaken. All this could be worth another 100 million Berries, this time not leaving such a huge fortune behind.

With a flick of his fingers he opened a small spatial portal and threw all the treasures into it, the place where these treasures had fallen was his royal tent in the middle of Area E.

He didn't know that his four rabbits plus Robin were inside and were showered with gold and gems at this moment.
