The beginning of the emergence of the features of Dragon City!

❄️One Piece: Rise Of The Foreign Ice Dragon❄️

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Away from the commotion of war, Willian was currently in Dragon City with his harem and Robin, of course, that didn't mean that he didn't know about the huge army that would knock on the gates of his city for two days later.

He already knew but he didn't care, he would freeze them all and bury them in the sea of the pirates' world so that none of their traces would be found anymore.

This is exactly what he intends to do.

In the past week, Willian has made frequent trips between the world of pirates and the world of Dola and he has done a lot of things.

The most important thing was that he had already completed the registration and transfer of all the people who wanted to work in Dragon City.

He had also managed to obtain 3 more Devil Fruits from the pirates that he had been madly hunting down recently, unfortunately, this time they were all just an ordinary zoan, but for Willian, they were still a wonderful treasure.

After obtaining the last 3 Devil Fruits, he finally gave them to his generals.

Before, he had a 3 Paramecia: the Metal Devil Fruit, from Karl. the Wooden Devil Fruit, from Wooden Armadillo. And the Ton Devil Fruit, from Machvice.

In addition to the Devil Fruit he had obtained from Machvice's subordinates, he didn't know its type or ability yet, but he knew it was a powerful Devil Fruit because the Donquixote Family was looking for it.

It was all 7 Devil Fruits in total, this was an amazing harvest!

The main point is that Willian gave the Metal Fruit to Kalgar, and the Wooden Fruit to Fred, thus he officially obtained the Three Elemental Generals, with the Rocks Fruit for Paulo! Even though they are all Paramecia and not Logia.

But the important thing was that the system made the talent of his subordinates extremely powerful, causing their levels of strength and comprehension of the Devil Fruit to rise by the day.

Willian also gave the zoan fruit of the black tiger type to army general Rogerdo. And he gave the zoan fruit of the hawk type to the army general Vulto. And he gave the zoan fruit of the mantis type to the general of the security guards Helan.

This ordinary zoan made the physical strength of his generals soar to the ceiling, they had officially become superhuman!

When they all obtained the Devil Fruit, their happiness was beyond imagination, and from that day on they had doubled their training intent on becoming stronger for the sake of Willian and the organization.

This is about the affairs of the army.

As for the development of the Dragon City, the first point that should be mentioned is that everyone in the Diamond City has become aware of the other world and the Dragon City.

All of the Willian people and their subordinates became certain of the fact that the lord of their city was a heavenly apostle.

The fortunes that Dragon City brought them in just a week exceeded their wildest dreams!

Diamond City is more vibrant than ever and the reason is Dragon City.

With the best technical knowledge from modern earth that the system instilled in the subordinates of the Dragon King organization, Dragon City had already begun to emerge.

Many buildings and compounds were built in each designated area.

The center of Monster Paradise Island, which a week ago looked rustic and devoid of any signs of civilization, now looks like a rising modern city!

From the top, the paved roads that dotted the vast forests of Dragon City could be seen as a woven net.

There are even ways that end in spatial portals, as there are many spatial portals scattered everywhere on the island, in the sea, on land, and even in the sky!

Willian put them in designated places permanently, since only members of the Dragon King Organization could pass through them, Willian wasn't worried.

They were spatial portals connecting the vital areas of both cities.

Willian didn't forget to order the construction workers to prepare a large port in a suitable area and connect it to the port of Diamond City through a huge spatial portal.

By this, Willian sent hundreds of wooden ships to Dragon City, and with this, the organization had everything it needed from Diamond City.

After all, Willian couldn't start producing modern ships in the industrial area yet, he still needed a lot of time to reach that stage.

Therefore, for the time being, the organization will be content with wooden ships, which will be modified with the strong wood of the One Piece World before they are allowed to be used for sailing.

Well, the Dragon King's organization would mostly rely on a spatial portal to travel, but they would need ships nonetheless.

Currently, Willian and his group have finished their daily tour through the thriving Dragon City and have returned to their home, which is still in the construction phase.

Willian was building his own luxurious villa, in the royal district within the finest place in Dragon City, but it wasn't finished any time soon, so Willian contented himself with a small wooden house that was quickly built, that was better than a tent after all.


"Here Robin, can you tell what kind of devil fruit this is?"

Willian's group was having lunch in a very warm atmosphere until Willian was reminded about the only remaining devil fruit in his possession and took it out afterward.

Robin took a scarlet-red devil fruit from Willian's hand and carefully examined it.

"Oh my God!! Where did you get it from?!"

"What, do you know about it, Robin?!"

"I've read a certain part of the Devil Fruit Encyclopedia before, if I'm not mistaken, this devil fruit is the Mythical Zoan-type, the Vermillion Bird!"

Willian was dumbfounded at this moment.
